数据将奇怪的数字输出到文件,MAP C++

data output weird numbers to the file, MAP c++

本文关键字:文件 MAP C++ 数字输出 数据      更新时间:2023-10-16




// register a student to the system
void Student::registerStudent(string name, int studentNo, char gender) {
        outStream.open("StudentRecord.txt", ios_base::app);
        outStream << left << setw(15) << studentNo << setw(15) << gender << right << name << endl; 

添加了 3 次数据,我得到了

    Batman   11  M   
    BatGirl  22  F
    Joker    33  M



    Batman   11  M   100  22  55 22  33
    BatGirl  22  F
    Joker    33  M



BatGirl        22             F              -858993460     -858993460          -858993460     -858993460     -858993460
Batman         11             M              12             86                          44             24             55
Joker          33             M              -858993460     -858993460          -858993460     -858993460     -858993460


//  Function to modify a student's exam scores.
    void Student::modifyScore(string newName, int newIndian, int newEnglish, int newMath, int newHistory, int newMoral) {

    map<string, tuple<int, char,int, int, int, int, int> > data;
    // Read file and fill data map
    ifstream studentRec("StudentRecord.txt");
    string line;
    while (getline(studentRec, line))
       string name;
       int studentNo;
       char gender;
       int indian, english, math, history, moral;
       stringstream ss(line);
       ss >> name >> studentNo>> gender>> indian >> english >> math >> history >> moral;
       data[name] = make_tuple(studentNo, gender,indian, english, math, history, moral);
    // Modify data

    auto it = data.find(newName) ; // gets current student record from the map
    if (it == data.end()) // student not in map, that's an error
     return ;
    // now it->second holds your student data
    // an auto here could be better, but we want to be sure of type
    auto studentNo = get<0>(it->second) ;
    auto gender = get<1>(it->second) ;
     data[newName] = make_tuple(studentNo, gender, newIndian,newEnglish, newMath, newHistory, newMoral);

    // Open same file for output, overwrite existing data
    ofstream ofs("StudentRecord.txt");
    for (auto entry = data.begin(); entry != data.end(); ++entry)
        tie(studentNo, gender, newIndian,newEnglish, newMath, newHistory, newMoral) = entry->second;
        //int average = averageScore(newIndian,newEnglish, newMath, newHistory, newMoral);
        ofs << left <<  setw(15) << entry->first << setw(15) << studentNo << setw(15) << gender << setw(15) << newIndian << setw(15) << newEnglish << setw(15) << right << newMath << setw(15) << newHistory << setw(15) <<  newMoral << endl;



newName --> is to find the name in the file
newIndian --> Subject scores
newEnglish --> Subject scores
newMath --> Subject scores
newHistory --> Subject scores
newMoral --> Subject scores



   stringstream ss(line);
   ss >> name >> studentNo>> gender>> indian >> english >> math >> history >> moral;

当您遇到像 Batman 11 M 这样的 3 个单词行时,表达式ss >> indian将失败并激活故障位。这意味着印度之后的所有变量都不会被修改。就目前而言,它们是未初始化的,这解释了您获得的值的随机性。


unsigned int countWordsInString(std::string const& str);
bool fullrecord(std::string const& str)
   return countWordsInString(str) == 8;
map<string, tuple<int, char,int, int, int, int, int, bool> > data; //added bool
stringstream ss(line);
bool hasGrades = fullrecord(line);
if(hasGrades )
    ss >> name >> studentNo>> gender>> indian >> english >> math >> history >> moral;
    ss >> name >> studentNo>> gender;
data[name] = make_tuple(studentNo, gender,indian, english, math, history, moral, hasGrades);
