使用标准库将循环替换为 strtok

Replace a loop with strtok by using Standard Library

本文关键字:替换 strtok 循环 标准      更新时间:2023-10-16

我有一个strtok解决的问题(从字符串中拆分子字符串(,但是我意识到 strtok 并不安全。我想使用C++标准库中一些更现代的部分。


static int ParseLine(std::string line, 
                     std::string seps, 
                     int startIdx, 
                     std::vector<CNode>& collection)
    if (startIdx > collection.size())
        throw std::invalid_argument("the start index is out of range");
    char buf[2000];
    strcpy_s(buf, line.c_str());
    auto idx = startIdx;
    for (auto objectType = strtok(buf, seps.c_str()); objectType != nullptr; idx++)
        if (idx == collection.size())
        objectType = strtok(nullptr, seps.c_str());
    return (idx - 1);


#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
class CObject
    std::string _objectType;
                CObject() : _objectType("n/a") {}
    void        SetObjectType(std::string objectType) { _objectType = objectType; }
    std::string GetObjectType() const { return _objectType; }
class CNode
    int     _id;
    CObject _object;
    explicit CNode(int id) : _id(id) {}
    void        SetObjectType(std::string objectType) { _object.SetObjectType(objectType); }
    std::string GetObjectType() const { return _object.GetObjectType(); }
// Update the collection of nodes with the object types found in the line specified.
// Return the number of elements in the collection.
static int ParseLine(std::string line, std::string seps, int startIdx, std::vector<CNode>& collection)
    if (startIdx > collection.size())
        throw std::invalid_argument("the start index is out of range");
    char buf[2000];
    strcpy_s(buf, line.c_str());
    auto idx = startIdx;
    for (auto objectType = strtok(buf, seps.c_str()); objectType != nullptr; idx++)
        if (idx == collection.size())
        objectType = strtok(nullptr, seps.c_str());
    return (idx - 1);
int main()
    std::string seps = ".";
    //                   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9
    std::string line = "abc.def.ghi.klm.nop.qrs.tuv.wxyz";
    std::vector<CNode> collection { CNode(0), CNode(1), CNode(2) , CNode(3) , CNode(4) , CNode(5) };
    auto startAt = 2;
        auto collection_size = ParseLine(line, seps, startAt, collection);
        std::cout << collection_size << std::endl;
        for (auto value : collection)
            std::cout << value.GetObjectType() << std::endl;
    catch (std::invalid_argument& e)
        std::cout << " out of range exception " << e.what() << std::endl;
    return 0;


第一种将std::getline与字符串流一起使用,指定分隔符而不是使用默认换行符。 此技术只能使用单字符分隔符。

第二个示例使用 <regex> 库,该库允许任意长度的分隔符,还可以更好地控制如何识别分隔符。 请注意,点字符必须在正则表达式规范中进行转义,因为在正则表达式语言中,"." 充当通配符。

#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
#include <regex>
std::vector<std::string> GetlineSplit(std::string const& line) {
    static const char sep = '.';
    std::istringstream liness{line};
    std::vector<std::string> fields;
    for(std::string field; std::getline(liness, field, sep); ) {
    return fields;
std::vector<std::string> RegexSplit(std::string const& line) {
    std::regex seps("\."); // the dot character needs to be escaped in a regex
    std::sregex_token_iterator rit(line.begin(), line.end(), seps, -1);
    return std::vector<std::string>(rit, std::sregex_token_iterator());
int main() {
    std::string line = "abc.def.ghi.klm.nop.qrs.tuv.wxyz";
    std::cout << "getline split result:n";
    auto fields_getline = GetlineSplit(line);
    for(const auto& field : fields_getline) {
        std::cout << field << 'n';
    std::cout << "nregex split result:n";
    auto fields_regex = RegexSplit(line);
    for(const auto& field : fields_regex) {
        std::cout << field << 'n';



class Utility {
    static std::vector<std::string> splitString( const std::string& strStringToSplit, 
                                                 const std::string& strDelimiter, 
                                                 const bool keepEmpty = true );


#include "Utility.h"
// splitString()
std::vector<std::string> Utility::splitString( const std::string& strStringToSplit, 
                                               const std::string& strDelimiter, 
                                               const bool keepEmpty ) {
    std::vector<std::string> vResult;
    if ( strDelimiter.empty() ) {
        vResult.push_back( strStringToSplit );
        return vResult;
    std::string::const_iterator itSubStrStart = strStringToSplit.begin(), itSubStrEnd;
    while ( true ) {
        itSubStrEnd = search( itSubStrStart, strStringToSplit.end(), strDelimiter.begin(), strDelimiter.end() );
        std::string strTemp( itSubStrStart, itSubStrEnd );
        if ( keepEmpty || !strTemp.empty() ) {
            vResult.push_back( strTemp );
        if ( itSubStrEnd == strStringToSplit.end() ) {
        itSubStrStart = itSubStrEnd + strDelimiter.size();
    return vResult;
} // splitString



#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include "Utility.h"
int main() {
    std::string someLongString2( "Hello World How Are You" );
    std::vector<std::string> singleWords;
    singleWords = Utility::splitString( someLongString, " " );
     // Space is the delimiter and now each individual word 
     // from the long string are now each a new string stored 
     // in this vector. You can use any character for your delimiter.
     // Also this function is not limited to having a single character
     // as its delimiter. You can use a series of characters or specific
     // words as your delimiter. Such as a comma followed by a space.
      std::string someLongString2( "Hello, World, How, Are, You" );
      singleWords = Utility::splitString( someLongString2, ", " );
    return 0;
} // main
<</div> div class="answers">


std::vector<std::string> SplitLine(std::string const& line, std::string seps)
    std::regex regxSeps(seps); // the dot character needs to be escaped in a regex
    std::sregex_token_iterator rit(line.begin(), line.end(), regxSeps, -1);
    return std::vector<std::string>(rit, std::sregex_token_iterator());
static int ParseLine(std::string line, std::string seps, size_t startIdx, std::vector<CNode>& collection)
    if (startIdx > collection.size())
        throw std::invalid_argument("the start index is out of range");
    auto objectTypes = SplitLine(line, seps);
    auto idx = startIdx;
    for (const auto& objectType : objectTypes)
        if (idx == collection.size())
    return (idx - 1);
int main()
    std::string seps = "\."; // the dot character needs to be escaped in a regex