
Understanding move semantics with objects returned by a function

本文关键字:移动 语义 对象 函数 返回 了解      更新时间:2023-10-16

我从 learncpp.com 遇到了以下程序,作为理解移动语义的示例。我尝试运行此程序,并按照教程中的说明查看程序流的工作方式。


Auto_ptr4<Resource> generateResource()
Auto_ptr4<Resource> res(new Resource);
return res; // this return value will invoke the move constructor




#include <iostream>
template<class T>
class Auto_ptr4
T* m_ptr;
Auto_ptr4(T* ptr = nullptr)
delete m_ptr;
// Copy constructor
// Do deep copy of a.m_ptr to m_ptr
Auto_ptr4(const Auto_ptr4& a)
m_ptr = new T;
*m_ptr = *a.m_ptr;
// Move constructor
// Transfer ownership of a.m_mptr to m_ptr
Auto_ptr4(Auto_ptr4&& a)
: m_ptr(a.m_ptr)
a.m_ptr = nullptr;
// Copy assignment
// Do deep copy of a.m_ptr to m_ptr
Auto_ptr4& operator=(const Auto_ptr4& a)
// Self-assignment detection
if (&a == this)
return *this;
// Release any resource we're holding
delete m_ptr;
// Copy the resource
m_ptr = new T;
*m_ptr = *a.m_ptr;
return *this;
// Move assignment
// Transfer ownership of a.m_ptr to m_ptr
Auto_ptr4& operator=(Auto_ptr4&& a)
// Self-assignment detection
if (&a == this)
return *this;
// Release any resource we're holding
delete m_ptr;
// Transfer ownership of a.m_ptr to m_ptr
m_ptr = a.m_ptr;
a.m_ptr = nullptr;
return *this;
T& operator*() const { return *m_ptr; }
T* operator->() const { return m_ptr; }
bool isNull() const { return m_ptr == nullptr; }
class Resource
Resource() { std::cout << "Resource acquiredn"; }
~Resource() { std::cout << "Resource destroyedn"; }
Auto_ptr4<Resource> generateResource()
Auto_ptr4<Resource> res(new Resource);
return res; // this return value will invoke the move constructor
int main()
Auto_ptr4<Resource> mainres;
mainres = generateResource(); // this assignment will invoke the move assignment
return 0;


Auto_ptr4<Resource> generateResource()
Auto_ptr4<Resource> res(new Resource);
return res; // this return value will invoke the move constructor



在具有类返回类型的函数的 return 语句中,当表达式是与函数返回类型相同类型(忽略 CV 限定)的非易失性自动对象(函数参数或处理程序的异常声明 ([except.handle])引入的变量除外)的名称时,可以通过将自动对象直接构造到函数调用的返回对象中来省略复制/移动操作


Auto_ptr4<Resource> generateResource()
Auto_ptr4<Resource> res(new Resource);
return std::move(res); // this return value will invoke the move constructor

由于现在表达式不是自动变量名,Auto_ptr4<Resource>&&也不完全相同Auto_ptr4<Resource>.c'tor 没有被省略。
