
How to convert a string to uppercase using a Queue?

本文关键字:转换 字符串 何使用 队列      更新时间:2024-09-21
#include<string> // probally not needed
using namespace std;
int main()
queue <string> str; // i created some kind of vector queue
cout << "Please enter a string." << endl;
string temp; 
cin >> temp; // grabs the string
if(temp != "") // checks if string is empty
str.push(temp); // pushes it onto queue
for(int i = 0; i < temp.size(); i++) // suppose to go through 
//each element in queue
//str.pop(temp); /pops an element as requied by assignment
toupper(i); // suppose to turn each letter upper case
exit(0); // exits the program if string is empty
cout << temp; // suppose to display queue, that should be in 
//upper case form.
return 0;




#include<string> // probally not needed
using namespace std;
int main()
queue <char> str; //make it char queue
cout << "Please enter a string." << endl;
string temp, result = ""; 
getline (cin, temp); //grabs string, including spaces
if(temp != "") // checks if string is empty
// push each character into queue
for(int i = 0; i < temp.size(); i++) // suppose to go through 
while(!str.empty()) //take a char from queue and do the task pop them.
char tm = str.front();
tm = tm-32; // making lower to upper
result = result+tm;

exit(0); // exits the program if string is empty
cout << result; // suppose to display queue, that should be in 
//upper case form.

return 0;