
CUDA: shared data member of struct and member of reference to that struct have different addresses, values

本文关键字:结构体 地址 成员 共享 数据成员 CUDA 引用      更新时间:2023-10-16

使用CUDA 1.1计算GPU,我试图为每个线程维护一组(可能变化的数量,这里固定为4)索引,作为结构变量的成员保留的引用



struct DataIdx {
    int numFeats;
    int* featIdx;
extern __shared__ int sharedData[];
__global__  void myFn(){
    int tidx = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
    DataIdx myIdx;  //instantiate the struct var in the context of the current thread
    myIdx.numFeats = 4;
    size_t idxArraySize = sizeof(int)*4;
    //get a reference to my array for this thread. Parallel Nsight debugger shows myIdx.featIdx address = 0x0000000000000000e0
    myIdx.featIdx = (int*)(&sharedData[tidx*idxArraySize]);  
    myIdx.featIdx[0] = 0x0;  //set first value to 0 
    int tmp = myIdx.featIdx[0];  // tmp is correctly eq to 0 in Nsight debugger -- As Expected!!
    tmp = 2*tmp;    antIdx.featIdx[0] = tmp; //ensure compiler doesn't elide out tmp
    DataIdx *tmpIdx = &myIdx;  //create a reference to my struct var
    tmp = tmpIdx.featIdx[0];   // expected 0, but tmp = -8193 in debugger !! why?  debugger shows address of tmpIdx.featIdx = __devicea__ address=8
    tmpIdx.featIdx[0] = 0x0;
    tmp = tmpIdx.featIdx[0]; // tmp = -1; cant even read what we just set
    //forcing the same reference as myIdx.featIdx, still gives a problem! debugger shows address of tmpIdx.featIdx = __devicea__ address=8
    tmpIdx->featIdx =  (int*)(&sharedData[tidx*idxArraySize]); 
    tmp = tmpIdx.featIdx[0]; //tmp = -8193!! why != 0?
    DataIdx tmpIdxAlias = myIdx;
    tmp = tmpIdx.featIdx[0]; //aliasing the original var gives correct results, tmp=0
     myIdx.featIdx[0] = 0x0;
     mySubfn(&myIdx); //this is a problem because it happens when passing the struct by reference to subfns
__device__ mySubfn(struct DataIdx *myIdx){
  int tmp = myIdx->featIdx[0]; //tmp == -8193!! should be 0
__device__ mySubfn2(struct DataIdx &myIdx){
  int tmp = myIdx.featIdx[0]; //tmp == -8193!! should be 0


tmpIdx->featIdx[0] = 0x0


    DataIdx *tmpIdx = &myIdx;
0x000024c8  MOV32 R2, R31;  
0x000024cc  MOV32 R2, R2;  
    tmp = tmpIdx->featIdx[0];
    tmpIdx->featIdx[0] = 0x0;
0x000024d0  MOV32 R3, R31;  
0x000024d4  MOV32 R2, R2;  
0x000024d8  IADD32I R4, R2, 0x4;  
0x000024e0  R2A A1, R4;  
0x000024e8  LLD.U32 R4, local [A1+0x0];  
0x000024f0  IADD R4, R4, R31;  
0x000024f8  SHL R4, R4, R31;  
0x00002500  IADD R4, R4, R31;  
0x00002508  GST.U32 global14 [R4], R3;   // <<== GLOBAL STORE vs. R2G (register to global register file)
    tmp = tmpIdx->featIdx[0];

Nsight CUDA内存检查器捕获全局内存的越界存储。

Memory Checker detected 1 access violations.
error = access violation on store (global memory)
blockIdx = {0,0,0}
threadIdx = {0,0,0}
address = 0x00000010
accessSize = 0

如果您为compute_10,sm_10(实际上<=1.3)进行编译,则对于编译器无法确定访问是共享内存的每一行,都应该看到以下警告: warning : Cannot tell what pointer points to, assuming global memory space


__shared__是一个变量内存限定符,而不是类型限定符,所以我知道如何告诉编译器featIdx将始终指向共享内存。在CC上>=2.0编译器应该将CCD_ 11转换为通用指针。