C++事件系统 - 多态事件和事件处理程序

C++ Event System - Polymorphic Events and Event Handlers

本文关键字:事件处理 程序 事件 多态 事件系统 C++      更新时间:2023-10-16


请注意,由于原因,我被困在 C++98

到目前为止,我最好的想法是为每个Event类型提供一个简单的Event对象和一个 typedef 来处理它。

class Event {};
class AlarmEvent : Event {};
class ErrorEvent : Event {};
typedef void (*EventHandler)(Event event);
typedef void (*AlarmEventHandler)(AlarmEvent event);
typedef void (*ErrorEventHandler)(ErrorEvent event);


int main()
Module module;
EventSystem es;
Event shutdown_event("shutdown");    
AlarmEvent alarm_event("alarm", "Oh crap");
es.On("shutdown", module.OnEvent);
es.On("shutdown", module.OnEvent);
es.On("alarm", module.OnAlarmEvent);


class EventSystem {
void On(std::string id, EventHandler handler);
void Emit(Event event);
void GetEventHandlers(std::string id, std::vector<EventHandler> *&handlers);
std::map<std::string, std::vector<EventHandler> > events;


C++98 很旧,比可变参数模板更旧。下面模拟带有链表的可变参数模板,这是非常不理想的,但它应该可以工作。

// linked lists for "variadic" templates
struct Nil { };
template<typename X, typename XS>
struct Cons { };
// utility type
struct BlackHole {
template<typename T>
BlackHole(const T&) { }
// anything can be converted to a BlackHole implicitly, but it's a "worse"
// conversion than being converted to a base class
// I would template your event system over every event type
// this implementation only works properly if more derived events appear before their bases
template<typename Events> // e.g. Events = Cons<AlarmEvent, Cons<ErrorEvent, Cons<Event, Nil>>>
class EventSystem;
class EventSystem<Nil> {
// see below for Emit/EmitEmitted thing
// usage of BlackHole means that e.g. if calling with AlarmEvent
// and only overloads for Event and BlackHole are visible
// then the former will be chosen, since the latter conversion is worse
// can't just say template<typename T> EmitEmitted(T const&) { }
void EmitEmitted(BlackHole) { }
// these overloads exist so the using declarations ahead don't fail
// for maximum type-safety, create a private type and
// make it an argument of each, so they can never be called
// using Emit/EmitEmitted creates type safety; again, see below
void Emit() { }
// On has easy type safety: you just can't call it for an unknown type
void On() { }
// GetEventHandlers doesn't really make sense anyway
// I don't think you need it, you can't have a vector of mixed handlers
// so why bother?
template<typename X, typename XS>
class EventSystem<Cons<X, XS> > : public EventSystem<XS> {
std::vector<void (*)(X)> handlers;
// "forward" all the EmitEmitted overloads made for XS
using EventSystem<XS>::EmitEmitted;
// overload for the specific case of an X
void EmitEmitted(X x) {
// fire all of the X-specific handlers
for(typename std::vector<void (*)(X)>::iterator i = handlers.begin(); i != handlers.end(); ++i) {
// call the rest of the handlers
// more "forwarding"
using EventSystem<XS>::Emit;
void Emit(X x) {
return EmitEmitted(x);
// suppose you have an EventSystem<Cons<std::string, Nil> >
// if you Emit an int, say, then you want this to fail
// thus the overload of Emit in EventSystem<Nil> should not be
// a catch-all or anything
// however, if you emit a std::string, then you need to recursively
// emit from EventSystem<Nil>, to handle any handlers for superclasses
// now you don't want it to explode
// solution? two functions
// Emit is the public entry point, and fails on unknown types
// EmitEmitted is named so because, once it's called, the type
// is known to be known, and will/has been emitted by at least one layer
// it no-ops once the base case is reached
// it is protected, and it is where the actual logic is
// easy now, right?
using EventSystem<XS>::On;
void On(void (*handler)(X)) {


struct Event {
std::string message;
Event(std::string message) : message(message) { }
void HandleEvent(Event e) {
std::cerr << e.message << "n";
class AlarmEvent : public Event {
int hour;
int minute;
static std::string BuildMessage(int hour, int minute) {
std::stringstream builder;
builder << "Alarm: " << std::setfill('0');
builder << std::setw(2) << hour << ":";
builder << std::setw(2) << minute;
return builder.str();
friend void HandleAlarm(AlarmEvent);
AlarmEvent(int hour, int minute) : Event(BuildMessage(hour, minute)), hour(hour), minute(minute) { }
void HandleAlarm(AlarmEvent a) {
// please ignore the fact that this is very stupid
if((a.hour + (a.minute / 60)) % 24 < 12) std::cerr << "AM Alarmn";
else std::cerr << "PM Alarmn";
struct ErrorEvent : Event {
ErrorEvent(std::string message) : Event(message) { }
void HandleError(ErrorEvent) {
static int count = 1;
std::cerr << "Error " << count++ << "n";
int main() {
EventSystem<Cons<AlarmEvent, Cons<ErrorEvent, Cons<Event, Nil> > > > system;
// all handled by overload resolution
// no need to say what type you're dealing with
// doesn't work
// system.On(std::exit)
system.Emit(ErrorEvent("Bad things"));
system.Emit(AlarmEvent(2, 30));
system.Emit(Event("Something happened"));
system.Emit(ErrorEvent("More bad things"));
system.Emit(AlarmEvent(11, 67));
// doesn't work
// system.Emit(5);

不确定所有示例代码都是 C++98,但这并不重要。它似乎工作得很好。此外,这里还有很多复制。建议将处理程序从void (*)(T)(需要副本(更改为void (*)(T&)void (*)(T const&)


typedef void (*EventHandler)(Event& event);

typedef void (*EventHandler)(Event* event);