
Implementing second chance demand page replacement algorithm

本文关键字:替换算法 需求 第二次机会      更新时间:2023-10-16

我遇到的问题总是会错过,而不是替换一个元素,而是用它拉入的整数填充了每个帧。我很难弄清楚哪里从这里去。" requests.txt"是一个随机整数的文件,示例输出应该看起来像:

2: page hit, page 2 is in frame 8    
45: page hit, page 45 is in frame 2


99: page miss, page 99replaces page 0in frame 0
99: page miss, page 99replaces page 0in frame 1
99: page miss, page 99replaces page 0in frame 2
99: page miss, page 99replaces page 0in frame 3
99: page miss, page 99replaces page 0in frame 4
99: page miss, page 99replaces page 0in frame 5
99: page miss, page 99replaces page 0in frame 6
99: page miss, page 99replaces page 0in frame 7
99: page miss, page 99replaces page 0in frame 8
99: page miss, page 99replaces page 0in frame -1
4: page miss, page 4replaces page 0in frame 0
4: page miss, page 4replaces page 0in frame 1
4: page miss, page 4replaces page 0in frame 2
4: page miss, page 4replaces page 0in frame 3
4: page miss, page 4replaces page 0in frame 4
4: page miss, page 4replaces page 0in frame 5
4: page miss, page 4replaces page 0in frame 6
4: page miss, page 4replaces page 0in frame 7
4: page miss, page 4replaces page 0in frame 8


#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
void search(int input, int  P_list[], bool  R_bit[], int & victim);
int main()
//Basic initilization
int victim = 0;
bool R_bit [10];
int P_list [10];
 for(int i = 0; i <10;  i++)
    //Sets one array to all false
    R_bit [i] = false;
    //Sets every integer in the other array to -1
    P_list [i] = -1;
 int input;

 ifstream inFile;
 //Opens up the text file "requests.txt"
 //If It is not able to open the file
 if (!inFile)
     //Display error message
    cout << "Unable to open specified file";
    //Exit with an error(1)
 while(inFile >> input )
    if(input < 0)
        cout << "invalid input ";
    else if(input > 99) 
        cout << "invalid input ";
  //search array 2, replace and end
    search(input, P_list, R_bit, victim);

}       return 0;

void search(int input, int  P_list[], bool  R_bit[], int &victim)
//local var only unless you pass them  input is the only thing you passed
for(int i = 0; i <10; i++)
    if(input == P_list [i])
    {//Output if it is a hit
        cout << input << ": page hit, " << input << "is in frame " << i << endl;
        R_bit [i] = 1;
    int oldpage;
    //Sets up a bool to end the while loop
    bool flag = true;
    //While true
    //looks for the first 0 in the R-Bit array
    if (R_bit [victim] == 0)
        //If it is zero
        flag = false;
        //Recording previous page for output 
        oldpage = R_bit [victim];
        //Replaces with input 
        R_bit [victim] = input;
        victim = victim + 1;

    {   //Makes the R-Bit zero
        R_bit [victim] = 0;
        //Increments, makes it zero
        //If the victim is going to go out of bounds
    if(victim > 9)
        //Set to zero 
        victim = 0;
    //output if it misses and the frame it is in
    cout << input << ": page miss, page " << input << " replaces page " << oldpage << " in frame " << (victim - 1) << endl;



    //Recording previous page for output 
    oldpage = R_bit [victim];
    //Replaces with input 
    R_bit [victim] = input;


    //Recording previous page for output 
    oldpage = P_list [victim];
    //Replaces with input 
    P_list [victim] = input;

我认为,在您的搜索功能中,您永远不会设置p_list [someIndex] value。


  1. 您致电搜索第一个号码
  2. p_list将没有它,因为您将所有内容都初始化为-1
  3. 因此,您决定将更换一些东西,但您永远不会将当前整数添加到p_list
