
How to combine findMin() and delete() to remove smallest node in a BST?

本文关键字:BST 节点 删除 delete 何结合 结合 findMin      更新时间:2023-10-16


//remove min node in BST
node * extractMin() 
    return recRemove(root, findMin(root));
//delete node from tree
node * recRemove(node * root, double data)
    //3 cases: no children, one child, 2 children
    if (root == NULL)
        return NULL;
    else if (data < root->data)
        root->left = recRemove(root->left, data);
    else if(data > root->data)
        root->right = recRemove(root->right, data);
        if (root->right == NULL && root->left == NULL) //no children
            delete root;
            root = NULL;
            return root;
        else if(root->left == NULL) //only right child
            temp = root;
            root = root->right;
            delete temp;
            return root;
        else if(root->right == NULL) //only left child
            temp = root;
            root = root->left;
            delete temp;
            return root;
        else //2 children
            temp->data = findMin(root->right);
            root->data = temp->data;
            root->right = recRemove(root->right, temp->data);
    return root;
//find min node in BST
double findMin(node * p)
    if(p == NULL)
        return -1;
        //in a balanced BST the minimum node is the leftmost node so,
        //we traverse the left subtree until we get to the leftmost node and return and remove it.
        temp = p;
        while(temp->left != NULL)
            temp = temp->left;
        return temp->data;



编辑:现在已经看到了帕塞宾.....temp 是一个成员变量。将其更改为局部变量。确保在离开函数之前将其删除。(最佳使用标准::unique_ptr<>(