
Deleting a member from a struct gives error in c++

本文关键字:删除成员 错误 结构体 c++      更新时间:2023-10-16


int IN_USE=5;
struct ReadyQueue
    int size;
    struct process * Active; // Pointer to another struct 
    struct process readyProcesses[IN_USE]; // contains 5 elements of struct 

在我的代码中,我正在做删除,ready.readyProcesses [2],




您只能使用new来创建delete。在您的情况下,struct process readyProcesses[IN_USE]是一个硬编码数组,不是动态创建的,所以您不能删除它。你需要的是一个动态创建的数组——这意味着readyProcesses必须是一个指向数组的指针。



const int IN_USE=5;
struct process
struct ReadyQueue
    int size;
    struct process * Active; // Pointer to another struct 
    struct process * readyProcesses; // contains 5 elements of struct 
} ready;
int main()
    ready.Active = new struct process; // just one object
    ready.readyProcesses = new struct process[IN_USE]; // a whole array
    // now do something with ready
    delete[] ready.readyProcesses; // delete the array
    delete ready.Active; // delete the single object
    return 0;


const int IN_USE=5;
struct process
struct ReadyQueue
    int size;
    struct process * Active; // Pointer to another struct 
    struct process * readyProcesses[IN_USE]; // Array of pointers
} ready;
int main()
    ready.Active = new struct process; // just one object
    // Allocate one object for each index in the array
    for(int i=0;i<IN_USE;i++)
        ready.readyProcesses[i] = new struct process;
    // now do something with ready
    if(IN_USE>2) // if there at least three items
        delete ready.readyProcesses[2]; // delete the third item
        ready.readyProcesses[2] = nullptr; // mark it as not pointing to anything
    // now do more stuff with ready
    // Now delete each single object in the array
    // item 2 is nullptr so delete won't do anything with that
    for(int i=0;i<IN_USE;i++)
        delete ready.readyProcesses[i];
    delete ready.Active; // delete the single object
    return 0;



const int IN_USE=5;
struct process
struct ReadyQueue
    int size;
    struct process * Active; // Pointer to another struct 
    struct process ** readyProcesses; // Pointer to array of pointers
} ready;
int main()
    ready.Active = new struct process; // just one object
    ready.readyProcesses = new struct process * [IN_USE]; // an array of pointers
    // Allocate one object for each index in the array
    for(int i=0;i<IN_USE;i++)
        ready.readyProcesses[i] = new struct process;
    // now do something with ready
    // Now delete each single object in the array
    for(int i=0;i<IN_USE;i++)
        delete ready.readyProcesses[i];
    delete[] ready.readyProcesses; // delete the (now empty) array
    delete ready.Active; // delete the single object
    return 0;