C++ 比较 2 个不同列表中的值以使用 2 for 循环摆脱重复的数字。无法正确检测重复项

C++ Comparing value from 2 different list to get rid of duplicate number using 2 for loop. Doesn't detect duplicate correctly

本文关键字:数字 检测 for 列表 比较 C++ 循环      更新时间:2023-10-16
ArrayBag foundBag;
int z;
z = getCurrentSize(); // tell you have many items exit in the bag
for (int i = 0; i < z; i++ )
int cur = items[i]; //cur is use to hold each number in the vector and items is the first list of number.  
bool found = false; // start as false so it doesnt trigger the true right away 
for (int j = 0; j < foundBag.getCurrentSize(); j++) // this loop check the number currently inside cur agianst everything in the foundbag at the moment 
if (foundBag.items[i] = cur)  
found == true;   // << it didnt detect that it have found the number. I think the problem is here 
if (found == true)
// do nothing if found since number is already in the foundbag
else if (found != true)
foundBag.add(cur); // if number is not found in the foundBag add it to the found bag.


假设第一个袋子的数字是3 4 5 7 5 8,它应该把3 4 5的所有东西都加起来,然后当它到达第二个5时什么都不做,然后把8加到foundBag上。最后发现袋子应该包含:3 4 5 7 8





if (foundBag.items[j] == cur)  // Use == here for comparison
found = true; // Use = here for assignment


auto result = std::count(std::begin(foundBag.items), std::end(foundBag.items), cur);
if (result == std::end(foundBag.items)) {
// Not found; Add it