
template accept both throw and nothrow with one specialization

本文关键字:throw nothrow 专门化 一个      更新时间:2023-10-16

我想编写一个同时接受普通签名和非异常签名的模板类MyClass。例如CCD_ 2和CCD_。


template<typename TSignature>
struct IsNoThrow;
template<typename TReturn, typename...TArgs>
struct IsNoThrow<TReturn(TArgs...)> {
static constexpr bool value = false;
template<typename TReturn, typename...TArgs>
struct IsNoThrow<TReturn(TArgs...) noexcept> {
static constexpr bool value = true;
template<typename T, bool = IsNoThrow<T>::value>
class MyClass;

template<bool BNoThrow, typename TReturn, typename...TParams>
class MyClass<TReturn(TParams...) noexcept(BNoThrow), BNoThrow> {
//VS2017(/std:c++latest) gives error C2057: expected constant expression

int main() {
MyClass<int()> mc;





(1) 从std::true_typestd::false_type继承IsNoThrow(以简化和使用std::integral_constant中的设施)

template<typename TSignature>
struct IsNoThrow;
template<typename TReturn, typename...TArgs>
struct IsNoThrow<TReturn(TArgs...)> : public std::false_type
{ };
template<typename TReturn, typename...TArgs>
struct IsNoThrow<TReturn(TArgs...) noexcept> : public std::true_type
{ };


template<typename TSignature>
struct IsNoThrow;
template<typename TReturn, typename...TArgs, bool B>
struct IsNoThrow<TReturn(TArgs...) noexcept(B)> : public std::integral_constant<bool, B>
{ };

(2) 如果你对函数的返回类型和参数类型不感兴趣(但只对拦截函数和检测它们是否抛出),那么只对继承自IsNoThrowMyClass的主类/结构(没有专门化)感兴趣

template<typename T>
struct MyClass : public IsNoThrow<T>
{ };


#include <type_traits>
template<typename TSignature>
struct IsNoThrow;
template<typename TReturn, typename...TArgs>
struct IsNoThrow<TReturn(TArgs...)> : public std::false_type
{ };
template<typename TReturn, typename...TArgs>
struct IsNoThrow<TReturn(TArgs...) noexcept> : public std::true_type
{ };
template<typename T>
struct MyClass : public IsNoThrow<T>
{ };
int foo (int)
{ return 0; }
int bar (int) noexcept
{ return 0; }
int main()
static_assert( false == MyClass<decltype(foo)>::value );
static_assert( true  == MyClass<decltype(bar)>::value );
static_assert( false == MyClass<int(int)>::value );
static_assert( true  == MyClass<int(int) noexcept>::value ); 
//MyClass<int> mc; // compilaton error


template<typename T>
struct MyClass;
template<typename TReturn, typename ... TArgs, bool B>
struct MyClass<TReturn(TArgs...) noexcept(B)> : public std::integral_constant<bool, B>
{ };




template<typename T, bool = false>
struct MyClass;
template<typename TReturn, typename ... TArgs, bool B>
struct MyClass<TReturn(TArgs...), B> : public std::integral_constant<bool, B>
{ /* all common member/methods here */ };
template<typename TReturn, typename ... TArgs>
struct MyClass<TReturn(TArgs...) noexcept> 
: public MyClass<TReturn(TArgs...), true>
{ /* empty: inherhit all from the other specialization */ };



#include <type_traits>
template<typename T, bool = false>
struct MyClass;
template<typename TReturn, typename ... TArgs, bool B>
struct MyClass<TReturn(TArgs...), B> : public std::integral_constant<bool, B>
/* all common member/methods here */
static constexpr bool isNoExcept ()
{ return B; }
template<typename TReturn, typename ... TArgs>
struct MyClass<TReturn(TArgs...) noexcept> 
: public MyClass<TReturn(TArgs...), true>
{ /* empty: inherhit all from the other specialization */ };
int foo (int)
{ return 0; }
int bar (int) noexcept
{ return 0; }
int main()
// using value 
static_assert( false == MyClass<decltype(foo)>::value );
static_assert( true  == MyClass<decltype(bar)>::value );
static_assert( false == MyClass<int(int)>::value );
static_assert( true  == MyClass<int(int) noexcept>::value ); 
// using isNoExcept() 
static_assert( false == MyClass<decltype(foo)>::isNoExcept() );
static_assert( true  == MyClass<decltype(bar)>::isNoExcept() );
static_assert( false == MyClass<int(int)>::isNoExcept() );
static_assert( true  == MyClass<int(int) noexcept>::isNoExcept() ); 
//MyClass<int> mc; // compilaton error