
I can not seem to get my largestLength recursive function to work

本文关键字:递归函数 工作 我的      更新时间:2023-10-16


Everything else works perfectly. The function has to be recursive.
Assignment: 1a
Author:     Cory Church
File:       hailstone.cpp
Tab stops:  3




我应该从什么数字开始? 7从 7 开始的冰雹序列是7 22 11 34 17 52 26 13 40 20 10 5 16 8 4 2 1序列的长度为 17。其中6个数字是奇数。序列中的最大数字是 52。最长的冰雹序列以最多 7 的数字开头,长度为 17

#include <cstdio>
using namespace std;
#include <algorithm>
// ****************************************************************************
/* next(n) returns the value of the next value in the hailstone
   sequence when the current value is n.
   Example: next(7) = 22 and next(22) = 11.
   int next(int n)
      int i = n;
      if (i % 2 == 0)
         i = i/2;
         i = 3 * i + 1;
      return (i);
// ****************************************************************************
/* printHailstoneSequence(n) writes out all of the values of the hailstone 
   sequence starting with n.
   Example: printHailstoneSequence(7);
            7 22 11 34 17 52 26 13 40 20 10 5 16 8 4 2 1
   void printHailstoneSequence(int n)
      int hail = n;  
      if (hail == 1)
         printf("%i ", hail);
         printf("%i ", hail);
// ****************************************************************************
// length(n) returns the length of the Hailstone sequence of n.
// Example: length(7) = 17

   int length(int n)
      int hail = n;  
      if(hail == 1)
         return 1;
         return 1+length(next(hail));
// ****************************************************************************
/* largest(n) determines the largest number of the Hailstone sequence 
   starting with n.
   Example: largest(7)= 52
   int largest(int n)
      int hail = n;  
      if (hail == 1)
         return 1;
         return max(largest(next(hail)), hail);
// ****************************************************************************
/* odd(n) determines the number of odd numbers in the Hailstone sequence
   starting with n.
   Example: odd(7)= 6
   int odd(int n)
      if (n==1)
         return 1;
      else if (n%2 == 0)
         return odd(next(n));
         return 1+ odd(next(n));
// ****************************************************************************
/* largestLength(n) determines the longest length of any Hailstone sequence
   from 1 to n.
   Example: largestLength(7)= 17
   int largestLength(int n)
      if (n == 1)
         return 1;
         return max(length(n),largestLength(length(n-1)));
// ****************************************************************************

int main(int argc, char** argv)
   int n;
   printf("What number should I start with? ");
   scanf("%i", &n);
   printf("The hailstone sequence starting at %i isn", n);
   printf("The length of the sequence is %i. n", length(n));
   printf("%i of the numbers are odd. n", odd(n));
   printf("The largest number in the seguence is %i. n", largest(n));
   printf("The longest hailstone sequence starting with a number up to %i has the length %i n", n, largestLength(n));
   return 0;


return max(length(n),largestLength(length(n-1)));


return max(length(n),largestLength(n-1));