
Algorithm for grouping to resolve collisions

本文关键字:冲突 算法 解决 用于      更新时间:2023-10-16




Jack Jim (cannot be in the same group)
Jim Rose (...)
Rose Jack (...)





这听起来像是一个图形着色问题。 首先宣布杰克属于"黑色"组。 这意味着吉姆必须属于"红色"组。 这意味着"玫瑰"必须属于"黑色组"。 现在我们得到了碰撞:因为玫瑰是"黑色",杰克一定是"红色",但我们已经给他分配了黑色。


enum Group {
struct Person
    string          name;
    Group           group;
    set<Person*>    exclusionList;
class Class
        void addExclusion(const string& inPersonA, const string& inPersonB)
            bool first = (mMembers.empty());
            Person* personA = findPerson(inPersonA);
            Person* personB = findPerson(inPersonB);
            if (first) {
                // special case, assign initial colors
                personA->color = BLACK;
                personB->color = RED;
            } else {
                switch (personA->color) {
                    case UNKNOWN:
                        switch(personB->color) {
                            case UNKNOWN:
                                break; // we can't do anything, nothing is known
                            case BLACK:
                                setColor(personA, RED);
                            case RED:
                                setColor(personA, BLACK);
                    case RED:
                        switch (personB->color) {
                            case UNKNOWN:
                                setColor(personB, BLACK);
                            case RED:
                                throw "EXCLUSION FAILURE";
                            case BLACK:
                    case BLACK:
                        switch (personB->color) {
                            case UNKNOWN:
                                setColor(personB, BLACK);
                            case RED:
                            case BLACK:
                                throw "EXCLUSION FAILURE";
        Person* findPerson(const string& inString)
            Person* rval = mMembers[inString];
            if (rval == null) {
                rval = new Person(inString, UNKNOWN);
                mMembers[inString] = rval;
            return rval;
        void setColor(Person* inPerson, Group inColor)
            if (inPerson->color == inColor)
               return; // no op
            if (inPerson->color != UNKNOWN && inPerson->color != inColor)
               throw "EXCLUSION FAILURE";
            // now we know inPerson was UNKNOWN
            inPerson->color = inColor;
            for (auto iter = inPerson->exclusionList.begin(); iter != inPerson->exclusionList.end(); ++iter) {
                setColor(*iter, (inColor == RED) ? BLACK : RED);
        unordered_map<string, Person*> mMembers;
#teacher wants to separate his/her problem prisoners into two groups by keeping 
#separated certain individuals. we have a list of kids and need to decide how to 
#separate them according to rules provided.  only two groups allowed apparently. if 
#more are required we are in collision situation.
reset = 'x1B[0m'
red   = 'x1B[0;31m'
green = 'x1B[0;32m'
#we list all the kids, and such that the values are arrays holding all problems associated with that
# key=kid
contras = 
  "abe": []
  "billy": []
  "bella": []
  "charles": []
  "dafner": []
  "echo": []
  "ferris": []
  "gomer": []
  "gina": []
  "heloise": []
#we have empty groups
group1 = []
group2 = []
# defining problem relationships
problems = [
  ["abe", "heloise"]
  ["bella", "dafner"]
  ["gomer", "echo"]
  #["abe", "bella"]
  ["heloise", "dafner"]
  ["echo", "ferris"]
  ["abe", "dafner"]
# with the problems array we can populate the contras object
for item in problems
  contras[item[0]].push item[1]
  contras[item[1]].push item[0]
# with the populated contras object we can determine conflicts
for key, value of contras
  for item in value
    for item2 in value
      for item3 in contras[item]
        if item2 == item3 and item3 != item
          console.log red + "There is a collision implicit in problem pair " + reset + key + red + " and " + reset + item + red + " because both " + reset + key + red + " and " + reset + item + red + " are problematic with " + reset + item3 + red + " who is also known as " + reset + item2 + red + ".n"

# if there are no unresolvable conflicts then this routine below
# will work, otherwise you'll see a bunch of
# red flags thrown by the routine above.
for item in problems
  if group1.length == 0
    group1.push item[0]
    group2.push item[1]
    duplicate = false
    for item2 in group1
      if item2 in contras[item[0]] then duplicate = true
    if duplicate == true 
      group1.push item[1] unless item[1] in group1
      group2.push item[0] unless item[0] in group2
      group1.push item[0] unless item[0] in group1
      group2.push item[1] unless item[1] in group2

###  some tests
# checking if group1 contains problems
for item in group1
  for item2 in problems
    for item3 in item2
      if item == item3
        for item4 in item2
          if item4 != item
            for item5 in group1
              if item4 == item5
                duplicate = false
                for item6 in collisions
                  if item2 == item6 then duplicate = true
                if duplicate == false
                  collisions.push item2
# checking if group2 contains problems
for item in group2
  for item2 in problems
    for item3 in item2
      if item == item3
        for item4 in item2
          if item4 != item
            for item5 in group2
              if item4 == item5
                duplicate = false
                for item6 in collisions
                  if item2 == item6 then duplicate = true
                if duplicate == false
                  collisions.push item2
console.log green + "whole kids group is " + reset + kids
console.log green + "group1 is " +reset + group1
console.log green + "group2 is " + reset + group2
# console.log red + "collisions are " + reset + collisions


1. Jack
2. Jim
3. Rose

您可以使用 Boost 图形库轻松解决此问题C++:

#include <iostream>
#include <boost/graph/adjacency_list.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/bipartite.hpp>
using namespace boost;
int main (int argc, char **argv)
    typedef adjacency_list <vecS, vecS, undirectedS> vector_graph_t;
    typedef std::pair <int, int> E;
    E edges[] = { E (1, 2), E (2, 3), E (3, 1)};
    vector_graph_t students (&edges[0],&edges[0] + sizeof(edges) / sizeof(E), 3);
    if ( is_bipartite(students) )
        std::cout << "Bipartite graph" << std::endl;
        std::cout << "Non bipartite graph" << std::endl;
    return 0;