Spirit X3, ascii::cntrl why disparity with std::iscntrl?

Spirit X3, ascii::cntrl why disparity with std::iscntrl?

本文关键字:with std iscntrl disparity cntrl X3 ascii Spirit why      更新时间:2023-10-16

我专注于使用 Spirit X3 检查解析器设计中的错误条件。其中之一是字符类别检查,例如 isalphaispunct .根据 X3 文档字符解析器,它们应该与C++提供的内容匹配为std::isalphastd::ispunct。但是,通过下面显示的代码演示,我确实得到了不同的结果。

#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cctype>
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/spirit/home/x3/version.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/home/x3.hpp>
namespace client::parser
  namespace x3 = boost::spirit::x3;
  namespace ascii = boost::spirit::x3::ascii;
  using ascii::char_;
  using ascii::space;
  using x3::skip;
  x3::rule<class main_rule_id, char> const main_rule_ = "main_rule";
  const auto main_rule__def = ascii::cntrl;
  BOOST_SPIRIT_DEFINE( main_rule_ ) 
  const auto entry_point = skip(space) [ main_rule_ ];
int main()
  printf( "Spirit X3 version: %4.4xn", SPIRIT_X3_VERSION );
  char output;
  bool r = false;
  bool r2 = false; // answer according to default "C" locale
  char input[2];
  input[1] = 0;
  printf( "ascii::cntrln" );
  uint8_t i = 0;
    input[0] = (char)i;
    r = parse( (char*)input, input+1, client::parser::entry_point, output );
    r2 = (bool)std::iscntrl( (unsigned char)i );
    printf( "%2.2x:%d%d", i, r, r2 );
    if ( i == 0x7f ) { goto exit_loop; }
    if ( i % 8 ) { putchar( ' ' ); } else { putchar( 'n' ); }
    goto next_char;
  return 0;


Spirit X3 version: 3004
00:11 01:11 02:11 03:11 04:11 05:11 06:11 07:11
08:11 09:01 0a:01 0b:01 0c:01 0d:01 0e:11 0f:11
10:11 11:11 12:11 13:11 14:11 15:11 16:11 17:11
18:11 19:11 1a:11 1b:11 1c:11 1d:11 1e:11 1f:11
20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 24:00 25:00 26:00 27:00
28:00 29:00 2a:00 2b:00 2c:00 2d:00 2e:00 2f:00
30:00 31:00 32:00 33:00 34:00 35:00 36:00 37:00
38:00 39:00 3a:00 3b:00 3c:00 3d:00 3e:00 3f:00
40:00 41:00 42:00 43:00 44:00 45:00 46:00 47:00
48:00 49:00 4a:00 4b:00 4c:00 4d:00 4e:00 4f:00
50:00 51:00 52:00 53:00 54:00 55:00 56:00 57:00
58:00 59:00 5a:00 5b:00 5c:00 5d:00 5e:00 5f:00
60:00 61:00 62:00 63:00 64:00 65:00 66:00 67:00
68:00 69:00 6a:00 6b:00 6c:00 6d:00 6e:00 6f:00
70:00 71:00 72:00 73:00 74:00 75:00 76:00 77:00
78:00 79:00 7a:00 7b:00 7c:00 7d:00 7e:00 7f:11

所以冒号后的第一位是按照 X3 的答案,第二位是按照C++的答案。不匹配发生在也属于类别 isspace 的字符上。最近我更多地研究了库标题,但我仍然没有找到解释这种行为的部分。


哦,是的,我喜欢我的goto语句。还有我的复古C风格。我希望你也这样做!即使是 X3 解析器。




  • 使用 C 样式转换(它们很危险(
  • 使用 goto 编写循环(被认为是有害的(
  • 使用神秘的变量名称(R,R2?


#include <boost/spirit/home/x3/version.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/home/x3.hpp>
#include <cctype>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
namespace client::parser {
    using namespace boost::spirit::x3;
    //const auto entry_point = skip(space)[ ascii::cntrl ];
    const auto entry_point = ascii::cntrl;
int main() {
    std::cout << std::boolalpha << std::hex << std::setfill('0');
    std::cout << "Spirit X3 version: " << SPIRIT_X3_VERSION << "n";
    for (uint8_t i = 0; i <= 0x7f; ++i) {
        auto from_x3  = parse(&i, &i + 1, client::parser::entry_point);
        auto from_std = !!std::iscntrl(i);
        if (from_x3 != from_std) {
            std::cout << "0x" << std::setw(2) << static_cast<unsigned>(i) << "tx3:" << from_x3 << "tstd:" << from_std << 'n';
    std::cout << "Donen";


Spirit X3 version: 3000



Spirit X3 version: 3000
0x09    x3:false    std:true
0x0a    x3:false    std:true
0x0b    x3:false    std:true
0x0c    x3:false    std:true
0x0d    x3:false    std:true