C++ 使用智能指针实现链表 - 'head'未在此范围内声明

C++ Linked List implementation using smart pointers - 'head' was not declared in this scope

本文关键字:head 声明 范围内 实现 指针 链表 C++ 智能      更新时间:2023-10-16






#include "Deque.h"
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
void Deque::insert_front(int)
void Deque::insert_back(int)
int Deque::remove_front()
    return 0;
int Deque::remove_back()
    return 0;
int Deque::peek_front() const
    return 0;
int Deque::peek_back() const
    return 0;
bool Deque::empty() const
    return 0;
int Deque::size() const
    return 0;
void print_queue(std::string& label)
    Node* p = head;
    cout << "This is the linked list: " << endl;
    while ( p != NULL)
            cout << head << endl;


#include "Node.cpp"
#include <memory>

class Deque{
    Deque() = default;
    Deque(const Deque&);
    ~Deque(); //must use constant space
    Deque& operator=(const Deque&); //we can use assignment in this assignement lols.

    void insert_front(int); //Must run in O(1) time
    void insert_back(int);
    int remove_front(); // O(1) - if the deque is empty - throw a runtime_error
    // (this error class is defined in the stdexcept library file)
    int remove_back();
    int peek_front() const;  //throw run_time if empty, return value dont remove
    int peek_back() const;
    bool empty() const;
    int size() const; //O(1) - return number of stored items in deque
    int size_LL = 0;
    void print_queue(const std::string& label) const; //prints all nodes in queue,
    //together with pointers to head and tail and also size of queue.
    //routine calls the node output function - not tested
    //helper methods - deep copy, used by copy and operator=
    Deque deep_copy(const Deque&);
    std::unique_ptr<Node> head;
    std::unique_ptr<Node> tail;
    friend Node;


#include "Node.h"
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Node& n) {
    return out << &n << ": " << n.val << " -> " << n.next.get();


#ifndef NODE_H
#define NODE_H
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
class Node {
    Node(const Node& n) : val{n.val}, next{}
    Node(int v, std::unique_ptr<Node> n) : val{v}, next{move(n)}
    Node(int v) : val{v}
    int val = 0;
    std::unique_ptr<Node> next = nullptr;
    friend class Deque;
    friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const Node&);


#include <iostream>
#include "Deque.cpp"
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
int main()
    Deque dq1;
    cout << dq1.empty() << " - 1" << endl;
    cout << dq1.peek_front() << " - 42" << endl;
    cout << dq1.peek_back() << " - 216" << endl;
    cout << dq1.size() << " - 2" << endl;
    dq1.print_queue("dq1 before copy constructor and copy assignment");
    Deque dq2(dq1);
    dq2.print_queue("dq2 after copy constructor");
    Deque dq3;
    dq3 = dq1;
    dq3.print_queue("dq3 after copy assignment");
    cout << dq1.remove_front() << " - 42" << endl;
    cout << dq1.remove_back() << " - 216" << endl;
    dq1.print_queue("dq1 should be empty");
    cout << dq2.peek_front() << " - 42" << endl;
    cout << dq2.peek_back() << " - 216" << endl;
    dq3.print_queue("After two removes from dq1");
    cout << dq3.peek_front() << " - 42" << endl;
    cout << dq3.peek_back() << " - 216" << endl;
    return 0;
#include "Node.cpp"



head实际上没有在自由函数void print_queue(std::string& label)中声明。也许您打算定义成员函数void Deque::print_queue(std::string& label),其中声明了成员变量head