错误:二进制'operator*' 'float'和'float[0]'类型的操作数无效

Error: invalid operands of types 'float' and 'float[0]' to binary 'operator*'

本文关键字:float 类型 操作数 无效 operator 错误 二进制      更新时间:2023-10-16


#include <GL/glut.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#define UpperBD 3
#define Xe 200
#define Ye  200
#define Ze  200
#define Rho  sqrt(sq(Xe) + sq(Ye) + sq(Ze))
#define PI 3.1415926
#define D_focal 20
typedef struct {
float X[] = {};
float Y[] = {};
float Z[] = {};
} pworld;
typedef struct {
float X[] = {};
float Y[] = {};
float Z[] = {};
} pviewer;
typedef struct{
float X[] = {};
float Y[] = {};
} pperspective;
void mydisplay()
float p1x = 0.0f, p1y = 1.0f;    //the window coordinates (-1.0, 1.0)
float p2x = 0.0f, p2y = -1.0f;
float p3x = 1.0f, p3y = 0.0f;
float p4x = -1.0f, p4y = 0.0f;
/* Line starts */
glVertex2f(p1x, p1y);
glVertex2f(p2x, p2y);
glVertex2f(p3x, p3y);
glVertex2f(p4x, p4y);
/* Line Ends */
// #define Pheta = PI/4.0;
// #define Phi =
/* World to viewer */
pworld world[3];
pviewer viewer[3];
pperspective perspective[3];
float sPheta = Ye / sqrt(sq(Xe) + sq(Ye));
float cPheta = Xe / sqrt(sq(Xe) + sq(Ye));
float sPhi = sqrt(sq(Xe) + sq(Ye)) / Rho;
float cPhi = Ze / Rho;
for(int i = 0; i <= UpperBD; i++)
viewer[i].X = -sPheta * world[i].X; + cPheta * world[i].y;
viewer[i].Y = -cPheta * cPhi * world[i].X
- cPhi * sPheta * world[i].Y
+ sPhi * world[i].Z;
viewer[i].Z = -sPhi * cPheta * world[i].X
- sPhi * cPheta * world[i].Y
-cPheta * world[i].Z + Rho;
perspective[i].X = (D_focal / viewer[i].Z) * viewer[i].X;
perspective[i].Y = (D_focal / viewer[i].Z) * viewer[i].Y;
cout << perspective[i].X << endl;
cout << perspective[i].Y << endl;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
glutInit(&argc, argv);

错误发生在viewer[i].X = -sPheta * world[i].X; + cPheta * world[i].y;处,以及for循环中它下面的行。我不确定发生了什么。 我正在尝试将float乘以float[],但它不起作用。

typedef struct {
float X[] = {};
float Y[] = {};
float Z[] = {};
} pworld;

它的结构由 3 个零元素(空(C 数组组成。-sPheta * world[i].X;将浮点数(数字(与空数组相乘 - 您想实现什么?我想你不需要这些[]。

但是,我认为禁止零元素 C 数组,但它编译得很好。