C const char *评估操作员超载

c++ const char * assigment operator overload

本文关键字:操作员 超载 评估 const char      更新时间:2023-10-16

如何处理const char *

Obj(const Obj& o); // <--
Obj& operator=(const Obj& o);// <-- How to do it right?
// Obj(const Obj& o); // <--
// Obj& operator=(const Obj& o);
class Obj
  const char * name;
  const char * desc;
  Obj(const char * _name,
      const char * _desc)
  Obj(const Obj& o); // <--
  Obj& operator=(const Obj& o);// <-- Have no idea how to implement this...
  virtual ~Obj(){}
class B:public Obj
    float v1, v2;
    B(float a, float b)


T& operator=(const T& other)            // copy assignment
  if (this != &other)
  { // self-assignment check expected
    if (other.size != size)
    {                                   // storage cannot be reused
        delete[] mArray;                // destroy storage in this
        size = 0;
        mArray = nullptr;               // preserve invariants in case next line throws
        mArray = new int[other.size];   // create storage in this
        size = other.size;
    std::copy(other.mArray, other.mArray + other.size, mArray);
  return *this;



Obj& operator=(const Obj& o)
name = new char[o.namesize + 1]; // must keep the size unless it's a string, so you can assume the size with strlen().
strcpy_s(name,o.namesize + 1,o.name); 
namesize = o.namesize;

 // With strlen
 name = new char[strlen(o.name) + 1];
 strcpy_s(name,strlen(o.name) + 1,o.name);
return *this;
