字符串数据成员的指针错误 - 获取访问冲突

Bad pointer for a string data member - Getting access violations

本文关键字:获取 访问冲突 错误 指针 数据成员 字符串      更新时间:2023-10-16

编辑: 已解决: 我只是没有初始化currLevel,这导致了数据成员上的错误指针。

我正在使用 SDL 编写一个简单的游戏。 游戏以解决迷宫为中心。 每个迷宫都有一个相应的文本文件,我的程序会读取该文件并相应地设置一个 MazeMap 对象。

我单独测试了它,它似乎初始化正常。但是,当我创建引擎类并在其中创建 MazeMap 对象时,我遇到了此访问冲突,并且 Maze 的名称在调试器中被标记为错误的指针。 这是代码:


class MazeMap{
    MazeMap() {}
    /*Initializes all the data members using a text file of the following format:
    1               |-First line is the level number of the maze
    level.png       |-Background image for the level
    Level Name      |-Name of the level
    4x4             |-Number of rows x cols
    S.XX            |-The actual map:
    X...            |  -S: start location
    XXX.            |  -X: Wall, .: passable ground
    E...            |  -E: end of the level*/
    void init(std::string level_file);
    //Prints the maze to std::cout
    void print() const;
    //Calls uti::apply_surface() on all the surfaces to prepare them for blitting
    // Surfaces are created for each tile.
    // Will be called in Engine::render()
    void drawMaze(SDL_Surface *screen) const;
    std::string                         MazeName; //THE CULPRIT!
    int                                 level,
    std::vector< std::vector<Tile> >    tiles;
    SDL_Surface*                        background;
    //Used in init() to get level, rows, cols, and MazeName, 
    // as well as initialize the background image.
    void initMapInfo(std::fstream& map_in);
    //Used in init() to convert the characters in the text file
    // to tiles for the tile vector.
    Tile convert_char_to_tile(char t) const;
    //Used in print() to convert the tiles back to chars for 
    // printing.
    char convert_tile_to_char(Tile t) const;

发生运行时错误的 initMapInfo 函数:

void MazeMap::initMapInfo(std::fstream& map_in){
    char x;
    std::string holder;
        //First line: get level number
    std::getline(map_in, holder);
    level = uti::string_to_int(holder);
    //Second line: get background image file name
    std::getline(map_in, holder);
    background = uti::load_image(holder);
    //Third line: get name of the level
    std::getline(map_in, MazeName); //THIS LINE IS FAILING
    //Fourth line: get rows and cols
    std::getline(map_in, holder);
    std::stringstream s(holder);
    s >> rows >> x >> cols;


class Engine{
    void run();
    SDL_Surface   *screen;
    GameState      currentState;
    int            currLevel;   
    MazeMap        levels[NUM_LEVELS];
    Player         player;
    //Initializes the screen and sets the caption.
    void initSDL();
    /* Primary functions to be used in the main game loop */
    //First, input from the player will be taken
    void processInput();
    //Based on the user input, various game world elements will be updated.
    void update();
    //Based on what was updated, the screen will be redrawn accordingly.
    void render();

run() 函数:

void Engine::run(){
    bool play = true;
    MazeMap *curr = &levels[currLevel];

任何帮助,不胜感激。 我意识到这里有很多代码,为此我深表歉意。 我只是想彻底。 谢谢。

