
Increment shared loop counter in OpenMP for progress reporting

本文关键字:共享 循环 计数器 报告 OpenMP 用于 增加      更新时间:2023-10-16

我想跟踪由长时间运行的光线跟踪过程处理的总像素和光线。如果我每次迭代都更新共享变量,那么由于同步的原因,这个过程会明显减慢。我想跟踪进度,最后仍然能得到准确的计数结果。有没有一种方法可以使用OpenMP for循环来实现这一点?


void Raytracer::trace(RenderTarget& renderTarget, const Scene& scene, std::atomic<int>& sharedPixelCount, std::atomic<int>& sharedRayCount)
    int width = renderTarget.getWidth();
    int height = renderTarget.getHeight();
    int totalPixelCount = width * height;
    #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic, 4096)
    for (int i = 0; i < totalPixelCount; ++i)
        int x = i % width;
        int y = i / width;
        Ray rayToScene = scene.camera.getRay(x, y);
        shootRay(rayToScene, scene, sharedRayCount); // will increment sharedRayCount
        renderTarget.setPixel(x, y, rayToScene.color.clamped());




void Raytracer::trace(RenderTarget& renderTarget, const Scene& scene, std::atomic<int>& sharedPixelCount, std::atomic<int>& sharedRayCount)
    int width = renderTarget.getWidth();
    int height = renderTarget.getHeight();
    int totalPixelCount = width * height;
    #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic, 1)
    for (int j = 0; j < totalPixelCount; j+=4096)
      for (int i = j; i < (i+4096); ++i)
        int x = i % width;
        int y = i / width;
        Ray rayToScene = scene.camera.getRay(x, y);
        shootRay(rayToScene, scene, sharedRayCount);
        renderTarget.setPixel(x, y, rayToScene.color.clamped());
      sharedPixelCount += 4096;


void Raytracer::trace(RenderTarget& renderTarget, const Scene& scene, std::atomic<int>& sharedPixelCount, std::atomic<int>& sharedRayCount)
    int width = renderTarget.getWidth();
    int height = renderTarget.getHeight();
    int totalPixelCount = width * height;
    int reducePixelCount = 0;
    #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic, 4096) 
    for (int i = 0; i < totalPixelCount; ++i)
        int x = i % width;
        int y = i / width;
        Ray rayToScene = scene.camera.getRay(x, y);
        shootRay(rayToScene, scene, sharedRayCount);
        renderTarget.setPixel(x, y, rayToScene.color.clamped());
        ++reducePixelCount; /* thread-local operation, not atomic */
    /* The interoperability of C++11 atomics and OpenMP is not defined yet,
     * so this should just be avoided until OpenMP 5 at the earliest. 
     * It is sufficient to reduce over a non-atomic type and 
     * do the assignment here. */
    sharedPixelCount = reducePixelCount;


void Raytracer::trace(RenderTarget& renderTarget, const Scene& scene, std::atomic<int>& sharedPixelCount, std::atomic<int>& sharedRayCount)
    int width = renderTarget.getWidth();
    int height = renderTarget.getHeight();
    int totalPixelCount = width * height;
    int rayCount = 0;
    int previousRayCount = 0;
    #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic, 1000) reduction(+:rayCount) firstprivate(previousRayCount)
    for (int i = 0; i < totalPixelCount; ++i)
        int x = i % width;
        int y = i / width;
        Ray rayToScene = scene.camera.getRay(x, y);
        shootRay(rayToScene, scene, rayCount);
        renderTarget.setPixel(x, y, rayToScene.color.clamped());
        if ((i + 1) % 100 == 0)
            sharedPixelCount += 100;
            sharedRayCount += (rayCount - previousRayCount);
            previousRayCount = rayCount;
    sharedPixelCount = totalPixelCount;
    sharedRayCount = rayCount;
