
C++: Forwarding the sum of parameter pack and a std::tuple/array

本文关键字:数组 tuple std 参数 C++ 转发      更新时间:2023-10-16


template<typename... Int> // a bunch of integral types (e.g. int, size_t, char)
void ForwardToFuncIncreased(Int... ints) {
   static_assert(sizeof...(Ints) == std::tuple_size<decltype(summands_)>::value,
                 "Incorrect number of integral types provided");
   Func( (ints + std::get<PARAM_INDEX(ints)>(summands_))... ); // failed attempt


Func(int0 + std::get<0>(summands_), int1 + std::get<1>(summands_), ...);





template<typename... Ns, size_t... Is>
void ForwardToFuncIncreasedImpl(Ns... nums, std::index_sequence<Is...>)
    Func( (nums + std::get<Is>(summands_))... );
template<typename... Ns>
void ForwardToFuncIncreased(Ns... nums)
    ForwardToFuncIncreasedImpl(nums..., std::index_sequence_for<Ns...>());


或者这样做:首先做std::make_tuple(ints...),这样我们就有两个要求和的元组(或者一个元组和一个std::array)。然后使用Andrei Alexandrescu在《爆炸元组的方式》中演示的模式,将和展开为参数包,并将其传递给Func

template <int N>
struct Pairwise;
template <>
struct Pairwise<0>
    template <typename F, typename T, typename U, typename... Args>
    static void Sum(F f, T const&, U const&, Args... sums)
template <int N>
struct Pairwise
    template <typename F, typename T, typename U, typename... Args>
    static void Sum(F f, T const& a, U const& b, Args... sums)
        Pairwise<N - 1>::Sum(f, a, b, std::get<N - 1>(a) + std::get<N - 1>(b), sums...);
template <typename... Ns>
void ForwardToFuncIncreased(Ns... nums)
    Pairwise<sizeof...(Ns)>::Sum(Func, std::make_tuple(nums...), summands_);


template <typename... Ns>
struct Pairwise;
template <>
struct Pairwise<>
    template <typename F, typename T, typename... Args>
    static void Sum(F f, T const&, Args... sums)
template <typename N0, typename... Ns>
struct Pairwise<N0, Ns...>
    template <typename F, typename T, typename... Args>
    static void Sum(F f, N0 num0, Ns... nums, T const& a, Args&&... sums)
        Pairwise<Ns...>::Sum(f, nums..., a, sums..., num0 + std::get<sizeof...(Args)>(a));
template <typename... Ns>
void ForwardToFuncIncreased(Ns... nums)
    Pairwise<Ns...>::Sum(Func, nums..., summands_);