
Boost.Spirit transform expression to AST

本文关键字:转换 AST Spirit Boost      更新时间:2023-10-16

使用 Boost.Spirit 将某些表达式转换为 AST 的正确方法是什么?


#include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix.hpp>
namespace ast {
struct unary_operator;
struct binary_operator;
struct expression {
typedef boost::variant<
> type;
expression() {
template<typename Expr>
expression(const Expr &expr)
: expr(expr) {
expression &operator+=(expression rhs);
expression &operator-=(expression rhs);
expression &operator*=(expression rhs);
expression &operator/=(expression rhs);
expression &and_(expression rhs);
expression &or_(expression rhs);
expression &equals(expression rhs);
expression &not_equals(expression rhs);
expression &less_than(expression rhs);
expression &less_equals(expression rhs);
expression &greater_than(expression rhs);
expression &greater_equals(expression rhs);
expression &factor(expression rhs);
expression &dot(expression rhs);
type expr;
struct unary_operator {
std::string op;
expression rhs;
unary_operator() {}
unary_operator(std::string op, expression rhs)
: op(std::move(op)), rhs(std::move(rhs)) {
struct binary_operator {
std::string op;
expression lhs;
expression rhs;
binary_operator() {}
binary_operator(std::string op, expression lhs, expression rhs)
: op(std::move(op)), lhs(std::move(lhs)), rhs(std::move(rhs)) {
expression &expression::operator+=(expression rhs) {
expr = binary_operator("+", std::move(expr), std::move(rhs));
return *this;
expression &expression::operator-=(expression rhs) {
expr = binary_operator("-", std::move(expr), std::move(rhs));
return *this;
expression &expression::operator*=(expression rhs) {
expr = binary_operator("*", std::move(expr), std::move(rhs));
return *this;
expression &expression::operator/=(expression rhs) {
expr = binary_operator("/", std::move(expr), std::move(rhs));
return *this;
expression &expression::and_(expression rhs) {
expr = binary_operator("&&", std::move(expr), std::move(rhs));
return *this;
expression &expression::or_(expression rhs) {
expr = binary_operator("||", std::move(expr), std::move(rhs));
return *this;

expression &expression::equals(expression rhs) {
expr = binary_operator("==", std::move(expr), std::move(rhs));
return *this;
expression &expression::not_equals(expression rhs) {
expr = binary_operator("!=", std::move(expr), std::move(rhs));
return *this;

expression &expression::less_than(expression rhs) {
expr = binary_operator("<", std::move(expr), std::move(rhs));
return *this;
expression &expression::less_equals(expression rhs) {
expr = binary_operator("<=", std::move(expr), std::move(rhs));
return *this;
expression &expression::greater_than(expression rhs) {
expr = binary_operator(">", std::move(expr), std::move(rhs));
return *this;
expression &expression::greater_equals(expression rhs) {
expr = binary_operator(">=", std::move(expr), std::move(rhs));
return *this;

expression &expression::factor(expression rhs) {
expr = binary_operator("**", std::move(expr), std::move(rhs));
return *this;

expression &expression::dot(expression rhs) {
expr = binary_operator(".", std::move(expr), std::move(rhs));
return *this;
struct printer {
void operator()(const double n) const {
std::cout << n;
void operator()(const std::string &s) const {
std::cout << s;
void operator()(const expression &ast) const {
boost::apply_visitor(*this, ast.expr);
void operator()(const binary_operator &expr) const {
std::cout << "op:" << expr.op << "(";
boost::apply_visitor(*this, expr.lhs.expr);
std::cout << ", ";
boost::apply_visitor(*this, expr.rhs.expr);
std::cout << ')';
void operator()(const unary_operator &expr) const {
std::cout << "op:" << expr.op << "(";
boost::apply_visitor(*this, expr.rhs.expr);
std::cout << ')';
struct operators {
struct and_ {
struct or_ {
struct equals {
struct not_equals {
struct less_than {
struct less_equals {
struct greater_than {
struct greater_equals {
struct factor {
struct dot {
expression &operator()(expression &lhs, expression rhs, and_) const {
return lhs.and_(std::move(rhs));
expression &operator()(expression &lhs, expression rhs, or_) const {
return lhs.or_(std::move(rhs));

expression &operator()(expression &lhs, expression rhs, equals) const {
return lhs.equals(std::move(rhs));
expression &operator()(expression &lhs, expression rhs, not_equals) const {
return lhs.not_equals(std::move(rhs));

expression &operator()(expression &lhs, expression rhs, less_than) const {
return lhs.less_than(std::move(rhs));
expression &operator()(expression &lhs, expression rhs, less_equals) const {
return lhs.less_equals(std::move(rhs));
expression &operator()(expression &lhs, expression rhs, greater_than) const {
return lhs.greater_than(std::move(rhs));
expression &operator()(expression &lhs, expression rhs, greater_equals) const {
return lhs.greater_equals(std::move(rhs));
expression &operator()(expression &lhs, expression rhs, factor) const {
return lhs.factor(std::move(rhs));

expression &operator()(expression &lhs, expression rhs, dot) const {
namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi;
struct expectation_handler {
template<typename Iterator>
void operator()(Iterator first, Iterator last, const boost::spirit::info &info) const {
std::stringstream msg;
msg << "Expected " << info << " at "" << std::string(first, last) << """;
throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
template<typename Iterator>
struct grammar : qi::grammar<Iterator, ast::expression(), qi::ascii::space_type> {
: grammar::base_type(expression) {
variable = qi::lexeme[qi::alpha >> *(qi::alnum | '_')];
expression = logical.alias() > qi::eoi;
logical = equality[qi::_val = qi::_1]
>> *(
((qi::lit("&&") > equality[op(qi::_val, qi::_1, ast::operators::and_{})]) |
(qi::lit("||") > equality[op(qi::_val, qi::_1, ast::operators::or_{})]))
equality = relational[qi::_val = qi::_1]
>> *(
((qi::lit("==") > relational[op(qi::_val, qi::_1, ast::operators::equals{})]) |
(qi::lit("!=") > relational[op(qi::_val, qi::_1, ast::operators::not_equals{})]))
relational = additive[qi::_val = qi::_1]
>> *(
((qi::lit("<") > relational[op(qi::_val, qi::_1, ast::operators::less_than{})]) |
(qi::lit("<=") > relational[op(qi::_val, qi::_1, ast::operators::less_equals{})]) |
(qi::lit(">") > relational[op(qi::_val, qi::_1, ast::operators::greater_than{})]) |
(qi::lit(">=") > relational[op(qi::_val, qi::_1, ast::operators::greater_equals{})]))
additive = multiplicative[qi::_val = qi::_1]
>> *(
((qi::lit("+") > multiplicative[qi::_val += qi::_1]) |
(qi::lit("-") > multiplicative[qi::_val -= qi::_1]))
multiplicative = factor[qi::_val = qi::_1]
>> *(
((qi::lit("*") > factor[qi::_val *= qi::_1]) |
(qi::lit("/") > factor[qi::_val /= qi::_1]))
factor = primary[qi::_val = qi::_1]
>> *((qi::lit("**")) > primary[op(qi::_val, qi::_1, ast::operators::factor{})]);
primary =
qi::double_[qi::_val = qi::_1]
| ('(' > expression[qi::_val = qi::_1] > ')')
>> *(qi::char_('.') > variable[qi::_val = op(qi::_val, qi::_1, ast::operators::dot{})])
| variable[qi::_val = qi::_1]
>> *(qi::char_('.') > variable[qi::_val = op(qi::_val, qi::_1, ast::operators::dot{})]);
boost::phoenix::bind(boost::phoenix::ref(err_handler), qi::_3, qi::_2, qi::_4));
qi::rule<Iterator, ast::expression(), qi::ascii::space_type> expression, logical, equality, relational, additive, multiplicative, factor, unary, binary, primary;
qi::rule<Iterator, std::string()> variable;
boost::phoenix::function<ast::operators> op;
expectation_handler err_handler;
int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) {
std::string input("2 + 5 + t.a");
auto it_begin(input.begin()), it_end(input.end());
grammar<decltype(it_begin)> parser;
ast::expression expression;
qi::phrase_parse(it_begin, it_end, parser, qi::ascii::space, expression);
ast::printer printer;
return 0;


op:+(op:+(2, 5), op:.(t, a))



  1. 一些名称可以(应该?)改进。 例如ast::operators没有暗示其目的。它是二进制运算符表达式的懒惰工厂。


    与包装它的phoenix::function<>包装器相同。 语义操作中的op并不能很好地表达那里发生的事情。

  2. 与其让op(别名make_binary)参与者对_val参数产生副作用,不如考虑使其返回不同的值。然后一切都可以变得不可变,语义操作可以更好地表达意图:

    rule = expr [ _val = foo(_val, _1, _2, _3) ];


  3. 在语法层面上,事情看起来并不"整洁"。很多都可以通过简单地using namespace qi::labels来改进,并摆脱多余的qi::lit()包装器,例如

    logical = equality[qi::_val = qi::_1]
    >> *(
    ((qi::lit("&&") > equality[op(qi::_val, qi::_1, ast::operators::and_{})]) |
    (qi::lit("||") > equality[op(qi::_val, qi::_1, ast::operators::or_{})]))

    using ast::operators;
    using namespace qi::labels;
    logical = equality[_val = _1]
    >> *(
    (("&&" > equality[op(_val, _1, operators::and_{})]) |
    ("||" > equality[op(_val, _1, operators::or_{})]))
  4. 你检查语法中的eoi(对你有好处!但是,它被放在递归规则中:

    expression = logical.alias() > qi::eoi;


  5. 你在语法级别有一个船长,这意味着人们必须通过正确的船长。如果他们不这样做,他们可能会破坏语法。相反,将船长设置为内部,以便您控制它,并且界面更易于使用(正确):

    start = qi::skip(qi::ascii::space) [ expression ];


    if (qi::parse(it_begin, it_end, parser, expression)) {


    if (qi::parse(it_begin, it_end, parser > qi::eoi, expression)) {
  6. 我意识到驱动程序代码(main)可能超出了您的审查范围,但我会向您展示缺少的错误处理,因为它可能是非常微妙的w.r.t.部分解析:

    int main() {
    ast::printer printer;
    grammar<std::string::const_iterator> parser;
    for (std::string const input : {
    "2 + 5 + t.a",
    "(2 + 5) + t.a", // note the removed eoi constraint
    "2 + 5 * t.a",
    "2 * 5 - t.a",
    "partial match",
    "uhoh *",
    try {
    std::cout << "----- " << std::quoted(input) << " ---- n";
    auto it_begin(input.begin()), it_end(input.end());
    ast::expression expression;
    if (qi::parse(it_begin, it_end, parser, expression)) {
    std::cout << std::endl;
    } else {
    std::cout << "Not matchedn";
    if (it_begin != it_end) {
    std::string tail(it_begin, it_end);
    std::cout << "Remaining unparsed input: " << std::quoted(tail) << "n";
    } catch(std::exception const& e) {
    std::cout << "Exception: " << std::quoted(e.what()) << "n";
  7. 请注意,除非您命名了规则,否则期望不会提供有用的消息。

    Exception: Expected <unnamed-rule> at ""

    命名它们的惯用方法是使用 DEBUG 宏:



    Exception: Expected <factor> at ""


  8. 在打印机中有很多重复(apply_visitor(*this...),并且由于operator(),它略低于可读性。我的偏好是中继到callapply函数

  9. 同样在打印机中,不要对输出流进行硬编码。有一天(TM)你会想要格式化为一个字符串。或std::cerr或文件

    在打印机上组合这些注释:Live On Coliru

    struct printer {
    std::ostream& _os;
    template <typename T> std::ostream& operator()(T const& v) const
    { return call(v); }
    std::ostream& call(expression const& ast) const {
    return boost::apply_visitor(*this, ast.expr);
    std::ostream& call(binary_operator const& expr) const {
    _os << "op:" << expr.op << "(";
    call(expr.lhs) << ", ";
    return call(expr.rhs) << ')';
    std::ostream& call(unary_operator const& expr) const {
    _os << "op:" << expr.op << "(";
    return call(expr.rhs) << ')';
    template <typename Lit>
    std::ostream& call(Lit const& v) const { return _os << v; }
  10. 这样做的逻辑扩展是使其成为实际的输出操纵器:

    std::cout << "Parsed: " << fmt_expr{expression} << std::endl;

    同样,Live On Coliru,也再次简化了printer访客:

    std::ostream& call(binary_operator const& expr) const {
    return _os
    << "op:" << expr.op
    << "("   << fmt_expr{expr.lhs}
    << ", "  << fmt_expr{expr.rhs} << ')';
  11. 在 AST 中,将实际运算符动态存储为字符串。在我看来,仅对所有 ast 构建重载(ast::operator::operator()以及ast::expr的所有委托成员)静态编码运算符没有太多价值。相反,每次都传递一个字符串?

    现在生成器命名空间可以消失,不对称的工厂成员,整个 phoenix 函数是语法本地的:

    struct make_binary_f {
    ast::binary_operator operator()(ast::expression lhs, ast::expression rhs, std::string op) const {
    return { op, lhs, rhs };
    boost::phoenix::function<make_binary_f> make;

    另一个中间车站LiveOn Coliru


    代码减少 113 行代码(现在是 218 行而不是 331 行代码)

  12. 随机点:

    variable = qi::lexeme[qi::alpha >> *(qi::alnum | '_')];

    '_'等同于qi::lit('_'),而不是qi::char_('_'),所以这将删除所有下划线。使用 char_,或使用raw[]直接从源迭代器构造参数。

  13. 现在我们进入细节:我们可以使用自动属性传播来代替[_val=_1](参见Boost Spirit:"语义行为是邪恶的"?operator %=规则init)。

  14. 分解出更常见的子表达式。连同上一个项目符号:

    = qi::double_[_val = _1]
    | ('(' > expression[_val = _1] > ')')
    >> *("." > variable[_val = make(_val, _1, ".")])
    | variable[_val = _1]
    >> *("." > variable[_val = make(_val, _1, ".")]);


    primary %= qi::double_
    | (('(' > expression > ')') | variable)
    >> *("." > variable[_val = make(_val, _1, ".")])
  15. 将变体类型提升到expression之外,以便您可以在expression之前实现递归类型。此外,请考虑从变体 (LSK) 派生expression。在您的情况下,实际上不需要嵌套表达式,因为一元/二进制节点已经强加了顺序。因此,您的整个 AST 可以是:

    struct unary_operator;
    struct binary_operator;
    typedef boost::variant<
    > expr_variant;
    struct expression : expr_variant {
    using expr_variant::expr_variant;
    using expr_variant::operator=;
    struct unary_operator  { expression rhs;                 std::string op; } ;
    struct binary_operator { expression lhs; expression rhs; std::string op; } ;
  16. expectation_handler移动到语法类中(它对其他任何东西都没有用),并可以选择使用 phoenix::function 对其进行现代化?无论如何,由于函子是无状态的,因此无需ref(当然不是ref而不是cref):

    boost::phoenix::bind(expectation_handler{}, _3, _2, _4));


    auto handler = [](Iterator first, Iterator last, const boost::spirit::info &info) {
    std::stringstream msg;
    msg << "Expected " << info << " at "" << std::string(first, last) << """;
    throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
    boost::phoenix::bind(handler, _3, _2, _4));
  17. 小尼特:使用std::quoted而不是"假"引用:)

  18. 后期脑电波,你可以提取大部分语义动作:

    auto make_bin =
    _val = px::bind(make_<ast::binary_expr>{}, _val, _2, _1);


    expression %= equality
    >> *(
    (qi::string("&&") > equality)[make_bin] |
    (qi::string("||") > equality)[make_bin]
    equality %= relational
    >> *(
    (qi::string("==") > relational)[make_bin] |
    (qi::string("!=") > relational)[make_bin]
    relational %= additive
    >> *(
    (qi::string("<")  > relational)[make_bin]  |
    (qi::string("<=") > relational)[make_bin] |
    (qi::string(">")  > relational)[make_bin]  |
    (qi::string(">=") > relational)[make_bin]
    additive %= multiplicative
    >> *(
    (qi::string("+") > multiplicative)[make_bin] |
    (qi::string("-") > multiplicative)[make_bin]
    multiplicative %= factor
    >> *(
    (qi::string("*") > factor)[make_bin] |
    (qi::string("/") > factor)[make_bin]
    factor %= primary
    >> *(
    (qi::string("**") > primary)[make_bin]
    primary %= qi::double_
    | (('(' > expression > ')') | variable)
    >> *(qi::string(".") > variable)[make_bin]
  19. 实际上,刚刚检查并phoenix::construct可以进行聚合:

    auto make_bin =
    _val = boost::phoenix::construct<ast::binary_expr>(_1, _val, _2);
  20. 还删除了未使用的unary_*机器,将 IO 操纵器移动到io命名空间(而不是ast),并在main驱动程序中重新引入eoi检查......

  21. 哎呀,使用一些 c++17,您可以组合每个产品的分支:

    auto op = [](auto... sym) { return qi::copy((qi::string(sym) | ...)); };
    expression     %= equality       >> *(op("&&","||") > equality)[make_bin];
    equality       %= relational     >> *(op("==","!=") > relational)[make_bin];
    relational     %= additive       >> *(op("<","<=",">",">=") > relational)[make_bin];
    additive       %= multiplicative >> *(op("+","-")   > multiplicative)[make_bin];
    multiplicative %= factor         >> *(op("*","/")   > factor)[make_bin];
    factor         %= primary        >> *(op("**")      > primary)[make_bin];

完整演示,103 行代码

只是没有设法将其降低到 100 LoC 以下,但我在此过程中添加了更多测试用例。

  • 魔杖盒上的现场演示

  • 编译器资源管理器上的现场演示

  • Coliru 上的现场演示(我发现聚合phoenix::construct<>需要 GCC 或最近的提升或两者兼而有之,因此添加了一个构造函数)

#include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi;
namespace ast {
struct binary_expr;
typedef boost::variant<
> expr_variant;
struct expression : expr_variant {
using expr_variant::expr_variant;
using expr_variant::operator=;
struct binary_expr {
binary_expr(std::string op, expression lhs, expression rhs)
: op(std::move(op)), lhs(std::move(lhs)), rhs(std::move(rhs)) {}
std::string op; expression lhs; expression rhs;
namespace io {
struct fmt_expr { // io manipulator
ast::expression const& _ref;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, fmt_expr manip);
struct formatter_visitor {
std::ostream& _os;
template <typename T> std::ostream& operator()(T const& v) const
{ return call(v); }
std::ostream& call(ast::expression const& v) const {
return boost::apply_visitor(*this, v);
std::ostream& call(ast::binary_expr const& expr) const {
return _os << "op:" << expr.op
<< "("   << fmt_expr{expr.lhs} << ", "  << fmt_expr{expr.rhs} << ')';
template <typename Lit>
std::ostream& call(Lit const& v) const { return _os << v; }
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, fmt_expr manip) {
return formatter_visitor{os}(manip._ref);
template<typename Iterator>
struct grammar : qi::grammar<Iterator, ast::expression()> {
grammar() : grammar::base_type(start) {
using namespace qi::labels;
auto make_bin = _val = boost::phoenix::construct<ast::binary_expr>(_1, _val, _2);
auto op = [](auto... sym) { return qi::copy((qi::string(sym) | ...)); };
expression     %= equality       >> *(op("&&","||") > equality)[make_bin];
equality       %= relational     >> *(op("==","!=") > relational)[make_bin];
relational     %= additive       >> *(op("<","<=",">",">=") > relational)[make_bin];
additive       %= multiplicative >> *(op("+","-")   > multiplicative)[make_bin];
multiplicative %= factor         >> *(op("*","/")   > factor)[make_bin];
factor         %= primary        >> *(op("**")      > primary)[make_bin];

variable = qi::lexeme[qi::alpha >> *(qi::alnum | qi::char_('_'))];
primary %= qi::double_ | (('(' > expression > ')') | variable)
>> *(op(".") > variable)[make_bin];

start = qi::skip(qi::ascii::space) [ qi::eps > expression ] > qi::eoi;
qi::on_error<qi::fail>(start, boost::phoenix::bind([](auto first, auto last, auto const& info) {
std::stringstream msg;
msg << "Expected " << info << " at " << std::quoted(std::string(first, last));
throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
}, _3, _2, _4));
qi::rule<Iterator, ast::expression()> start;
qi::rule<Iterator, ast::expression(), qi::ascii::space_type> expression, equality, relational, additive, multiplicative, factor, unary, binary, primary;
qi::rule<Iterator, std::string()> variable; // lexeme
int main() {
using io::fmt_expr;
grammar<std::string::const_iterator> parser;
for (std::string const s : { "2 + 5 + t.a", "(2 + 5) + t.a", "2 + 5 * t.a",
"2 * 5 - t.a", "partial match", "uhoh *", "under_scores", "" })
try {
ast::expression expression;
qi::parse(s.begin(), s.end(), parser, expression);
std::cout << std::quoted(s) << " -> " << fmt_expr{expression} << "n";
} catch(std::exception const& e) {
std::cout << "Exception: " << e.what() << "n";


"2 + 5 + t.a" -> op:+(op:+(2, 5), op:.(t, a))
"(2 + 5) + t.a" -> op:+(op:+(2, 5), op:.(t, a))
"2 + 5 * t.a" -> op:+(2, op:*(5, op:.(t, a)))
"2 * 5 - t.a" -> op:-(op:*(2, 5), op:.(t, a))
Exception: Expected <eoi> at " match"
Exception: Expected <factor> at ""
"under_scores" -> under_scores



  1. 运算符优先级有点嘈杂。你想要的是一些元数据,允许你"只是组合"二进制操作数并出现正确的优先级,如下所示:

    expression %= primary
    >> *(
    (binop > expression) [_val = make_bin(_1, _val, _2)]

    我已经在这个答案的扩展聊天中应用了这个策略,结果代码在 github 上:

  2. 如果您有 C++14 支持,请考虑使用 X3。编译时间会短得多。