HeightField 分为几个部分 - PhysX

HeightFIeld divided into parts - PhysX

本文关键字:几个 PhysX HeightField      更新时间:2023-10-16



#include "HeightField.h"

HeightField::HeightField(Terrain terrain, PxPhysics& sdk, PxMaterial &material, int width, int height)
    this->nrVertices = terrain.NumVertices;
    this->terrain = terrain;
    this->width = width;
    this->height = height;
    this->aHeightField = sdk.createHeightField(hfDesc);
    this->hfGeom = new PxHeightFieldGeometry(aHeightField, PxMeshGeometryFlags(), this->terrain.dy / 255.0, this->terrain.dx, this->terrain.dz);
    this->terrainPos = new PxTransform(PxVec3(-this->terrain.dx*(this->width - 1) / 2, 0.0f, this->terrain.dz*(this->height - 1) / 2), PxQuat(3.1415 / 2.0, PxVec3(0, 1, 0)));
    this->g_pxHeightField = sdk.createRigidDynamic(*this->terrainPos);
    this->g_pxHeightField->setRigidDynamicFlag(PxRigidDynamicFlag::eKINEMATIC, true);
    PxShape* aHeightFieldShape = this->g_pxHeightField->createShape(*(this->hfGeom), material);


void HeightField::fillSamples()
    this->samples = (PxHeightFieldSample*)malloc(sizeof(PxHeightFieldSample)*(this->nrVertices));
    for (int i = 0; i < this->nrVertices; i++)
        samples[i].height = this->terrain.hminfo.heightMap[i].y;
void HeightField::fillDesc()
    this->hfDesc.format = PxHeightFieldFormat::eS16_TM;
    this->hfDesc.nbColumns = this->width;
    this->hfDesc.nbRows = this->height;
    this->hfDesc.samples.data = this->samples;
    this->hfDesc.samples.stride = sizeof(PxHeightFieldSample);


#include "Terrain.h"

    v = NULL;
    indices = NULL;
    dx = dz = 1000; //odleg³oœæ miêdzy punktami grid'a 
    dy = 1000; //maksymalna wysokoϾ terenu

    if (v != NULL) delete [] v;
    if (indices != NULL) delete indices;
    if (hminfo.heightMap != NULL) delete [] hminfo.heightMap;
bool Terrain::HeightMapLoad(char* filename, float sx, float sz, float maxy)
    FILE *filePtr;                          // Point to the current position in the file
    BITMAPFILEHEADER bitmapFileHeader;      // Structure which stores information about file
    BITMAPINFOHEADER bitmapInfoHeader;      // Structure which stores information about image
    int imageSize, index;
    unsigned char height;
    // Open the file
    filePtr = fopen(filename,"rb");
    if (filePtr == NULL)
        return 0;
    dx = sz;
    dz = sz;
    dy = maxy;

    // Get the width and height (width and length) of the image
    hminfo.terrainWidth =  bitmapInfoHeader.biWidth;
    hminfo.terrainHeight = bitmapInfoHeader.biHeight;

    // Initialize the heightMap array (stores the vertices of our terrain)
    hminfo.heightMap = new IntV3[hminfo.terrainWidth * hminfo.terrainHeight];
    // We use a greyscale image, so all 3 rgb values are the same, but we only need one for the height
    // So we use this counter to skip the next two components in the image data (we read R, then skip BG)
    int k=0;
    // Read the image data into our heightMap array
    for(int j=0; j< hminfo.terrainHeight; j++)
        for(int i=0; i< hminfo.terrainWidth; i++)
            height = bitmapImage[k];
            index = ( hminfo.terrainWidth * (hminfo.terrainHeight - 1 - j)) + i;
            hminfo.heightMap[index].x = i - (hminfo.terrainWidth - 1)/2;
            hminfo.heightMap[index].y = height;
            hminfo.heightMap[index].z = j - (hminfo.terrainHeight - 1)/2;

    int cols = hminfo.terrainWidth;
    int rows = hminfo.terrainHeight;
    //Create the grid
    NumVertices = 2 * rows * cols;
    NumFaces  = (rows-1)*(cols-1)*2;
    v = new struct HeightFieldVertex[NumVertices];
    for(DWORD i = 0; i < rows; ++i)
        for(DWORD j = 0; j < cols; ++j)
            v[i*cols+j].pos.x = hminfo.heightMap[i*cols+j].x * dx;
            v[i*cols+j].pos.y = (float(hminfo.heightMap[i*cols+j].y)/255.0) * dy;
            v[i*cols+j].pos.z = hminfo.heightMap[i*cols+j].z * dz;
            v[i*cols+j].texCoord = D3DXVECTOR2(j, i);
    indices = new DWORD[NumFaces * 3];
    k = 0;
    for(DWORD i = 0; i < rows-1; i++)
        for(DWORD j = 0; j < cols-1; j++)
            indices[k]   = i*cols+j;        // Bottom left of quad
            indices[k+1] = i*cols+j+1;      // Bottom right of quad
            indices[k+2] = (i+1)*cols+j;    // Top left of quad
            indices[k+3] = (i+1)*cols+j;    // Top left of quad
            indices[k+4] = i*cols+j+1;      // Bottom right of quad
            indices[k+5] = (i+1)*cols+j+1;  // Top right of quad
            k += 6; // next quad
    //normals & tangents
    std::vector<D3DXVECTOR3> tempNormal;
    //normalized and unnormalized normals
    D3DXVECTOR3 unnormalized(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
    //tangent stuff
    std::vector<D3DXVECTOR3> tempTangent;
    D3DXVECTOR3 tangent(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
    float tcU1, tcV1, tcU2, tcV2;
    //Used to get vectors (sides) from the position of the verts
    float vecX, vecY, vecZ;
    //Two edges of our triangle
    D3DXVECTOR3 edge1(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
    D3DXVECTOR3 edge2(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
    //Compute face normals
    //And Tangents
    for(int i = 0; i < NumFaces; ++i)
        //Get the vector describing one edge of our triangle (edge 0,2)
        vecX = v[indices[(i*3)+1]].pos.x - v[indices[(i*3)]].pos.x;
        vecY = v[indices[(i*3)+1]].pos.y - v[indices[(i*3)]].pos.y;
        vecZ = v[indices[(i*3)+1]].pos.z - v[indices[(i*3)]].pos.z;       
        edge1 = D3DXVECTOR3(vecX, vecY, vecZ);    //Create our first edge
        //Get the vector describing another edge of our triangle (edge 2,1)
        vecX = v[indices[(i*3)+2]].pos.x - v[indices[(i*3)]].pos.x;
        vecY = v[indices[(i*3)+2]].pos.y - v[indices[(i*3)]].pos.y;
        vecZ = v[indices[(i*3)+2]].pos.z - v[indices[(i*3)]].pos.z;     
        edge2 = D3DXVECTOR3(vecX, vecY, vecZ);    //Create our second edge
        //Cross multiply the two edge vectors to get the un-normalized face normal
        D3DXVec3Cross(&unnormalized, &edge1, &edge2);
        //Find first texture coordinate edge 2d vector
        tcU1 = v[indices[(i*3)+1]].texCoord.x - v[indices[(i*3)]].texCoord.x;
        tcV1 = v[indices[(i*3)+1]].texCoord.y - v[indices[(i*3)]].texCoord.y;
        //Find second texture coordinate edge 2d vector
        tcU2 = v[indices[(i*3)+2]].texCoord.x - v[indices[(i*3)]].texCoord.x;
        tcV2 = v[indices[(i*3)+2]].texCoord.y - v[indices[(i*3)]].texCoord.y;
        //Find tangent using both tex coord edges and position edges
        tangent.x = (tcV2 * edge1.x - tcV1 * edge2.x)  / (tcU1 * tcV2 - tcU2 * tcV1);
        tangent.y = (tcV2 * edge1.y - tcV1 * edge2.y)  / (tcU1 * tcV2 - tcU2 * tcV1);
        tangent.z = (tcV2 * edge1.z - tcV1 * edge2.z)  / (tcU1 * tcV2 - tcU2 * tcV1);
    //Compute vertex normals (normal Averaging)
    D3DXVECTOR4 normalSum(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
    D3DXVECTOR4 tangentSum(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
    int facesUsing = 0;
    float tX, tY, tZ;   //temp axis variables
    //Go through each vertex
    for(int i = 0; i < NumVertices; ++i)
        //Check which triangles use this vertex
        for(int j = 0; j < NumFaces; ++j)
            if(indices[j*3] == i ||
                indices[(j*3)+1] == i ||
                indices[(j*3)+2] == i)
                tX = normalSum.x + tempNormal[j].x;
                tY = normalSum.y + tempNormal[j].y;
                tZ = normalSum.z + tempNormal[j].z;
                normalSum = D3DXVECTOR4(tX, tY, tZ, 0.0f);  //If a face is using the vertex, add the unormalized face normal to the normalSum
        //Get the actual normal by dividing the normalSum by the number of faces sharing the vertex
        normalSum = normalSum / facesUsing;
        facesUsing = 0;
        //Check which triangles use this vertex
        for(int j = 0; j < NumFaces; ++j)
            if(indices[j*3] == i ||
                indices[(j*3)+1] == i ||
                indices[(j*3)+2] == i)
                //We can reuse tX, tY, tZ to sum up tangents
                tX = tangentSum.x + tempTangent[j].x;
                tY = tangentSum.y + tempTangent[j].y;
                tZ = tangentSum.z + tempTangent[j].z;
                tangentSum = D3DXVECTOR4(tX, tY, tZ, 0.0f); //sum up face tangents using this vertex
        //Get the actual normal by dividing the normalSum by the number of faces sharing the vertex
        tangentSum = tangentSum / facesUsing;
        //Normalize the normalSum vector and tangent
        D3DXVec4Normalize(&normalSum, &normalSum);
        D3DXVec4Normalize(&tangentSum, &tangentSum);
        //Store the normal and tangent in our current vertex
        v[i].normal.x = normalSum.x;
        v[i].normal.y = normalSum.y;
        v[i].normal.z = normalSum.z;
        v[i].tangent.x = tangentSum.x;
        v[i].tangent.y = tangentSum.y;
        v[i].tangent.z = tangentSum.z;
        D3DXVECTOR3 bit;
        D3DXVec3Cross(&bit, &v[i].normal, &v[i].tangent);
        v[i].bitangent = -1.0 * bit;
        //Clear normalSum, tangentSum and facesUsing for next vertex
        normalSum = D3DXVECTOR4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
        tangentSum = D3DXVECTOR4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
        facesUsing = 0;
    ////terrain AABB
    //MinX =  -1.0 * dx * (hminfo.terrainWidth - 1)/2;
    //MinY = 0.0;
    //MinZ =  -1.0 * dz * (hminfo.terrainHeight - 1)/2;
    //MaxX =  dx * (hminfo.terrainWidth - 1)/2;
    //MaxY = dy;
    //MaxZ =  dz * (hminfo.terrainHeight - 1)/2;
    return true;


HeightField *hf = new HeightField(g_Terrain, *g_PhysicsSDK, *material, g_Terrain.hminfo.terrainWidth, g_Terrain.hminfo.terrainHeight);

我想得到类似的东西,但为了正常工作PVD - 模拟地形

如果您熟悉网站 rastertek 在他更新的 DirectX 11 Terrain 系列或版本 2 中使用 DirectX 10 或 11 的 c++ 中,则在教程 9 中创建了一个类似的结构,他在其中调用地形单元。可在此处找到该教程的直接链接:DirectX 11:地形系列2:教程 9 - 地形单元。这应该提供一个很好的参考,我认为与手头的主题和您最初的问题有关。