
Looping if user input invalid

本文关键字:循环 无效 用户 输入 如果      更新时间:2023-10-16


我用 if 语句做了,但它只循环了 1 次,不会再循环了。我尝试了循环,但每当输入为假时,它只会破坏条件并拒绝所有输入。在 C++ 中。


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

void xD(){string x;
   do{cout << "Retryn";
    cin >> x;}while(true);}
//declaring a function to make the shop
void shop(){
    string x;
    float coins = 500;
    float bow_cost = 200;
 cout  << "welcome to the shopn";
 cout  << "Bow(bow)costs 150 coins.n";
        cin >> x;
 // if u chose bow you get this and get to choose again
        if (x == "bow"){
        cout << "you bought the bow.n you now have " <<coins - bow_cost << " coins." << endl; cin >> x;}
/*now the problem that whenever I excute the code and type something other than bow it gives me the cin only once more and then fails even if I type bow in the 2nd attempt*/ 

//in my desperate 5k attempt, I tried creating a function for it.. no use.
//i want it o keep prompting me for input till i type "bow" and the other block excutes. but it never happens. 
int main(){
    string name;
    string i;
  cout << "if you wish to visit the shop type "shop"n";

    cin >> i;

       if(i == "shop"){shop();}
       else{cin >> i;}
        return 0;


void xD(){
  string x;
    cout << "Retryn";
    cin >> x;


void xD(){
  string x;
    cout << "Retryn";
    cin >> x;
 cout << "you bought the bow. and some other messages"<<endl;


void shop(){
  string x;
  float coins = 500;
  float bow_cost = 200;
  cout  << "welcome to the shopn";
  cout  << "Bow(bow)costs 150 coins.n";
  cin >> x;
  while (x!="bow"){
    cout << "Retryn";
  cout << "you bought the bow.n you now have " <<coins - bow_cost << " coins." << endl; cin >> x;


if (x == "bow"){
        cout << "you bought the bow.n you now have " <<coins - bow_cost << " 
  coins." << endl; cin >> x;
} else{

它实际上是对方法 xD(( 的递归invocation



while (x.compare("bow") != 0)
  cout << "sorry, wrong input, try again...";
  cin >> x;

请注意使用比较方法而不是 == 运算符


您可以在此处使用 cin>> [您的输入对象] 的返回值来检查状态或 istream 的方法fail()。一旦输入流无法解析全部或部分流,它就会失败并保持失败状态,直到您清除它。未解析的输入被保留(所以你可以尝试以不同的方式解析它?因此,如果您尝试再次>>相同类型的对象,则会遇到相同的失败。要忽略 N 个字符的插补,有方法

istream::ignore(streamsize amount, int delim = EOF)


int  getInt()
    while (1) // Loop until user enters a valid input
        std::cout << "Enter an int value: ";
        long long x;  // if we'll use char, cin would assume it is character
        // other integral types are fine
        std::cin >> x;
        // if (! (std::cin >> x))
        if (std::cin.fail()) // has a previous extraction failed?
            // yep, so let's handle the failure, or next >> will try parse same input
            std::cout << "Invalid input from user.n";
            std::cin.clear(); // put us back in 'normal' operation mode
            std::cin.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(),'n'); // and remove the bad input
        // Thechnically you may do only the above part, but then you can't distingusih invalid format from out of range
        else if(( x  > std::numeric_limits<int>::max()) ||
            ( x  < std::numeric_limits<int>::min()))
            std::cout << "Invalid value.n";
        else // nope, so return our good x
            return x;

对于字符串,解析几乎总是成功的,但您需要一些比较您拥有的字符串的机制和允许的机制。尝试寻找使用std::find()和一些包含允许选项的容器,例如以pair<int,string>的形式,并在switch((语句中使用int index(或在你给它的函数中使用find_ifswitch()(。


每次开始编译代码时,它都会从int main()函数开始。你在if中做错了事,又else陈述这是正确的代码。我做了必要的更改。

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using std::string;
using std::cin;
using std::cout;
#define coins 500 ;
#define bow_cost 200 ;
int shop(string x)
     //There is no need to allocate extra memory for 500 and 200 while they are constant.``
    cout << "welcome to the shopn";
    cout << "Bow(bow)costs 150 coins.n";

        cout << "Input another :n";
        cin >> x;
        if (x == "bow")
            return (coins - bow_cost); //return to function as integer
    } while (true);
int main()
    string name, i;
    cout << "if you wish to visit the shop type "shop"n";
    cin >> i;
    if (i == "shop")
        cout << "Input :n";
        cin >> name;
        cout << shop(name) << "you bought the bow.n you now have " << " coins." << "n";
    //argument passed to shop funnction parameters.
    return 0;