
How much memory consumed by my object

本文关键字:多少 内存 对象      更新时间:2023-10-16


struct TrieNode {
    typedef std::map<char, TrieNode *> ChildType;
    std::string    m_word;
    bool      m_visited;



valgrind --tool=massif ./myprogram -opt arg1 arg2
ms_print massif.* | less -SR


19.63^                                               ###                      
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     |                                               #  ::                    
     |                                               #  : :::                 
     |                                      :::::::::#  : :  ::               
     |                                      :        #  : :  : ::             
     |                                      :        #  : :  : : :::          
     |                                      :        #  : :  : : :  ::        
     |                            :::::::::::        #  : :  : : :  : :::     
     |                            :         :        #  : :  : : :  : :  ::   
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   0 +----------------------------------------------------------------------->KB     0                                                                   29.48
Number of snapshots: 25
 Detailed snapshots: [9, 14 (peak), 24]


  n        time(B)         total(B)   useful-heap(B) extra-heap(B)    stacks(B)
 10         10,080           10,080           10,000            80            0
 11         12,088           12,088           12,000            88            0
 12         16,096           16,096           16,000            96            0
 13         20,104           20,104           20,000           104            0
 14         20,104           20,104           20,000           104            0
99.48% (20,000B) (heap allocation functions) malloc/new/new[], --alloc-fns, etc.
->49.74% (10,000B) 0x804841A: main (example.c:20)
->39.79% (8,000B) 0x80483C2: g (example.c:5)
| ->19.90% (4,000B) 0x80483E2: f (example.c:11)
| | ->19.90% (4,000B) 0x8048431: main (example.c:23)
| |   
| ->19.90% (4,000B) 0x8048436: main (example.c:25)
->09.95% (2,000B) 0x80483DA: f (example.c:10)
  ->09.95% (2,000B) 0x8048431: main (example.c:23)

嗯,这不是那么容易做到的。首先m_word是一个可变大小的字符串,对吧?在std::string内部保存了一个字符数组。std::map也是如此。我猜你可以根据地图* TrieNode的大小得到一个粗略的估计,但这只是一个粗略的估计。


您的"对象大小"是sizeof(std::string) + sizeof(bool) + m_word.capacity() +填充字节或sizeof(trieobject) + m_word.capacity()

这是我想出的一段GCC代码,您可以在测试程序中使用它,其中您只实例化类的一个对象并使用它进行一些典型的工作。代码替换了全局operator new()operator delete();因此,它将只通过::new表达式和标准分配器跟踪分配,前提是标准分配器本身使用::operator new()(这是GCC的情况)。



#include <unordered_map>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <ext/malloc_allocator.h>
struct Memtrack
  typedef std::unordered_map<void*, std::size_t, std::hash<void*>,
     std::equal_to<void*>, __gnu_cxx::malloc_allocator<void*>> AllocMap;
  static int memtrack;
  static int memmax;
  static AllocMap allocs;
  Memtrack() { std::cout << "starting tracker: cur = " << memtrack  << ", max = " << memmax << ".n"; }
  ~Memtrack() { std::cout << "ending tracker: cur = " << memtrack  << ", max = " << memmax << ".n"; }
  static void track_new(std::size_t n, void * p)
    memtrack += n;
    if (memmax < memtrack) memmax = memtrack;
    allocs[p] = n;
    std::cout << "... allocating " << n << " bytes...n";
  static void track_delete(void * p)
    const int n = int(allocs[p]);
    memtrack -= n;
    std::cout << "... freeing " << n << " bytes...n";
} m;
int Memtrack::memtrack = 0;
int Memtrack::memmax = 0;
Memtrack::AllocMap Memtrack::allocs;
void * operator new(std::size_t n) throw(std::bad_alloc)
  void * const p = std::malloc(n);
  Memtrack::track_new(n, p);
  return p;
void operator delete(void * p) throw()
int main()
  std::cout << "Beginning of main.n";
  std::unordered_map<std::string, int> m;  // this piece of code
  m["hello"] = 4;                          // is a typical test for working
  m["world"] = 7;                          // with dynamic allocations
  std::cout << "End of main.n";


starting tracker: cur = 0, max = 0.
Beginning of main.
... allocating 48 bytes...
... allocating 12 bytes...
... allocating 12 bytes...
End of main.
... freeing 12 bytes...
... freeing 12 bytes...
... freeing 48 bytes...
ending tracker: cur = 0, max = 72.


#include <malloc.h>
template <typename T> int objSize(T const* obj) {
  // instead of uordblks, you may be interested in 'arena', you decide!
  int oldSize = mallinfo().uordblks;
  T* dummy = new T(*obj);
  int newSize = mallinfo().uordblks;
  delete dummy;
  return newSize - oldSize;