
Add method to class for each template (int) parameter

本文关键字:形参 方法 添加 int      更新时间:2023-10-16

我有一个数列,它不应该是连续的。比如5,2,3,我想让它们映射到数组索引(5 -> 0,2 -> 1,3 -> 2)。下面是我的代码,对我来说似乎是正确的。

template<size_t Index, int ...Values> 
struct indexer;
template<size_t Index> 
struct indexer<Index> { };
template<size_t Index, int T, int ...Rest>
struct indexer<Index, T, Rest...> :
    public indexer<Index + 1, Rest...>
    template<int Value> size_t get();
    template<> size_t get<T>() { return Index; }
// this class (should) maps Values... to 0,1,2...
template<int ...Values>
struct mapper :
    public indexer<0, Values...>
{ };


mapper<5, 2, 3> m;
m.get<5>();   // returns 0 as expected
m.get<2>();   // does not compile

错误1错误LNK2019:未解析的外部符号"public: unsigned int __thiscall indexer<0,5,2,3>::get<2>(void)"($get@$01@?$indexer@$0A@$04$01$02@@QAEIXZ)在函数_main C:…ATL.Consolemain中引用。obj ATL。控制台


c++ 11不允许在类范围内显式特化。这个声明:

template<int Value> size_t get(); // primary template
template<> size_t get<T>() { return Index; }  // <-- this one



template<int Value> size_t get();


template<> size_t get<T>() { return Index; }



当然,如果重载解析选择了这个成员函数模板,但是模板形参条件不成立(当value != T时=),则使用主模板的定义。但是主模板没有定义!因此出现了链接器错误。


#include <cstddef> // for std::size_t
#include <type_traits> // for std::integral_constant
template<size_t Index, int ...Values> 
struct indexer;
template<size_t Index> 
struct indexer<Index>
    // provide a dummy to allow simple overloading via a using-declaration
    // if you see a linker error here, then Value could not be found
    template<int Value>
    size_t get(std::integral_constant<int, Value>);
    // it would be nice to provide a definition for the template above,
    // containing a `static_assert` for a nice compile-time error message,
    // but I'm not sure on what to assert.
template<size_t Index, int T, int ...Rest>
struct indexer<Index, T, Rest...> :
    public indexer<Index + 1, Rest...>
    template<int Value>
    size_t get()
        return get(std::integral_constant<int, Value>());
    // a using-declaration to allow overloading
    using indexer<Index + 1, Rest...>::get;
    size_t get(std::integral_constant<int, T>)
    { return Index; }
// this class (should) maps Values... to 0,1,2...
template<int ...Values>
struct mapper :
    public indexer<0, Values...>
