
Can't find bug in hash table copy constructor

本文关键字:找不到 错误 构造函数 哈希表 复制      更新时间:2023-10-16


LPTable<int> hashtableCopy = hashtable;

程序崩溃,我不确定为什么。我已经通过调试器,它似乎知道它在 for 循环中接收什么值,所以我对正在发生的事情感到困惑,是语法/逻辑问题还是什么。任何帮助将不胜感激,谢谢。我将发布到目前为止我所尝试的内容。

具有复制 CTOR 的哈希表

template <class TYPE>
class LPTable :public Table<TYPE> {
    struct Record {
            TYPE data_;
            string key_;
            bool isDeleted = false;
            Record() {
                    key_ = "";
                    data_ = 0;
                    isDeleted = false;
            Record(const string& key, const TYPE& data) {
                    key_ = key;
                    data_ = data;
                    isDeleted = false;
    Record** records_;   //the table
    int LargerMax;       // *1.35 max_
    int max_;           //capacity of the array
    int size_;          //current number of records held
    int MyHash(string key); // custom hash function 
    int numRecords() const { return this.size_; }
    bool isEmpty()         { return size_ = 0; }
    LPTable(int maxExpected);
    LPTable(const LPTable& other);
    LPTable(LPTable&& other);
    virtual bool update(const string& key, const TYPE& value);
    virtual bool remove(const string& key);
    virtual bool find(const string& key, TYPE& value);
    virtual const LPTable& operator=(const LPTable& other);
    virtual const LPTable& operator=(LPTable&& other);
    virtual ~LPTable();
/* none of the code in the function definitions below are correct.  You   can replace what you need
template <class TYPE>
LPTable<TYPE>::LPTable(int maxExpected) : Table<TYPE>() {
    LargerMax = maxExpected * 1.35;
    records_ = new Record*[LargerMax];  
    for (int i = 0; i < LargerMax; i++)
            records_[i] = nullptr;
    size_ = 0;
//copy ctor
template <class TYPE>
LPTable<TYPE>::LPTable(const LPTable<TYPE>& other) {

    records_ = new Record*[other.LargerMax];    
    for (int i = 0; i < other.LargerMax; i++)
            while (other.records_[i] != nullptr)
                    records_[i]->key_ = other.records_[i]->key_;
                    records_[i]->data_ = other.records_[i]->data_;
                    records_[i]->isDeleted = other.records_[i]->isDeleted;
template <class TYPE>
const LPTable<TYPE>& LPTable<TYPE>::operator=(const LPTable<TYPE>& other) 
    LPTable temp(other);
    std::swap(temp.records_, records_);
    std::swap(temp.max_, max_);
    std::swap(temp.size_, size_);
    return *this;

template <class TYPE>
const LPTable<TYPE>& LPTable<TYPE>::operator=(LPTable<TYPE>&& other) {
    return *this;
template <class TYPE>
LPTable<TYPE>::~LPTable() {
     delete[] records_;

从不在复制构造函数中设置LargerMaxmax_size_。 (您也不会在构造函数中设置max_ int

复制 other.records_ 时,不会为所需的记录分配空间。 如果other.records_中的指针是nullptr,只需将其设置为 records_[i] 中的新指针值,否则将其设置为使用 Records 复制构造函数分配的新记录。 将while循环替换为

records_[i] = other.records_[i] == nullptr ? nullptr : new Record(other.records_[i])