
Matching variadic non-type templates

本文关键字:类型 变异      更新时间:2023-10-16

假设我有两个结构, FooBar

struct Foo{};
template<unsigned long...>
struct Bar{};


int main()
    using f1 = Foo<1, 2, 3>;
    using f2 = Foo<1>;
    using b1 = Bar<1, 2, 3>;
    using b2 = Bar<1>;
    static_assert(match_class<f1, f2>::value, "Fail");
    static_assert(match_class<b1, b2>::value, "Fail");
    static_assert(!match_class<f1, b1>::value, "Fail");

对于C 1z(Clang 5.0.0和GCC 8.0.0(,这足以执行此操作(演示(:

template<class A, class B>
struct match_class : std::false_type{};
template<class T, template<T...> class S, T... U, T... V>
struct match_class<S<U...>, S<V...>> : std::true_type{};

但是在C 14中,我会收到以下错误(相同的编译器*演示(:

error: class template partial specialization contains a template parameter that cannot be deduced; this partial specialization will never be used [-Wunusable-partial-specialization]
struct match_class<S<U...>, S<V...>> : std::true_type{};
note: non-deducible template parameter 'T'
template<class T, template<T...> class S, T... U, T... V>

问题:C 14中的解决方法是什么?


次要问题: C 的行为14正确吗?(或者我看到的C 17未指定的行为?(

*请注意,MSVC 19.00.23506具有相同类型的故障演示

在C 14中,您无法推论T在:

template<class T, template<T...> class S, T... U, T... V>
struct match_class<S<U...>, S<V...>> : std::true_type{};

但是在C 17中,您可以。您看到的行为是正确的。

在C 14中,由于您无法推断T,因此您需要一种明确提供它的方法。因此,您可能需要类模板自己来指示其非类型模板参数类型:

template <int...> struct Foo { using type = int; };
template <unsigned long...> struct Bar { using type = unsigned long; };

或为此具有外部特征。然后明确写出所有内容 - 如果具有相同的非类型模板参数,则两个类模板匹配,然后也具有相同的类模板:

template <class... Ts> struct make_void { using type = void; };
template <class... Ts> using void_t = typename make_void<Ts...>::type;
template <class T1, class T2, class A, class B>
struct match_class_impl : std::false_type { };
template <class T, template <T...> class S, T... U, T... V>
struct match_class_impl<T, T, S<U...>, S<V...>> : std::true_type{};
template <class A, class B, class=void>
struct match_class : std::false_type { };
template <class A, class B>
struct match_class<A, B, void_t<typename A::type, typename B::type>>
    : match_class_impl<typename A::type, typename B::type, A, B>
{ };

这是增加对template auto支持的结果。在C 14中,[temp.deduct.type]包含:

不能从非类型模板argument的类型中推导一个模板类型参数。 [示例:

template<class T, T i> void f(double a[10][i]);
int v[10][20];
f(v); // error: argument for template-parameter T cannot be deduced

- end示例]

但是在C 17中,它现在读取:

当与相关类型声明的非类型模板参数P相对应的参数的值是从表达式推导的,而P类型中的模板参数是从值类型中推导的。 [示例:

template<long n> struct A { };
template<typename T> struct C;
template<typename T, T n> struct C<A<n>> {
  using Q = T;
using R = long;
using R = C<A<2>>::Q;           // OK; T was deduced to long from the
                                // template argument value in the type A<2>

- 结束示例] 类型T[N]中的N的类型为std​::​size_­t [示例:

template<typename T> struct S;
template<typename T, T n> struct S<int[n]> {
  using Q = T;
using V = decltype(sizeof 0);
using V = S<int[42]>::Q;        // OK; T was deduced to std​::​size_­t from the type int[42]

- 结束示例]

问题:C 14中的解决方法是什么?

C 14中可能的解决方法基于特征。

#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
struct Foo{};
template<unsigned long...>
struct Bar{};
struct traits;
template<int... V>
struct traits<Foo<V...>> { using type = Foo<0>; };
template<unsigned long... V>
struct traits<Bar<V...>> { using type = Bar<0>; };
template<typename T, typename U>
constexpr bool match = std::is_same<typename traits<T>::type, typename traits<U>::type>::value;
int main() {
    using f1 = Foo<1, 2, 3>;
    using f2 = Foo<1>;
    using b1 = Bar<1, 2, 3>;
    using b2 = Bar<1>;
    static_assert(match<f1, f2>, "Fail");
    static_assert(match<b1, b2>, "Fail");
    static_assert(!match<f1, b1>, "Fail");

作为旁注,在C 17中,您可以按照以下方式简化事物:

template<template<auto ...> class S, auto... U, auto... V>
struct match_class<S<U...>, S<V...>> : std::true_type{};

关于错误背后的原因, @barry的答案包含您需要理解的所有内容(像往常一样(。

这是一个通用的C 14解决方案,不依赖手动专业的类型特征或扩展FooBar


namespace detail
    // Type representing a class template taking any number of non-type template arguments.
    template <typename T, template <T...> class U>
    struct nontype_template {};
// If T is an instantiation of a class template U taking non-type template arguments,
// this has a nested typedef "type" that is a detail::nontype_template representing U.
template <typename T>
struct nontype_template_of {};
// Partial specializations for all of the builtin integral types.
template <template <bool...> class T, bool... Vs>
struct nontype_template_of<T<Vs...>> { using type = detail::nontype_template<bool, T>; };
template <template <char...> class T, char... Vs>
struct nontype_template_of<T<Vs...>> { using type = detail::nontype_template<char, T>; };
template <template <signed char...> class T, signed char... Vs>
struct nontype_template_of<T<Vs...>> { using type = detail::nontype_template<signed char, T>; };
template <template <unsigned char...> class T, unsigned char... Vs>
struct nontype_template_of<T<Vs...>> { using type = detail::nontype_template<unsigned char, T>; };
template <template <short...> class T, short... Vs>
struct nontype_template_of<T<Vs...>> { using type = detail::nontype_template<short, T>; };
template <template <unsigned short...> class T, unsigned short... Vs>
struct nontype_template_of<T<Vs...>> { using type = detail::nontype_template<unsigned short, T>; };
template <template <int...> class T, int... Vs>
struct nontype_template_of<T<Vs...>> { using type = detail::nontype_template<int, T>; };
template <template <unsigned int...> class T, unsigned int... Vs>
struct nontype_template_of<T<Vs...>> { using type = detail::nontype_template<unsigned int, T>; };
template <template <long...> class T, long... Vs>
struct nontype_template_of<T<Vs...>> { using type = detail::nontype_template<long, T>; };
template <template <unsigned long...> class T, unsigned long... Vs>
struct nontype_template_of<T<Vs...>> { using type = detail::nontype_template<unsigned long, T>; };
template <template <long long...> class T, long long... Vs>
struct nontype_template_of<T<Vs...>> { using type = detail::nontype_template<long long, T>; };
template <template <unsigned long long...> class T, unsigned long long... Vs>
struct nontype_template_of<T<Vs...>> { using type = detail::nontype_template<unsigned long long, T>; };


// Alias template for nontype_template_of.
template <typename T>
using nontype_template_of_t = typename nontype_template_of<T>::type;


template <class A, class B>
struct match_class : std::is_same<nontype_template_of_t<A>, nontype_template_of_t<B>> {};
