
TMP: how to generalize a Cartesian Product of Vectors?

本文关键字:笛卡尔积 向量 何推广 TMP      更新时间:2023-10-16

对于整数向量的向量的笛卡尔积,有一个很好的C++解(实际上是 2 个解:递归和非递归)。 为了说明/简单起见,让我们只关注非递归版本





如果它使生活更轻松,让我们假设输入中的内部向量都是齐次的。 所以不允许这样的输入:{{5,"baz"}{'c',-2}}


更简单的递归解决方案。它将向量作为函数参数,而不是元组。此版本不构建临时元组,而是使用 lambda。现在它不会进行不必要的复制/移动,并且似乎已成功优化。

// cross_imp(f, v...) means "do `f` for each element of cartesian product of v..."
template<typename F>
inline void cross_imp(F f) {
template<typename F, typename H, typename... Ts>
inline void cross_imp(F f, std::vector<H> const& h,
                           std::vector<Ts> const&... t) {
    for(H const& he: h)
        cross_imp([&](Ts const&... ts){
                      f(he, ts...);
                  }, t...);
template<typename... Ts>
std::vector<std::tuple<Ts...>> cross(std::vector<Ts> const&... in) {
    std::vector<std::tuple<Ts...>> res;
    cross_imp([&](Ts const&... ts){
              }, in...);
    return res;
int main() {
    std::vector<int> is = {2,5,9};
    std::vector<char const*> cps = {"foo","bar"};
    std::vector<double> ds = {1.5, 3.14, 2.71};
    auto res = cross(is, cps, ds);
    for(auto& a: res) {
        std::cout << '{' << std::get<0>(a) << ',' <<
                            std::get<1>(a) << ',' <<
                            std::get<2>(a) << "}n";


template<unsigned fixedIndex, class T>
class DynamicTupleGetter
    typedef typename std::tuple_element<fixedIndex, T>::type RetType;
    static RetType get(unsigned dynIndex, const T& tupleInstance)
        const RetType& ret = std::get<fixedIndex>(tupleInstance);
        if (fixedIndex == dynIndex)
            return ret;
        return DynamicTupleGetter<fixedIndex - 1, T>::get(dynIndex, tupleInstance);
template<class T>
class DynamicTupleGetter<0, T>
    typedef typename std::tuple_element<0, T>::type RetType;
    static RetType get(unsigned dynIndex, const T& tupleInstance)
        assert(dynIndex == 0);
        return std::get<0>(tupleInstance);
template<class Source>
struct Converter
    typedef typename std::tuple_element<0, Source>::type Zeroth;
    typedef typename std::tuple_element<1, Source>::type First;
    static const size_t size0 = std::tuple_size<Zeroth>::value;
    static const size_t size1 = std::tuple_size<First>::value;
    static const size_t  outerProductSize = size0 * size1;
    typedef typename std::tuple_element<0, Zeroth>::type BaseType0;
    typedef typename std::tuple_element<0, First>::type BaseType1;
    typedef typename std::tuple<BaseType0, BaseType1> EntryType;
    typedef std::array<EntryType, outerProductSize> DestinationType;
    DestinationType create(const Source& source)
        Zeroth zeroth = std::get<0>(source);
        First first = std::get<1>(source);
        typedef typename DynamicTupleGetter<size0 -1, Zeroth> ZerothGetter;
        typedef typename DynamicTupleGetter<size1 -1, First> FirstGetter;
        DestinationType result;
        size_t resultIndex = 0;
        for(size_t i = 0; i < size0; ++i)
            for(size_t j = 0; j < size1; ++j)
                std::get<0>(result[resultIndex]) = ZerothGetter::get(i, zeroth) ;        
                std::get<1>(result[resultIndex]) = FirstGetter::get(j, first); 
            return result;


template<class T>
void create(const T& source)
    Converter<T> converter;
    Converter<T>::DestinationType result = converter.create(source);
    std::cout << std::get<0>(std::get<3>(result)) << "," << std::get<1>(std::get<3>(result)) << std::endl;

auto intPart = std::make_tuple(2,5,9);
auto stringPart = std::make_tuple("foo","bar");
auto source = std::make_tuple(intPart, stringPart);
void f()