
Recursive binary search for a string - C++

本文关键字:搜索 -C++ 二进制 递归 字符串      更新时间:2023-10-16


void findMatchesInDict(string word, int start, const string dict[], int end, string results[], int& totalResults)
// initial start = 0 index
// initial end = last index of dict array
int middle = start + (end - start) / 2;
if (end < start)
if (word == dict[middle]) // if we found a match
storeUniqueMatches(word, 0, results, totalResults); 
else if (word < dict[middle])
findMatchesInDict(word, start, dict, middle - 1, results, totalResults);
findMatchesInDict(word, middle + 1, dict, end, results, totalResults);





void findMatchesInDict(string word, int start, const string dict[], int end, string results[], int& totalResults)
if (start > end) 
if (word == dict[start]) // if we found a match
storeUniqueMatches(word, 0, results, totalResults);
findMatchesInDict(word, start + 1, dict, size, results, totalResults);



findMatchesInDict(word, start, dict, middle - 1, results, totalResults);


findMatchesInDict(word, start, dict, middle, results, totalResults);


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
size_t find(const std::string &word, const std::string dict[], size_t i0, size_t size)
if (!size) return (size_t)-1; // bail out with invalid index
const size_t i = i0 + size / 2;
return word == dict[i]
? i
: word < dict[i]
? find(word, dict, i0, i - i0)
: find(word, dict, i + 1, i0 + size - (i + 1));
int main()
const std::string dict[] = {
"Ada", "BASIC", "C", "C++",
"D", "Haskell", "INTERCAL", "Modula2",
"Oberon", "Pascal", "Scala", "Scratch",
const size_t sizeDict = sizeof dict / sizeof *dict;
unsigned nErrors = 0;
// brute force tests to find something what is in
for (size_t n = 1; n <= sizeDict; ++n) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
if (find(dict[i], dict, 0, n) >= n) {
std::cerr << "ALERT! Unable to find entry " << i << " in " << n << " entries!n";
// brute force tests to find something what is not in
for (size_t n = 1; n <= sizeDict; ++n) {
if (find("", dict, 0, n) < n) {
std::cerr << "ALERT! Able to find entry '' in " << n << " entries!n";
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
if (find(dict[i] + " + Assembler", dict, 0, n) < n) {
std::cerr << "ALERT! Able to find entry '" << dict[i] << " + Assembler' in " << n << " entries!n";
// report
if (!nErrors) std::cout << "All tests passed OK.n";
else std::cerr << nErrors << " tests failed!n";
// done
return nErrors > 0;



  1. dict从1到大小的每个长度进行了测试。对于每个长度,搜索dict的任何条目。

  2. 对CCD_ 6从1到大小的每个长度进行了测试。对于每个长度,测试空字符串(在任何其他条目之前(以及任何经过修改的条目。(修改授权它将在未修改的条目和其后续条目之间,或在最后一个条目之后。(


All tests passed OK.



find(word, dict, i0, i - i0)


find(word, dict, i0, i - i0 > 0 ? i - i0 - 1 : 0)



ALERT! Unable to find entry 0 in 2 entries!
ALERT! Unable to find entry 0 in 3 entries!
ALERT! Unable to find entry 1 in 4 entries!
ALERT! Unable to find entry 1 in 5 entries!
ALERT! Unable to find entry 3 in 5 entries!
ALERT! Unable to find entry 0 in 6 entries!
ALERT! Unable to find entry 2 in 6 entries!
ALERT! Unable to find entry 4 in 6 entries!
ALERT! Unable to find entry 0 in 7 entries!
ALERT! Unable to find entry 2 in 7 entries!
ALERT! Unable to find entry 4 in 7 entries!
ALERT! Unable to find entry 0 in 8 entries!
ALERT! Unable to find entry 3 in 8 entries!
ALERT! Unable to find entry 5 in 8 entries!
ALERT! Unable to find entry 0 in 9 entries!
ALERT! Unable to find entry 3 in 9 entries!
ALERT! Unable to find entry 6 in 9 entries!
ALERT! Unable to find entry 1 in 10 entries!
ALERT! Unable to find entry 4 in 10 entries!
ALERT! Unable to find entry 7 in 10 entries!
ALERT! Unable to find entry 1 in 11 entries!
ALERT! Unable to find entry 4 in 11 entries!
ALERT! Unable to find entry 7 in 11 entries!
ALERT! Unable to find entry 9 in 11 entries!
ALERT! Unable to find entry 1 in 12 entries!
ALERT! Unable to find entry 3 in 12 entries!
ALERT! Unable to find entry 5 in 12 entries!
ALERT! Unable to find entry 8 in 12 entries!
ALERT! Unable to find entry 10 in 12 entries!
ALERT! Unable to find entry 1 in 13 entries!
ALERT! Unable to find entry 3 in 13 entries!
ALERT! Unable to find entry 5 in 13 entries!
ALERT! Unable to find entry 7 in 13 entries!
ALERT! Unable to find entry 9 in 13 entries!
ALERT! Unable to find entry 11 in 13 entries!
35 tests failed!



  1. "off by 1"可以从本质上打破二进制搜索。

  2. 如何设计强力测试来发现此类错误。
