
Math logic incorrect in function?

本文关键字:功能 不正确      更新时间:2023-10-16


  • 2010n212(运行良好)

  • 2010y212(没有给我预期的结果)


预期的结果是"会员资格成本= $ 162.80" ,但我的代码给我"会员资格成本= $ 152.00"



// headers
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
// prototypes
void displayGeneralInformation ();
void readNecessaryInformation (double& regularCostPerMonth,
                               double& costPerPersonalTrainingSession,
                               bool& seniorCitizen, int& numberOfSessions,
                               int& numberOfMonths);
double determineMembershipCost (double regularCostPerMonth,
                                double costPerPersonalTrainingSession,
                                bool seniorCitizen, int numberOfSessions,
                                int numberOfMonths);
// main
int main()
    double regularCostPerMonth;
    double costPerPersonalTrainingSession;
    bool seniorCitizen;
    int numberOfSessions;
    int numberOfMonths;
    double cost;
    // print menu
    // calls
    // call displayGeneralInformation
    displayGeneralInformation ();
    // call readNecessaryInformation
    readNecessaryInformation (regularCostPerMonth,
                              seniorCitizen, numberOfSessions,
    // call determineMembershipCost
    cost = determineMembershipCost (regularCostPerMonth, costPerPersonalTrainingSession, seniorCitizen, numberOfSessions,                                                       numberOfMonths);
    // Display cost of membership
    cout << "nThe membership cost = $" << setprecision(2)<< fixed << cost << endl; 
    return 0;
// displayGeneralInformation function definition
void displayGeneralInformation ()
    cout << "nWelcome to Stay Healthy and Fit center." << endl;
    cout << "This program determines the cost of a new membership." << endl;
    cout << "If you are a senior citizen, then the discount is 30% off of the regular membership price." << endl;
    cout << "If you buy membership for twelve months and pay today, the discount is 15%." << endl;
    cout << "If you buy and pay for 6 or more personal training session today, the discount on each session is 20%." << endl;
// readNecessaryInformation function definition
void readNecessaryInformation (double& regularCostPerMonth,
                              double& costPerPersonalTrainingSession,
                              bool& seniorCitizen, int& numberOfSessions,
                              int& numberOfMonths)
    cout << "nEnter the cost of a regular membership per month: $";
    cin >> regularCostPerMonth;
    cout << "Enter the cost of one personal training session: $";
    cin >> costPerPersonalTrainingSession;
    cout << "Are you a senior citizen (Y,y/N,n): ";
    char ch;
    cin >> ch;
    if (ch == 'Y' || ch == 'y')
        seniorCitizen = true;
        seniorCitizen = false;
    cout << "Enter the number of personal training sessions bought: ";
    cin >> numberOfSessions;
    cout << "Enter the number of months you are paying for: ";
    cin >> numberOfMonths;
// determineMembershipCost function definition
double determineMembershipCost (double regularCostPerMonth, double costPerPersonalTrainingSession, bool seniorCitizen, int numberOfSessions, int numberOfMonths)
    double cost = regularCostPerMonth * numberOfMonths;
    if (seniorCitizen)
        cost = cost - (regularCostPerMonth * 0.30 * numberOfMonths);
    if (numberOfMonths >= 12)
        cost = cost - (regularCostPerMonth * 0.15 * numberOfMonths);
    cost = cost + (costPerPersonalTrainingSession * numberOfSessions);
    if (numberOfSessions > 5)
        cost = cost - (costPerPersonalTrainingSession * 0.20 * numberOfSessions);
    return cost;


cost = (cost - (cost * 0.30)); //for 30% off
cost = (cost - (cost * 0.15)); //15% off