在键上使用 map.find() 和 count(),这是一种类对象类型

Using map.find() and count() on a key, which is a class object type

本文关键字:种类 类型 对象 count map find      更新时间:2023-10-16


我的多重映射由对组成 - map.<myClass, enum> 和 myClass 有一些成员,例如文件名。我想在我的地图中搜索重复的文件名,我已经读到 find() 和 count() 函数对键执行此操作,但是否可以实现它们来搜索键的成员?


CDirectory (string n) {
              fp.open (n, ios::in);
              string dirName, fileName,  fType;
              int fileSize;
              fp >> dirName;
              m_strDirectory = dirName;
              while (fp >> fileName >> fileSize >> fType) {
                      CFile obj (fileName, fileSize);
                       if (fType == "Archive")
                  filetype = Filetype::Archive;
              else if (fType == "Hidden")
                  filetype = Filetype::Hidden;
              else if (fType == "ReadOnly")
                  filetype = Filetype::ReadOnly;
              else if (fType == "System")
                  filetype = Filetype::System;
                  filetype = Filetype::FileNotSupported;
                      m_DirectoryMap.insert(pair<CFile, Filetype>(CFile(obj.getFileName(), obj.getFileSize()), Filetype(filetype)));
              multimap<CFile, Filetype>::iterator p = m_DirectoryMap.begin();
              while ( p != m_DirectoryMap.end()) {
                cout << endl << p->first.getFileName() << 't' << p->first.getFileSize() << 't' << p->second << endl;



class CFile {
    string m_strFile;
    unsigned int m_size;
    CFile () { m_strFile = ""; m_size = 0; }
    CFile (string name, int size ) { m_strFile = name; m_size = size; }
    string getFileName () const { return m_strFile; }
    int getFileSize () const { return m_size; }
    void setFileSize ( int size ) { m_size = size; }
    bool operator< (CFile& obj) {
        return ( m_size < obj.m_size );
    bool operator== (const CFile& obj) {
        return ( m_size == obj.m_size );
    friend ostream& operator<< ( ostream& ost, const CFile& obj ) {
        return ost << obj.m_strFile << obj.m_size;
    friend istream& operator>> ( istream& ist, CFile& obj ) {
        return ist >> obj.m_strFile >> obj.m_size;
    static bool Greater(const CFile& obj1, const CFile& obj2) {
        if ( obj1.m_size > obj2.m_size )
            return true;
            return false;

我想找到string m_strFile的重复项;

通过Predicate(其调用运算符引用两个类型为 Key 的对象)比较键的std::multimap




struct MyKey
    MyKey(std::string fname) : _filename { std::move(fname) } {}
    const std::string& filename() const { return _filename; }
      std::string _filename;
// define a predicate to order the map
struct order_by_filename {
  bool operator()(const MyKey& l, const MyKey& r) const {
    return l.filename() < r.filename();
struct DataObject {};
std::multimap<MyKey, DataObject, order_by_filename> my_map;
void strip_duplicates()
    for(auto current = my_map.begin() ; current != my_map.end() ; )
        auto range = my_map.equal_range(current->first);
        // range is a std::pair containing the first and last iterator
        // of the range with equal keys
        auto num_items = range.second - range.first;
        if (num_items > 1) {
            // strip duplicates
            my_map.erase(std::next(range.first), range.second);
        // move to next range of keys
        current = range.second;


void erase_all_but_one(std::multimap<Key, Value>& mmap, const Key& to_erase)
  auto ifind = mmap.find(to_erase);
  if (ifind == mmap.end()) return;
  for(ifind = std::next(ifind) ; ifind != mmap.end() && ifind->first == to_erase ; )
    // NOTE: take a copy of the advanced iterator BEFORE erasing
    // the iterator.
    auto inext = std::next(ifind);
    ifind = inext;