C++ - 为文本RPG创建基本战斗功能

C++ - Creating Basic Combat Function for Text RPG

本文关键字:功能 创建 文本 RPG C++      更新时间:2023-10-16




int showEnemyHp(int enemyhp, int attack) {
enemyhp = enemyhp - attack;
return enemyhp;
int showHp(int hp, int enemyattack) {
hp = hp - enemyattack;
return hp;
void enemyBattle() {
int hp = 30, enemyhp = 20, attack = 10, enemyattack = 5;
int hitEnemy;
while (true) {
cout << "Hit enemy?n(1) Yesn(2) No" << endl;
cin >> hitEnemy;
if (hitEnemy == 1) {
enemyhp = showEnemyHp(enemyhp, attack);
hp = showHp(hp, enemyattack);
cout << "You hit the enemy." << endl;
cout << "The enemy now has " << enemyhp << "HP left." << endl;
if (enemyhp <= 0) {
cout << "You've killed the enemy!" << endl;
} else if (enemyhp > 0) {
cout << "The enemy hits you back." << endl;
cout << "You now have " << hp << "HP left." << endl;
} else if (hitEnemy == 2) {
enemyHp = showEnemyHp(enemyhp, attack);
hp = showHp(hp, enemyattack);
cout << "You have chosen not to hit the enemy." << endl;
cout << "The enemy hits you back." << endl;
cout << "You now have " << hp << "HP left." << endl;
} else {
cout << "You can't do that!" << endl;
return enemyBattle();
while (hp > 0 && enemyhp > 0);



最好将函数重命名为更合适的名称int showEnemyHp(int, int)int showHp(int, int),例如int updateEnemyHp(int, int)int updateUserHp(int, int),如果您打算仅将它们用于更新 HP 值而不用于其他任何目的。


cout << "The enemy now has " << enemyhp << "HP left." << endl;


cout << "You hit the enemy." << endl;
if (enemyhp <= 0) {
cout << "You've killed the enemy!" << endl;
} else if (enemyhp > 0) {
cout << "The enemy now has " << enemyhp << "HP left." << endl;
cout << "The enemy hits you back." << endl;
cout << "You now have " << hp << "HP left." << endl;


} else if (hitEnemy == 2) {
enemyHp = showEnemyHp(enemyhp, attack);
// Dammage done when user decides not to attack, probably should be commented?
hp = showHp(hp, enemyattack);
cout << "You have chosen not to hit the enemy." << endl;
cout << "The enemy hits you back." << endl;
cout << "You now have " << hp << "HP left." << endl;
// Handle negative values of enemy HP and print final value
if (enemyhp <= 0) {
cout << "You've killed the enemy!" << endl;
} else if (enemyhp > 0) {
cout << "The enemy now has " << enemyhp << "HP left." << endl;
cout << "The enemy hits you back." << endl;
cout << "You now have " << hp << "HP left." << endl;

在处理无效输入的最后一个条件分支中,在返回期间调用enemyBattle()可能会导致无限递归,无论在什么情况下,这都是非常非常糟糕的。最好将return enemyBattle();替换为continue;,这将简单地继续循环执行

} else {
cout << "You can't do that!" << endl;
// Continue program

如果您希望程序在用户输入无效输入时退出,则可以return enemyBattle();替换为return;,因此您的代码将如下所示:

} else {
cout << "You can't do that!" << endl;
// Exit program


最后,我认为在程序结束时不需要while (hp > 0 && enemyhp > 0);,这似乎是多余的,因为该语句仅在控件离开while(true){...}循环时才执行,这只会在enemyhp <= 0时发生。