如何在C++中创建类型列表的 n 路笛卡尔积?

How can I create a n way Cartesian product of type lists in C++?

本文关键字:笛卡尔积 列表 类型 C++ 创建      更新时间:2023-10-16



using type_list_1 = type_list<int, somestructA>;
using type_list_2 = type_list<somestructB>;
using type_list_3 = type_list<double, short>;



result = type_list<
type_list<int, somestructB, double>,
type_list<int, somestructB, short>,
type_list<somestructA, somestructB, double>,
type_list<somestructA, somestructB, short>



template <typename...> struct type_list{};
// To concatenate
template <typename... Ts, typename... Us>
constexpr auto operator|(type_list<Ts...>, type_list<Us...>) {
return type_list{Ts{}..., Us{}...};
template <typename T, typename... Ts, typename... Us>
constexpr auto cross_product_two(type_list<T, Ts...>, type_list<Us...>) {
return (type_list<type_list<T,Us>...>{} | ... | type_list<type_list<Ts, Us>...>{});
template <typename T, typename U, typename... Ts>
constexpr auto cross_product_impl() {
if constexpr(sizeof...(Ts) >0) {
return cross_product_impl<decltype(cross_product_two(T{}, U{})), Ts...>();
} else {
return cross_product_two(T{}, U{});

我只想说,考虑到正确处理它是多么困难,只需像 Barry 的答案那样使用 boost。不幸的是,我不得不坚持使用手卷方法,因为是否使用boost是来自其他地方的决定:(

使用 Boost.Mp11,这是一个简短的单行代码(一如既往(:

using result = mp_product<
type_list_1, type_list_2, type_list_3>;



template<class ... T>
struct type_list{};
struct somestructA{};
struct somestructB{};
using type_list_1 = type_list<int, somestructA, char>;
using type_list_2 = type_list<somestructB>;
using type_list_3 = type_list<double, short, float>;
template<class TL1, class TL2>
struct add;
template<class ... T1s, class ... T2s>
struct add<type_list<T1s...>, type_list<T2s...>>
using type = type_list<T1s..., T2s...>;
template<class ... TL>
struct concat;
template<class TL, class ... TLs>
struct concat<TL, TLs...>
using type = typename add<TL, typename concat<TLs...>::type>::type;
template<class TL>
struct concat<TL>
using type = TL;
static_assert(std::is_same_v<type_list<int, somestructA, char, double, short, float>, typename add<type_list_1, type_list_3>::type>);
template<class TL1, class TL2>
struct multiply_one;
// Prepends each element of T1 to the list T2.
template<class ... T1s, class ... T2s>
struct multiply_one<type_list<T1s...>, type_list<T2s...>>
using type = typename concat<type_list<type_list<T1s, T2s...>...>>::type;
type_list<int, double, short, float>,
type_list<somestructA, double, short, float>,
type_list<char, double, short, float>
typename multiply_one<type_list_1, type_list_3>::type>);
// Prepends each element of TL to all type lists in TLL.
template<class TL, class TLL>
struct multiply_all;
template<class TL, class ... TLs>
struct multiply_all<TL, type_list<TLs...>>
using type = typename concat<typename multiply_one<TL, TLs>::type...>::type;
type_list<int, double, short, float>,
type_list<somestructA, double, short, float>,
type_list<char, double, short, float>
typename multiply_all<type_list_1, type_list<type_list_3>>::type>);
type_list<int, somestructB>,
type_list<somestructA, somestructB>,
type_list<char, somestructB>,
type_list<int, double, short, float>,
type_list<somestructA, double, short, float>,
type_list<char, double, short, float>
typename multiply_all<type_list_1, type_list<type_list_2, type_list_3>>::type>);
template<class TL, class ... TLs>
struct cartesian_product
using type = typename multiply_all<TL, typename cartesian_product<TLs...>::type>::type;
template<class ... Ts>
struct cartesian_product<type_list<Ts...>>
using type = type_list<type_list<Ts>...>;

using expected_result = type_list<
type_list<int, somestructB, double>,
type_list<somestructA, somestructB, double>,
type_list<char, somestructB, double>,
type_list<int, somestructB, short>,
type_list<somestructA, somestructB, short>,
type_list<char, somestructB, short>,
type_list<int, somestructB, float>,
type_list<somestructA, somestructB, float>,
type_list<char, somestructB, float>
cartesian_product<type_list_1, type_list_2, type_list_3>::type>);





template<typename... Ts>
typelist<typelist<Ts>...> layered(typelist<Ts...>);
template<typename... Ts, typename... Us>
auto operator+(typelist<Ts...>, typelist<Us...>)
-> typelist<Ts..., Us...>;
template<typename T, typename... Us>
auto operator*(typelist<T>, typelist<Us...>)
-> typelist<decltype(T{} + Us{})...>;
template<typename... Ts, typename TL>
auto operator^(typelist<Ts...>, TL tl)
-> decltype(((typelist<Ts>{} * tl) + ...));
template<typename... TLs>
using product_t = decltype((layered(TLs{}) ^ ...));

大功告成。与递归相比,这具有具有 O(1( 实例化深度的额外好处。

struct A0;
struct A1;
struct B0;
struct B1;
struct C0;
struct C1;
struct C2;
using t1 = typelist<A0, A1>;
using t2 = typelist<B0, B1>;
using t3 = typelist<C0, C1, C2>; 
using p1 = product_t<t1, t2>;
using p2 = product_t<t1, t2, t3>;
using expect1 = typelist<typelist<A0, B0>,
typelist<A0, B1>,
typelist<A1, B0>,
typelist<A1, B1>>;
using expect2 = typelist<typelist<A0, B0, C0>,
typelist<A0, B0, C1>,
typelist<A0, B0, C2>,
typelist<A0, B1, C0>,
typelist<A0, B1, C1>,
typelist<A0, B1, C2>,
typelist<A1, B0, C0>,
typelist<A1, B0, C1>,
typelist<A1, B0, C2>,
typelist<A1, B1, C0>,
typelist<A1, B1, C1>,
typelist<A1, B1, C2>>;
static_assert(std::is_same_v<p1, expect1>);
static_assert(std::is_same_v<p2, expect2>);