
C++ Program stopped responding

本文关键字:响应 程序 C++      更新时间:2023-10-16


#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define PI 3.14159
#define ACC_GRAVITY 9.81  /* metres/sec^2 */
#define FALSE 0
#define TRUE !FALSE
int main(void)
  /* define the required variables */
  float length;
  float ext_diam, int_diam;
  float ext_rad, int_rad;
  float volume;
  float weight;
  float area;
  float mass;
  float width;
  float flag_1, flag_2, thickness, percent;
  double no_sheets;
  /* define some constants - could use #define */
  const float density_convert = 1.0E3;
  const float mm_to_metres = 1.0E-3;
  const float density = 8.03;   /* grams per cm^3 */
  /* prompt and get values */
  printf("input the length of pipe in metres: ");
  scanf("%f", &length);
    flag_1 = FALSE;
    flag_2 = FALSE;
    printf("intput the external diameter of the pipe in milimeters: ");
    scanf("%f", &ext_diam);
    printf("ext_diam: %fn", ext_diam);
    printf("intput the internal diameter of the pipe in milimeters: ");
    scanf("%f", int_diam);
    printf("int_diam: %fn", int_diam);
    if (ext_diam < int_diam)
        printf("external diameter must be greater than the internal diametern");
        flag_1 = TRUE;
        percent = thickness / ext_diam * 100.0;
        if(percent > 2.5 )
            /* do calculations - conversions, area of pipe cross-section, volume
            ** of pipe, mass and weight of pipe */
            ext_diam = ext_diam * mm_to_metres;
            int_diam = int_diam * mm_to_metres;
            ext_rad = ext_diam / 2.0;
            int_rad = int_diam / 2.0;
            area = (PI * ext_rad * ext_rad) - (PI * int_rad * int_rad);
            volume = area * length;
            mass = volume * density * density_convert;
            weight = mass * ACC_GRAVITY;
            printf("Width of pipe too smalln");
            flag_2 = TRUE;

} while(ext_diam > 0.0);
  /* output the results */
  printf("area of cylinder: %f m^2n", area);
  printf("volume of steel needed: %f m^3n", volume);
  printf("mass of steel needed: %f kgn", mass);
  printf("weight of steel needed: %f newtonsn", weight);
  /* compute number of sheets of steel needed - 10m is max length of a
  ** sheet */
  no_sheets = trunc (length / 10.0) + 1;
  printf("number of 10m long sheets needed: %dn", no_sheets);
  /* assume width of sheets is based on the average of the internal and
  ** external diameters */
  width = 2.0 * PI * (ext_rad + int_rad) / 2.0;
  printf("width of sheets: %f mn",width);
  return 0;


  1. scanf("%f", int_diam); ,scanf 需要一个指向变量的指针,这将起作用

    scanf("%f", &int_diam);
  2. 在行中

    percent = thickness / ext_diam * 100.0;


不确定是否打算在ext_diam为 <= 0 时终止。


scanf("%f", int_diam);更改为scanf("%f", &int_diam);

此外,您的do while循环似乎进入了一个无限循环。由于它取决于外径,因此请更改环路条件,或确保外径在环内达到值 <=0。仅当用户输入 ext_diam 的非正值时,您的do while循环才会终止。

此外,假设thickness是指管道的厚度,请在使用此变量 thickness=ext_diam-int_diam; 或用于计算厚度的任何其他公式之前添加此公式。