
Why is my program getting rid of more_than_1 digit input?

本文关键字:数字输入 我的 程序 取消 为什么      更新时间:2023-10-16



当我的integer.dat文件看起来像"6 4 2 8 4 9 0 4"时,我的程序就会工作。但是,当我的integer.dat文件的数字大于9时,它就会"把它骗出来"。


#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
struct Node1
    int item = 9;
    Node1 * prev = NULL;
    Node1 * next = NULL;
Node1 * findlastnode (Node1 *base)
    while (base->next != NULL)
        base = base->next;
    return base;
Node1 * findFirstNode(Node1 * base)
    Node1 * nodefirst = base;
    while (nodefirst->prev != NULL)
        nodefirst = nodefirst->prev;
    return nodefirst;
int countNodes(Node1 * base)
    int counter = 0;
    Node1 * first = findFirstNode(base);
    while (first->next != NULL)
        first = first->next;
    return counter;
void swapItem(Node1 * a1, Node1 * a2)
    int temp;
    temp = a1->item;
    a1->item = a2->item;
    a2->item = temp;
Node1 * deleteLastNode(Node1 * a1)
    a1 = a1->prev;
    Node1 * temp = a1->next;
    delete temp;
    return a1;
void print(Node1 * head)
    Node1 * tempo = head;
    while (tempo->next != NULL)
        cout << tempo->item << " ";
        tempo = tempo->next;
void printDescending(Node1 * head)
    Node1 * end = findlastnode(head);
    while (end->prev != NULL)
        cout << end->item << " ";
        end = end->prev;
void printEvenAscending(Node1 * head)
    Node1 * tempo = head;
    while (tempo->next != NULL)
        if (tempo->item % 2 == 0)
            cout << tempo->item << " ";
            tempo = tempo->next;
void printEvenDescending(Node1 * head)
    Node1 * end = findlastnode(head);
    while (end->prev != NULL)
        if (end->item % 2 == 0)
        cout << end->next << " ";
        end = end->prev;
Node1 * createList(ifstream & intfile)
    Node1 * headNode = new Node1;
    Node1 * tempNode = new Node1;
    headNode->next = tempNode;
    tempNode->prev = headNode;
    intfile >> headNode->item;

    int counter = 1;
    while (!intfile.eof())
        intfile >> tempNode->item;
        Node1 * newNode = new Node1;
        tempNode->next = newNode;
        newNode->prev = tempNode;
        tempNode = newNode;
    tempNode->next = NULL;
    return headNode;
void sortMyList(Node1 * inputList)
    bool isSorted = false;
    Node1 * headNode = inputList;
    Node1 * iterator = headNode;

    while (!isSorted)
        if (iterator->next == NULL) break;
        if ( (iterator->item > iterator->next->item) && !isSorted)
            if (iterator->next != NULL)
                swapItem(iterator, iterator->next);
            iterator = headNode;
        if ( iterator->next->item >= iterator->item ) 
            iterator = iterator->next;
void addToList(Node1 * head, int xyz)
    Node1 * lastNode = findlastnode(head);
    Node1 * newNode = new Node1;
    lastNode->next = newNode;
    newNode->prev = lastNode;
    newNode->item = xyz;
    cout << "New List will sort." << endl;
void removeFromList(Node1 * head,int xyz1)
    Node1 * someNode = head;
    Node1 * tempNode;
    Node1 * tempNode1;
    bool notremoved = true;
    while (notremoved)
        if (someNode->item == xyz1)
            //Case if first node
            if (someNode->prev == NULL)
                someNode = someNode->next;
                delete someNode->prev;
                someNode->prev = NULL;
                notremoved = false;

            //case if the last node
            if (someNode->next == NULL)
                someNode = someNode->prev;
                delete someNode->next;
                someNode->next = NULL;
                notremoved = false;
            //Case if some node in the middle
            if (someNode->next != NULL && someNode->prev != NULL)
                tempNode = someNode->prev;
                tempNode1 = tempNode;
                tempNode->next = someNode->next;
                tempNode = someNode->next;
                tempNode->prev = tempNode1;
                delete someNode;
                notremoved = false;
            someNode = someNode->next;
int main()
    cout << "Lab 6" << endl << endl;
    ifstream intfile;
    string inputfilename1;
    cout << "Would you like to use the built-in integer.dat? (y/n)" << endl;
    char answer;
    cin >> answer;
    if (answer == 'n')
        cout << endl << "Ok. Where is integer.dat? " << endl;
        cin >> inputfilename1;
        cout << endl;
    else if (answer == 'y')

    if (!intfile)
    {   cout << "Error: File cannot be opened" << endl << "Please input a valid file location: ";
        string inputfilename;
        cin >> inputfilename;
        intfile.open(inputfilename.c_str()); }
    if (intfile.peek() == std::ifstream::traits_type::eof())
    {   cout << "Error: Empty File." << endl << "Please input file name: ";
        string inputfilename1;
        cin >> inputfilename1;
        intfile.open(inputfilename1.c_str()); }

    Node1 * myList = createList(intfile);
    cout << "List before sort : " << endl;
    cout << endl;
    cout << "List after sort : " << endl;
    bool runagain = true;
    while (runagain)
        cout << endl << "What would you like to do ? " << endl << endl;
        cout << "A) Print out sorted list Ascending" << endl;
        cout << "B) Print out sorted list Descending" << endl;
        cout << "C) Print out EVEN sorted list Ascending" << endl;
        cout << "D) Print out EVEN sorted list Descending" << endl;
        cout << "E) Add Integer to list" << endl;
        cout << "F) Remove Integer from list" << endl;
        cout << "Type a letter and press enter ( eg. 'c' ): ";
        cin >> answer;
        if (answer == 'A' || answer == 'a')
            cout << "List in Ascending order : " << endl;
            cout << endl << "Would you like to run the program again? (y/n)" << endl;
            cin >> answer;
            if (answer == 'n') runagain = false;
        if (answer == 'B' || answer == 'b')
            cout << "List in Descending order : " << endl;
            cout << endl << "Would you like to run the program again? (y/n)" << endl;
            cin >> answer;
            if (answer == 'n') runagain = false;
        if (answer == 'C' || answer == 'c')
            cout << "List of EVEN Ascending: " << endl;
            cout << endl << "Would you like to run the program again? (y/n)" << endl;
            cin >> answer;
            if (answer == 'n') runagain = false;
        if (answer == 'd' || answer == 'D')
            cout << "List of Even Descending: " << endl;
            cout << endl << "Would you like to run the program again? (y/n)" << endl;
            cin >> answer;
            if (answer == 'n') runagain = false;
        if (answer == 'e' || answer == 'E')
            cout << "What integer would you like to add?" << endl;
            int xyz;
            cin >> xyz;
            addToList(myList, xyz);
            cout << endl << "Would you like to run the program again? (y/n)" << endl;
            cin >> answer;
            if (answer == 'n') runagain = false;
        if (answer == 'f' || answer == 'F')
            cout << "What integer would you like removed?" << endl;
            int xyz1;
            cin >> xyz1;
            removeFromList(myList, xyz1);
            cout << endl << "Would you like to run the program again? (y/n)" << endl;
            cin >> answer;
            if (answer == 'n') runagain = false;

    return 0;


#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
struct Node1
    int item;
    Node1 * prev ;
    Node1 * next ;
Node1 * findTail (Node1 * node)
    Node1 * base = node;
    while (base->next != NULL)
        base = base->next;
    return base;
Node1 * findFirstNode(Node1 * base)
    Node1 * nodefirst = base;
    while (nodefirst->prev != NULL)
        nodefirst = nodefirst->prev;
    return nodefirst;
int countNodes(Node1 * base)
    int counter = 0;
    Node1 * first = findFirstNode(base);
    while (first->next != NULL)
        first = first->next;
    return counter;
void swapItem(Node1 * a1, Node1 * a2)
    int temp;
    temp = a1->item;
    a1->item = a2->item;
    a2->item = temp;
Node1 * deleteLastNode(Node1 * a1)
    a1 = a1->prev;
    Node1 * temp = a1->next;
    delete temp;
    return a1;
void print(Node1 * head)
    Node1 * tempo = head;
    //We check to see if tempo isnt null, not temp->next because wed be checking tempo->next twice
    while (tempo != NULL)
        cout << tempo->item << " ";
        tempo = tempo->next;
void printDescending(Node1 * head)
    Node1 * end = findTail(head);
    cout << end->item << " ";
    while (end->prev != NULL)
        end = end->prev;
        cout << end->item << " ";
void printEvenAscending(Node1 * node)
    Node1 * top = node;
    if (top->item % 2 == 0)
        cout << top->item << " ";
    while (top->next != NULL)
        top = top->next;
        if (top->item % 2 == 0)
            cout << top->item << " ";
void printEvenDescending(Node1 * node)
    Node1 * bottom = findTail(node);
    if (bottom->item % 2 == 0)
        cout << bottom->item << " ";
    while (bottom->prev != NULL)
        bottom = bottom->prev;
        if (bottom->item % 2 == 0)
        cout << bottom->item << " ";
Node1 * createList(ifstream & intfile)
    Node1 * head;
    Node1 * tail;
    Node1 * temp;
    temp = new Node1;
    intfile >> temp->item;
    temp->prev = NULL;
    head = temp;
    tail = temp;
    while (intfile.peek() != std::ifstream::traits_type::eof()) //if theres data, do this run
        temp = new Node1;
        intfile >> temp->item;
        temp->prev = tail;
        tail->next = temp;
        tail = temp;
    tail->next = NULL;
    return head;
void sortMyList(Node1 * inputList)
    bool isSorted = false;
    Node1 * headNode = inputList;
    Node1 * iterator = headNode;

    while (!isSorted)
        // at the beginning of each iteration we suppose the list is already sorted
        isSorted = true;
        iterator = headNode;
        // till the end of list
        while (iterator->next != NULL)
            if (iterator->next->next != NULL)
                if ((iterator->item > iterator->next->item))
                    // change elements
                    swapItem(iterator, iterator->next);
                    // if change was, so sorting not completed
                    isSorted = false;
            // go to next item
            iterator = iterator->next;
Node1 * addToList(Node1 * head, int xyz)
    Node1 * node = head;
    Node1 * newNode = new Node1;
    newNode->item = xyz;
    node->prev = newNode;
    newNode->next = node;
    newNode->prev = NULL;
    return newNode;
void removeFromList(Node1 * head,int xyz1)
    Node1 * node = head;
    Node1 * nodebefore;
    Node1 * nodeafter;
    bool notfound = true;
    while (notfound)
        node = node->next;
        if (node->item == xyz1)
            notfound = false;
    nodebefore = node->prev;
    nodeafter = node->next;
    delete node;
    nodebefore->next = nodeafter;
    nodeafter->prev = nodebefore;
int main()
    cout << "Lab 6" << endl << endl;
    ifstream intfile;
    string inputfilename1;
    cout << "Would you like to use the built-in integer.dat? (y/n)" << endl;
    char answer;
    cin >> answer;
    if (answer == 'n')
        cout << endl << "Ok. Where is integer.dat? " << endl;
        cin >> inputfilename1;
        cout << endl;
    else if (answer == 'y' || answer == 'Y')

    if (!intfile)
    {   cout << "Error: File cannot be opened" << endl << "Please input a valid file location: ";
        string inputfilename;
        cin >> inputfilename;
        intfile.open(inputfilename.c_str()); }
    if (intfile.peek() == std::ifstream::traits_type::eof())
    {   cout << "Error: Empty File." << endl << "Please input file name: ";
        string inputfilename1;
        cin >> inputfilename1;
        intfile.open(inputfilename1.c_str()); }
    Node1 * myList = createList(intfile);
    cout << "List before sort : " << endl;
    cout << endl;
    cout << "List after sort : " << endl;
    bool runagain = true;
    while (runagain)
        cout << endl << "What would you like to do ? " << endl << endl;
        cout << "A) Print out sorted list Ascending" << endl;
        cout << "B) Print out sorted list Descending" << endl;
        cout << "C) Print out EVEN sorted list Ascending" << endl;
        cout << "D) Print out EVEN sorted list Descending" << endl;
        cout << "E) Add Integer to list" << endl;
        cout << "F) Remove Integer from list" << endl;
        cout << "Type a letter and press enter ( eg. 'c' ): ";
        cin >> answer;
        if (answer == 'A' || answer == 'a')
            cout << "List in Ascending order : " << endl;
            cout << endl << endl  << "Would you like to run the program again? (y/n)" << endl;
            cin >> answer;
            if (answer == 'n') runagain = false;
        if (answer == 'B' || answer == 'b')
            cout << "List in Descending order : " << endl;
            cout << endl << "Would you like to run the program again? (y/n)" << endl;
            cin >> answer;
            if (answer == 'n') runagain = false;
        if (answer == 'C' || answer == 'c')
            cout << "List of EVEN Ascending: " << endl;
            cout << endl << "Would you like to run the program again? (y/n)" << endl;
            cin >> answer;
            if (answer == 'n') runagain = false;
        if (answer == 'd' || answer == 'D')
            cout << "List of Even Descending: " << endl;
            cout << endl << "Would you like to run the program again? (y/n)" << endl;
            cin >> answer;
            if (answer == 'n') runagain = false;
        if (answer == 'e' || answer == 'E')
            cout << "What integer would you like to add?" << endl;
            int xyz;
            cin >> xyz;
            Node1 * newHead = addToList(myList, xyz);
            myList = newHead;
            cout << endl << "Would you like to run the program again? (y/n)" << endl;
            cin >> answer;
            if (answer == 'n') runagain = false;
        if (answer == 'f' || answer == 'F')
            cout << "Currently does not support removal of first or last element." << endl;
            cout << "What integer would you like removed?" << endl;
            int xyz1;
            cin >> xyz1;
            removeFromList(myList, xyz1);
            cout << endl << "Would you like to run the program again? (y/n)" << endl;
            cin >> answer;
            if (answer == 'n') runagain = false;

    return 0;





struct Node1
    int item;
    Node1 * prev;
    Node1 * next;


void sortMyList(Node1 * inputList)
    bool isSorted = false;
    Node1 * headNode = inputList;
    Node1 * iterator = headNode;
    while (!isSorted)
        // at the beginning of each iteration we suppose the list is already sorted
        isSorted = true;
        iterator = headNode;
        // till the end of list
        while (iterator->next != NULL)
            if( iterator->next->next != NULL )
                if ( (iterator->item > iterator->next->item) )
                    // change elements
                    swapItem(iterator, iterator->next);
                    // if change was, so sorting not completed
                    isSorted = false;
            // go to next item
            iterator = iterator->next;