
How to allow timer to keep running in the background

本文关键字:继续 运行 后台 何允许 计时器      更新时间:2023-10-16

我正在为我的俱乐部编写一个程序。要求用户在 2 分钟内回答 10 个问题。我为每个问题使用函数,并在用户回答完当前问题时调用下一个函数。如何在显示问题的同时在顶部显示剩余时间?

尝试过循环来控制我的时间。但它不会在顶部显示剩余时间并在循环需要执行的同时显示问题,直到条件为 false。

cout<<"Question 1 out of 10"<<endl<<endl;
cout<<" Where Is The First Indoor Bowling Lane Built? "<<endl;
cout<<"A. New York City"<<endl;
cout<<"B. Berlin"<<endl;
cout<<"C. Ohio"<<endl;
cout<<"D. Japan"<<endl;
cout<<"Your answer: ";                                                                                                                       
void countdown()
cout<<"Time remaining: "<<timer<<endl;


我回想起MS-DOS的时代,记得Windows中<conio.h> _kbhit提供了一个功能。 它不是便携式的,但也许你不在乎。 这是我敲出的一个函数,它将使用_kbhit轮询按键。 它像胆量一样粗糙,但也许这就是你要找的。

int GetInputWithTimeout(int count, int timeout)
    int answer = -1;
    const int poll_rate = 10;
    int poll_cycle = 0, last_timeout = 0;
    do {
        // poll for keypress and store answer if valid
        if (_kbhit())
            int input = _getch();
            while (_kbhit()) _getch(); // discard control sequences
            input = tolower(input);
            if (input >= 'a' && input < 'a' + count)
                answer = input - 'a';
        // display time remaining if changed
        if (last_timeout != timeout) {
            last_timeout = timeout;
            std::cout << "rTime remaining: " << timeout << " " << std::flush;
        // perform small sleeps for a potentially wildly inaccurate, but responsive delay
        if (timeout > 0)
            Sleep(1000 / poll_rate);
            poll_cycle = (poll_cycle + 1) % poll_rate;
            if (poll_cycle == 0) --timeout;
    } while (timeout > 0 && answer == -1);
    std::cout << std::endl;
    return answer;

因此,您可以使用此功能,传递所需数量的测验输入。 建议使用如下:

struct Question {
    std::string question;
    std::vector<std::string> answers;
    int correct_answer;
    int timeout_seconds = 10;
bool AskQuestion(int number, const Question& question)
    std::cout << "Question " << number << ": " << question.question << std::endl;
    int count = static_cast<int>(question.answers.size());
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
        std::cout << "  " << char('A' + i) << ": " << question.answers[i] << std::endl;
    int answer = GetInputWithTimeout(count, question.timeout_seconds);
    return answer == question.correct_answer;

您会注意到我在结构中表示了一个测验问题。 因此,您可以像这样设置和运行整个测验:

int main()
    std::vector<Question> questions = {
            "Where Is The First Indoor Bowling Lane Built?",
                "New York City",
            0, // I have no idea, so just guessed it's new york
            "What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?",
                "What do you mean -- an african or european swallow?"
    int num_questions = static_cast<int>(questions.size());
    int num_correct = 0;    
    for (int q = 0; q < num_questions; q++)
        num_correct += AskQuestion(q, questions[q]);
        std::cout << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Final score: " << num_correct << " of " << num_questions << std::endl;
    return 0;

哎呀,我有点为你写了整个程序。 它并不漂亮,但希望至少能教你一些东西。