
Finding Largest And Smallest Number With UserInput ,c++

本文关键字:数字 c++ UserInput 查找      更新时间:2024-09-21




int MaxMin_Int(int& sum,int& count,int& LargestNum,int& SmallestNum)
int num;

cout<< "Enter Number (Press 0 to Exit): ";

sum = sum + num;
count++;                        //incerement count...

if ( num > LargestNum)          // Store Largest number in variable LargestNum
LargestNum = num;
else if ( num > SmallestNum && num < LargestNum )
SmallestNum = num;          //Store Smallest number in SmallestNum varaible

}while(num != 0);

return sum,count,LargestNum,SmallestNum;
int main(){

//decleration of static variables
int sum = 0;
int count = 0;
int LargestNum = 0;
int SmallestNum = 1;

//Loop that breaks Once User Enters '0'

// Output the sum of numbers and number of numbers entered before program was executed.

cout<<"nn"<<count<<" Values Were Entered"<<endl;
cout<<"With a sum of: "<<sum<<endl<<endl;

// Out put Highest And Lowest Numbers

cout<<"Largest Number Entered: "<< LargestNum <<endl;
cout<<"Smallest Number Entered: "<< SmallestNum <<endl;

return 0;

您应该测试if ( num < SmallestNum)

此外,重新考虑SmallestNum的初始值。如果输入是7 3 12,会发生什么?所有数字都大于1,因此即使用户的输入中没有1,也不会将任何数字分配给SmallestNum,并且输出将是1

存在一些问题。在第一次输入(count == 0(之后,您必须设置LargestNumSmallestNum。如果退出条件为0,则忽略0。最小的数目是用条件CCD_ 11来检测的。参数是通过引用传递的。不需要返回值。

void MaxMin_Int(int& sum, int& count, int& LargestNum, int& SmallestNum)
int num;

sum = count = LargestNum = SmallestNum = 0;
do {
cout << "Enter Number (Press 0 to Exit): ";
cin >> num;

if (num != 0)
if (count == 0)
LargestNum = SmallestNum = num;
else if (num > LargestNum) 
LargestNum = num;
else if (num < SmallestNum)
SmallestNum = num;   
sum += num;
} while (num != 0);