为什么 new 第一次分配 1040 个额外的字节?

Why does new allocate 1040 extra bytes the first time?

本文关键字:字节 new 第一次 分配 1040 为什么      更新时间:2023-10-16


#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cstdint>
// Print a reserved block: its asked size, its start address 
//       and the size of the previous reserved block
void print(uint16_t num, uint16_t size_asked, uint8_t* p) {
static uint8_t* last = nullptr;
std::cout << "BLOCK " << num << ":   ";
std::cout << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << size_asked << "b, "; 
std::cout << std::hex << (void*)p;
if (last != nullptr) {
std::cout << ", " << std::dec << (uint32_t)(p - last) << "b";
std::cout << "n";
last = p;
int main(void) {
// Sizes of the blocks to be reserved and pointers
uint16_t s[8] = { 8, 8, 16, 16, 4, 4, 6, 6 };
uint8_t* p[8];
// Reserve some consecutive memory blocks and print
// pointers (start) and their real sizes
//   std::cout << "          size   start    prev.sizen";
//   std::cout << "-----------------------------------n";
for(uint16_t i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
p[i] = new uint8_t[s[i]];
print(i, s[i], p[i]);
return 0;


[memtest]$ g++ -O2 mem.cpp -o mem
[memtest]$ ./mem 
BLOCK 0:   08b, 0xa0ec20
BLOCK 1:   08b, 0xa0f050, 1072b
BLOCK 2:   16b, 0xa0f070, 32b
BLOCK 3:   16b, 0xa0f090, 32b
BLOCK 4:   04b, 0xa0f0b0, 32b
BLOCK 5:   04b, 0xa0f0d0, 32b
BLOCK 6:   06b, 0xa0f0f0, 32b
BLOCK 7:   06b, 0xa0f110, 32b

如您所见,new 分配的第二个块不在下一个 32b 内存分配地址,而是很远(1040 字节远)。如果这还不够奇怪,取消注释打印出表标题的 2 个 std::cout 行,会产生以下结果:

[memtest]$ g++ -O2 mem.cpp -o mem
[memtest]$ ./mem 
size   start    prev.size
BLOCK 0:   08b, 0x1f47030
BLOCK 1:   08b, 0x1f47050, 32b
BLOCK 2:   16b, 0x1f47070, 32b
BLOCK 3:   16b, 0x1f47090, 32b
BLOCK 4:   04b, 0x1f470b0, 32b
BLOCK 5:   04b, 0x1f470d0, 32b
BLOCK 6:   06b, 0x1f470f0, 32b
BLOCK 7:   06b, 0x1f47110, 32b

这是正常的预期结果。是什么让 new 在第一次运行时表现得如此奇怪?我正在使用 g++ (GCC) 7.1.1 20170516。您可以在不进行优化的情况下进行编译,结果是相同的。


std::cout << "BLOCK " << num << ":   ";


很明显,std::cout的第一个输出为内部std::streambuf分配了一个 1024 字节的缓冲区。这发生在您第一次new分配之后,第二次分配之前。缓冲区只需分配一次,即第一次使用





