
"How do I return the first and last index of a string, into a vector, with C++?

本文关键字:返回 索引 最后一个 向量 第一个 何使用 C++ 字符串      更新时间:2023-10-16


问题是从字符串返回字符的第一个和最后一个索引。 对于 std::string word(第一个参数(中 char c(第二个参数(的每个实例,我认为我需要将 (char c( 与 push_back 推送到一个空字符串,并从该空字符串返回第一个和最后一个索引。或者我可以简单地使用 (例如:std::string word.being()(?


std::vector<int> charIndex(std::string word, char c) {
std::string newWord = "";
for(int i = 0; i < word.size(); ++i){
std::string size.push_back[i] = newWord;
//for every instance of char c in std::string word, I need to 
//push that (char c) to empty string and return first and last index
if(newWord[i] ==  )


charIndex("circumlocution", "c") ➞ [0, 8]
The first "c" has index 0, the last "c" has index 8.
charIndex("happy", "h") ➞ [0, 0]
Only one "h" exists, so the first and last index is 0.


vector<int> arr;
arr[0] = word.find_first_of(c);
arr[1] = word.find_last_of(c);
return arr;
