
Eigen: Return a reference to a block of a matrix with compile-time dimension checks

本文关键字:检查 引用 时间 返回 编译 特征      更新时间:2023-10-16

我要问的是这个问题的概括。具体来说,我想在旧版C和Fortran库周围制作C 特征包装器,该包装使用2D数据结构:

[   x[0,0] ...   x[0,w-1] ]
[   u[0,0] ...   u[0,w-1] ]
[          ...            ]
[ x[c-1,0] ... x[c-1,w-1] ]
[ u[c-1,0] ... u[c-1,w-1] ]


因此,我想编写一个特征类,其唯一目的是使该矩阵的提取条目尽可能容易。在C 14中,看起来像data_getter.h

#include "Eigen/Dense"
template<typename T, int n, int m, int c, int w>
class DataGetter {
    /** Return a reference to the data as a matrix */
    static auto asMatrix(T *raw_ptr) {
        auto out = Eigen::Map<Eigen::Matrix<T, (n + m) * c, w>>(raw_ptr);
        static_assert(decltype(out)::RowsAtCompileTime == (n + m) * c);
        static_assert(decltype(out)::ColsAtCompileTime == w);
        return out;
    /** Return a reference to the submatrix
     * [ x[i,0], ..., x[i,w-1]]
     * [ u[i,0], ..., u[i,w-1]] */
    static auto W(T *raw_ptr, int i) {
        auto out = asMatrix(raw_ptr).template middleRows<n + m>((n + m) * i);
        static_assert(decltype(out)::RowsAtCompileTime == (n + m));
        static_assert(decltype(out)::ColsAtCompileTime == w);
        return out;
    /** Return a reference to the submatrix [ x[i,0], ..., x[i,w-1]] */
    static auto X(T *raw_ptr, int i) {
        auto out = W(raw_ptr, i).template topRows<n>();
        static_assert(decltype(out)::RowsAtCompileTime == n);
        static_assert(decltype(out)::ColsAtCompileTime == w);
        return out;
    /** Return a reference to x[i,j] */
    static auto X(T *raw_ptr, int i, int j) {
        auto out = X(raw_ptr, i).col(j);
        static_assert(decltype(out)::RowsAtCompileTime == n);
        static_assert(decltype(out)::ColsAtCompileTime == 1);
        return out;
    /** Return a reference to the submatrix [ u[i,0], ..., u[i,w-1]] */
    static auto U(T *raw_ptr, int i) {
        auto out = W(raw_ptr, i).template bottomRows<m>();
        static_assert(decltype(out)::RowsAtCompileTime == m);
        static_assert(decltype(out)::ColsAtCompileTime == w);
        return out;
    /** Return a reference to u[i,j] */
    static auto U(T *raw_ptr, int i, int j) {
        auto out = U(raw_ptr, i).col(j);
        static_assert(decltype(out)::RowsAtCompileTime == m);
        static_assert(decltype(out)::ColsAtCompileTime == 1);
        return out;
    /** Return a reference to the submatrix
     * [ x[0,i], ..., x[c-1,i]]
     * [ u[0,i], ..., u[c-1,i]] */
    static auto C(T *raw_ptr, int i) {
        auto out = Eigen::Map<Eigen::Matrix<T, n + m, c>>(
                asMatrix(raw_ptr).col(i).template topRows<(n + m) * c>().data());
        static_assert(decltype(out)::RowsAtCompileTime == (n + m));
        static_assert(decltype(out)::ColsAtCompileTime == c);
        return out;
    /** Return a reference to the submatrix [ x[0,i], ..., x[c-1,i]] */
    static auto Xc(T *raw_ptr, int i) {
        auto out = C(raw_ptr, i).template topRows<n>();
        static_assert(decltype(out)::RowsAtCompileTime == n);
        static_assert(decltype(out)::ColsAtCompileTime == c);
        return out;
    /** Return a reference to the submatrix [ u[0,i], ..., u[c-1,i]] */
    static auto Uc(T *raw_ptr, int i) {
        auto out = C(raw_ptr, i).template bottomRows<m>();
        static_assert(decltype(out)::RowsAtCompileTime == m);
        static_assert(decltype(out)::ColsAtCompileTime == c);
        return out;


#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include "Eigen/Dense"
#include "data_getter.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace Eigen;
template<typename T>
void printSize(MatrixBase<T> &mat) {
    cout << T::RowsAtCompileTime << " x " << T::ColsAtCompileTime;
int main() {
    using T = double;
    const int n = 2;
    const int m = 3;
    const int c = 2;
    const int w = 5;
    const int size = w * (c * (n + m));
    std::vector<T> vec;
    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
    /* Define the interface that we will use a lot */
    using Data = DataGetter<T, n, m, c, w>;
    /* Now let's map that pointer to some submatrices */
    Ref<Matrix<T, (n + m) * c, w>> allData = Data::asMatrix(vec.data());
    Ref<Matrix<T, n, w>> x1 = Data::X(vec.data(), 1);
    Ref<Matrix<T, n, c>> xc2 = Data::Xc(vec.data(), 2);
    Ref<Matrix<T, n + m, c>> xuc2 = Data::C(vec.data(), 2);
    Ref<Matrix<T, n, 1>> x12 = Data::X(vec.data(), 1, 2);
    cout << "Data::asMatrix( T* ): ";
    cout << endl << endl << allData << endl << endl;
    cout << "Data::X( T*, 1 )    : ";
    cout << endl << endl << x1 << endl << endl;
    cout << "Data::Xc( T*, 2 )   : ";
    cout << endl << endl << xc2 << endl << endl;
    cout << "Data::C( T*, 2 )    : ";
    cout << endl << endl << xuc2 << endl << endl;
    cout << "Data::X( T*, 1, 2 ) : ";
    cout << endl << endl << x12 << endl << endl;
    /* Now changes to x12 should be reflected in the other variables */
    cout << "-----" << endl << endl << "x12.setZero() " << endl << endl << "-----" << endl;
    cout << "allData" << endl << endl << allData << endl << endl;
    cout << "x1" << endl << endl << x1 << endl << endl;
    cout << "xc2" << endl << endl << xc2 << endl << endl;
    cout << "xuc2" << endl << endl << xuc2 << endl << endl;
    cout << "x12" << endl << endl << x12 << endl << endl;
    return 0;


Data::asMatrix( T* ): 10 x 5
 0 10 20 30 40
 1 11 21 31 41
 2 12 22 32 42
 3 13 23 33 43
 4 14 24 34 44
 5 15 25 35 45
 6 16 26 36 46
 7 17 27 37 47
 8 18 28 38 48
 9 19 29 39 49
Data::X( T*, 1 )    : 2 x 5
 5 15 25 35 45
 6 16 26 36 46
Data::Xc( T*, 2 )   : 2 x 2
20 25
21 26
Data::C( T*, 2 )    : 5 x 2
20 25
21 26
22 27
23 28
24 29
Data::X( T*, 1, 2 ) : 2 x 1
 0 10 20 30 40
 1 11 21 31 41
 2 12 22 32 42
 3 13 23 33 43
 4 14 24 34 44
 5 15  0 35 45
 6 16  0 36 46
 7 17 27 37 47
 8 18 28 38 48
 9 19 29 39 49
 5 15  0 35 45
 6 16  0 36 46
20  0
21  0
20  0
21  0
22 27
23 28
24 29

问题是,关于尺寸的编译时间检查似乎无法正常工作。在data_getter.h中,您可能会注意到我在尺寸上放了一堆static_assert s。这似乎有点过分杀伤力,但我想确保表达式确实正在执行编译时间操作,以便我们可以在尺寸上获得检查。如果它们是动态表达式,那么大小将是-1。

但是,尽管所有static_assert S通过,但似乎并没有对参考文献进行任何编译时间检查。例如,如果我们更改测试程序中的以下行

Ref<Matrix<T, (n + m) * c, w>> allData = Data::asMatrix(vec.data());


Ref<Matrix<T, (n + m) * c + 1, w>> allData = Data::asMatrix(vec.data());


可能会想到的一个想法是将这些返回值也定义为auto。但是,特征文档会劝阻这一点,因为如果我们最终在循环中使用输出,则可能会一遍又一遍地评估该表达式。这就是我使用Ref s的原因。另外,由于我们在编译时知道它的大小似乎是个好主意...


如果您在评论中错过了它... @Ggael说eigen Ref s在编译时不要检查尺寸。