C++ 将 DWORD 值写入某个注册表项的所有子项

C++ Writing a DWORD value to all subkeys of a certain registry key

本文关键字:注册表 DWORD C++      更新时间:2023-10-16


现在:它在注册表中的接口文件夹(注册表项)中添加 2 个 DWORD 值。

希望:我希望它将这 2 个 DWORD 值添加到接口注册表项(文件夹)的所有子项(子文件夹)中。


  • 使用 RegOpenKey 或 RegOpenKeyEx 打开父密钥
  • 在循环中使用 RegEnumKey 或 RegEnumKeyEx 枚举父项的所有子键
  • 对于每个子键,使用 RegSetValueEx 设置所需的值
  • 使用RegCloseKey关闭父键


#include <windows.h>
#include <iostream>
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
HKEY OpenKey(HKEY hRootKey, wchar_t* strKey)
    HKEY hKey;
    LONG nError = RegOpenKeyEx(hRootKey, strKey, NULL, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hKey);
        cout << "Creating registry key: " << strKey << endl;
        nError = RegCreateKeyEx(hRootKey, strKey, NULL, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE,KEY_ALL_ACCESS,NULL, &hKey, NULL);
        cout << "Error: " << nError << " Could not find or create " << strKey << endl;
    return hKey;
void SetVal(HKEY hKey, LPCTSTR lpValue, DWORD data)
    LONG nError = RegSetValueEx(hKey, lpValue, NULL, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&data, sizeof(DWORD));
        cout << "Error: " << nError << " Could not set registry value: " << (char*)lpValue << endl;
DWORD GetVal(HKEY hKey, LPCTSTR lpValue)
    DWORD data;
    DWORD size = sizeof(data);
    DWORD type = REG_DWORD;
    LONG nError = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, lpValue, NULL, &type, (LPBYTE)&data, &size);
        data = 0;    // The value will be created and set to data next time SetVal() is called.
    else if(nError)
        cout << "Error: " << nError << " Could not get registry value " << (char*)lpValue << endl;
    return data;
int main()
    static DWORD v1, v2;
    HKEY hKey = OpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,L"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\");
    v1 = GetVal(hKey, L"Registry Value1");
    v2 = GetVal(hKey, L"Registry Value2");
    v1 += 5;
    v2 += 2;
    SetVal(hKey, L"Registry Value1", v1);
    SetVal(hKey, L"Registry Value2", v2);
    return 0;


// open desired key whose subkeys shall be enumerated
HKEY hKey={0};
LPCTSTR path=TEXT("SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces");
    return; // failed to open
DWORD index=0;           // enumeration index
TCHAR keyName[256]={0};  // buffer to store enumerated subkey name
DWORD keyLen=256;        // buffer length / number of TCHARs copied to keyName
// enumerate subkey names of hKey, result stored in keyName, keyLen set to strlen(keyName)
while(RegEnumKeyEx(hKey,index++,keyName,&keyLen,0,0,0,0) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
    keyLen=256; // reset buffer length (RegEnumKeyEx changes this value)
    // open the subkey and set the desired value(s)
    HKEY hSubKey={0};
    if(RegOpenKeyEx(hKey,keyName,0,KEY_SET_VALUE,&hSubKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
        // set desired value(s):
        DWORD myValue = 0xCAFEBABE;
        RegCloseKey(hSubKey); // close sub key
    // else: failed to open subkey
// RegEnumKeyEx either returns ERROR_SUCCESS, ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS, or a system error code
RegCloseKey(hKey); // close key

请注意,此示例不评估错误代码。它只是演示枚举子键和设置值的过程。RegOpenKeyEx访问权限设置为执行此任务所需的最低权限(将其设置为您希望使用打开的密钥执行的任何操作)。while 循环与ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS(一旦没有更多要枚举的子项)或实际错误没有区别。为了安全起见,RegSetValueEx被注释掉,其返回值被忽略。