在 KD 树中查找最近的邻居

Finding nearest neighbor(s) in a KD Tree

本文关键字:最近 邻居 查找 KD      更新时间:2023-10-16


我正在开发一个程序,涉及 kd 树的最近邻搜索(在本例中,它是一个具有 3961 个单独点的 11 维树(。我们才刚刚了解它们,虽然我对树的作用有很好的了解,但在最近的邻居搜索方面,我感到非常困惑。

我设置了一个 2D 点数组,每个点都包含一个质量和一个位置,如下所示。

struct point{
  double quality;
  double location;
// in main
point **parray; 
// later points to an array of [3961][11] points


struct Node {
  point *key;
  Node *left;
  Node *right;
  Node (point *k) { key = k; left = right = NULL; }
Node *kd = NULL;
// Build the data into a kd-tree
random_shuffle(parray, &parray[n]);
for(int val=0; val<n; val++) {
  for(int dim=1; dim<D+1; dim++) {
    kd = insert(kd, &parray[val][dim], dim);

非常标准的东西。如果我错误地使用了random_shuffle((,或者我的树的结构本身有什么错误,请告诉我。它应该洗牌阵列的第一个维度,同时保持每个维度的 11 个维度按顺序排列且保持不变。

现在我进入了 neighbor(( 函数,这就是我感到困惑的地方。

neighbor(( 函数(后半部分是伪代码,坦率地说,我不知道从哪里开始(:

Node *neighbor (Node *root, point *pn, int d, 
                Node *best, double bestdist) {
  double dist = 0;
  // Recursively move down tree, ignore the node we are comparing to
  if(!root || root->key == pn) return NULL;
  // Dist = SQRT of the SUMS of SQUARED DIFFERENCES of qualities
  for(int dim=1; dim<D+1; dim++) 
    dist += pow(pn[d].quality - root->key->quality, 2);
  dist = sqrt(dist);
  // If T is better than current best, current best = T
  if(!best || dist<bestdist) {
    bestdist = dist;
    best = root;
  // If the dist doesn't reach a plane, prune search, walk back up tree
  // Else traverse down that tree
  // Process root node, return


// Nearest neighbor(s) search
double avgdist = 0.0;
// For each neighbor
for(int i=0; i<n; i++) {
  // Should this be an array/tree of x best neighbors to keep track of them?
  Node *best;
  double bestdist = 1000000000;
  // Find nearest neighbor(s)? 
  for(int i=0; i<nbrs; i++) {
    neighbor(kd, parray[n], 1, best, &bestdist);
  // Determine "distance" between the two?
  // Add to total dist?
  avgdist += bestdist;
// Average the total dist
//  avgdist /= n;




首先为最近的邻居 (1NN( 求解它。一旦你有了这部分工作,通过保留一堆顶级候选者,并使用第 k 个点进行修剪,应该相当清楚如何找到 kNN。