
Getting “Assign Return Value to New Variables” warning and output is memory address

本文关键字:警告 输出 地址 内存 变量 返回值 分配 新变量 获取      更新时间:2023-10-16

我刚刚开始我的CS第二学期,我们正在使用的编程语言是C ,我当然是新手。我正在编写一个程序,该程序将每月温度(高低(记录为二维阵列。我以前有一些经验,主要是JavaScript和Python,但没有这个世界。这些程序汇编并成功运行,但我没有得到理想的结果。首先,这是我的整体代码(因此(

using namespace std;
const int MONTHS = 12;
const int TEMPS = 2;
void getData(); 
void averageHigh(double arr1[][TEMPS]); 
int main()
    cout << "This program outputs average high and low temperature for a year in Puerto Rico:nn";
    return 0;
void getData()
    ifstream tempsHigh_Low;
    int i = 0, j = 0;
    double temps[MONTHS][TEMPS];
    if (tempsHigh_Low.is_open())
        for (i; i < MONTHS; i++)
            for (j; j < TEMPS; j++)
                tempsHigh_Low >> temps[i][j];
void averageHigh(double arr1[][TEMPS])
    double tempsAvgHigh[MONTHS][TEMPS];
    double sumElements = 0;
    double numElements = MONTHS;
    double averageHighTemp;
    int v = 0, k = 0;
    for (v; v < MONTHS; v++)
        for (k; k < TEMPS; k++)
            sumElements = sumElements + tempsAvgHigh[v][k];
    cout << sumElements << endl; //right here, it prints out memory loc and
//and issues out warning...this is a test to find out whether i can
//proceed to take the arithmetic mean of the first column of the array



在函数" void getData(("中:29:15:警告:语句没有效果[-wunused-value]31:19:警告:声明没有效果[-wunused-value] 在函数中" void peraseashigh(double(*([2](':47:11:警告:声明没有效果[-wunused-value]49:15:警告:声明没有效果[-wunused-value]44:12:警告:未使用的变量'数字'[ -  wunused-variable]45:12:警告:未使用的变量'平均hightemp'[ -  wunused-dariable]51:58:警告:'tempsavghigh [0] [0]'在此功能[ -  wuninitialization]中使用51:58:警告:'tempsavghigh [0] [1]'在此功能[ -  wuninitialization]中使用 在全球范围:40:37:警告:未使用的参数'arr1'[ -  wunused-parameter]




    for (int i=0; i < MONTHS; i++)
        for (int j=0; j < TEMPS; j++)
            tempsHigh_Low >> temps[i][j];

for (int v=0; v < MONTHS; v++)
    for (int k=0; k < TEMPS; k++)
        sumElements = sumElements + tempsAvgHigh[v][k];





 //Sebastian R. Papanikolaou

using namespace std;
const int MONTHS = 12;
const int TEMPS = 2;

void getData(); //getData() function prototype
void averageHigh(double arr1[][TEMPS]);//averageHigh() function prototype
void averageLow(double arr2[][TEMPS]); //averageLow() function prototype
void indexHighTemp(double arr3[][TEMPS]); //indexHighTemp() function prototype
void indexLowTemp(double arr4[][TEMPS]);//indexLowTemp() function prototype
int main() {
    cout << "This program takes in data from a text file (.txt ) andn"
            "computes the average high and low temperature for the islandn"
            "of Puerto Rico, also it calculates the index highest and lowestn"
            "temperatures on the island as wellnn";
    return 0;
void getData() //gathers input from the text file 'tempsHigh_Low.txt'
               //and stores it into the 2D array 'temps'
    ifstream tempsHigh_Low;
    double temps[MONTHS][TEMPS];
    if(tempsHigh_Low.is_open()) {
        for(int i = 0; i < MONTHS; i++) {
            for(int j = 0; j < TEMPS; j++){
                tempsHigh_Low >> temps[i][j];
    averageHigh(temps);//function call to averageHigh() with 'temps' as the parameter    
void averageHigh(double arr1[][TEMPS])//calculates the average of the first column in the arr1
    double sumElements = 0;
    double numElements = MONTHS;
    double averageHighTemp;
    for(int v = 0; v < MONTHS; v++)
        sumElements = sumElements + arr1[v][0];
    averageHighTemp = sumElements/MONTHS;
    cout << "The average high temperature in Puerto Rico is " 
            << averageHighTemp<< "F" << endl << endl;
    averageLow(arr1);//arr1 is sent to the function averageLow()
void averageLow(double arr2[][TEMPS])//averageLow() takes in the data from averageLow() and calculates the average the second column of arr2
//arr2 in reality is still 'temps' from getData()
    double sumElements = 0;   
    double numElementes = MONTHS;
    double averageLowTemp;
    for(int n = 0; n < MONTHS; n++)
        sumElements = sumElements + arr2[n][1];
    averageLowTemp = sumElements/MONTHS;
    cout << "The average low temperature in Puerto Rico is "
         << averageLowTemp<< "F" << endl << endl;
    indexHighTemp(arr2);//arr2 is sento to indexHighTemp()
void indexHighTemp(double arr3[][TEMPS])//calculates the highest value in the first column of arr3
    int largestHighTemp;
    for(int l = 0; l < TEMPS; l++)
        largestHighTemp = arr3[0][l];
        for(int e = 0; e < MONTHS; e++)
            if(arr3[e][0] > largestHighTemp)
                largestHighTemp = arr3[e][0];
    cout << "The highest temperature that Puerto Rico reaches is "
            << largestHighTemp << "F" << endl << endl;
    indexLowTemp(arr3);//arr3 is sent to indexLowTemp()
void indexLowTemp(double arr4[][TEMPS])//calculates the lowest value in the second column of arr4
    int lowestLowTemp;
    for(int a = 0; a < TEMPS;a++)
        lowestLowTemp = arr4[0][a];
        for(int b = 0; b < TEMPS; b++)
            if(arr4[b][1] < lowestLowTemp)
                lowestLowTemp = arr4[b][1];
    cout << "The lowest temperature that Puerto Rico reaches is "
            << lowestLowTemp << "F" << endl << endl;


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