std ::映射以构造为钥匙

std::map with struct as key

本文关键字:钥匙 映射 std      更新时间:2023-10-16

我尝试使用std ::映射键为struct,但在查找键时失败了。这里怎么了?查找找不到,但插入不会改变地图中的计数.....

#pragma once
#include <map>
struct OccTestdef
    int Typ;
    int Length;
    OccTestdef(int typ,  int length) :Typ(typ), Length(length) {};
    bool operator < (const OccTestdef& R) const
        if (Typ < R.Typ)  return true;
        if (Length < R.Length) return true;
        return false;

typedef std::map<OccTestdef, int> Testmap;
typedef std::pair<OccTestdef, int> Testpair;
class testocc
    bool runtest();
    Testmap tests;
    int addOrInsert(int left, int num, int value);


#include "testocc.h"
    tests = Testmap();
// Will Return the Map-Value if found or -1 if new Inserted
int testocc::addOrInsert(int left, int num, int value)
    int res;
    OccTestdef tn(left, num);
    auto result = tests.find(tn);
    if (result != tests.end()) {
        res = result->second;
        tests.insert(Testpair(tn, value));
        res = -1;
    return res;
bool testocc::runtest()
    int res;
    bool result;
// Fill map with 4 Entries
    tests.insert(Testpair( OccTestdef(1, 100), 1));
    tests.insert(Testpair(OccTestdef(1, 200), 2));
    tests.insert(Testpair(OccTestdef(1, 300), 3));
    tests.insert(Testpair(OccTestdef(1, 400), 4));

    result = (tests.size() == 4);
// Try to find or Insert 
     res = addOrInsert(1, 200, 2);
    //res should be 2 
    result = (res == 2);
    result = (tests.size() == 4);
    res = addOrInsert(2, 200, 20);
    // Res must be -1 because new inserted
    result = (res == -1);
    // Count is not changed
    result = (tests.size() == 5);

//These fails why?
    res = addOrInsert(2, 200, 20);
    //res should be 20 
    result = (res == 20);
    return result;



#include <tuple>
bool operator < (const OccTestdef& R) const
    return std::tie(Typ, Length) < std::tie(R.Typ, R.Length);