OpenCV 中 2 点之间的直线的斜率和长度

Slope and Length of a line between 2 points in OpenCV

本文关键字:斜率 之间 OpenCV      更新时间:2023-10-16

我需要比较 2 张图片才能找到其中相似的线条。在这两张照片中,我都使用LSD(线段检测器)方法,然后我找到线,我知道每条线的起点和终点的坐标。


我的环境是:OpenCV 3.1,C++和Visual Studio 2015


假设您有两点:p1(x1,y1)p2(x2,y2) 。让我们p1称为线段的"起点",p2线段的"终点",就像您所说的点一样。

斜率 = (y 2 - y 1)/(x2 - x1长度 = 标准(P2 - p1


cv::Point p1 = cv::Point(5,0); // "start"
cv::Point p2 = cv::Point(10,0); // "end"
// we know this is a horizontal line, then it should have
// slope = 0 and length = 5. Let's see...
// take care with division by zero caused by vertical lines
double slope = (p2.y - p1.y) / (double)(p2.x - p1.x);
// (0 - 0) / (10 - 5) -> 0/5 -> slope = 0 (that's correct, right?)
double length = cv::norm(p2 - p1);
// p_2 - p_1 = (5, 0)
// norm((0,5)) = sqrt(5^2 + 0^2) = sqrt(25) -> length = 5 (that's correct, right?)