
Extracting unsigned char from array of numpy.uint8

本文关键字:提取 无符号 字符 数组 numpy uint8      更新时间:2023-10-16



unsigned char val = boost::python::extract<unsigned char>(sequence[n]);


TypeError: No registered converter was able to produce a C++ rvalue of type 
unsigned char from this Python object of type numpy.uint8


可以使用Boost.python注册一个自定义的from python转换器,该转换器处理从NumPy数组标量(如numpy.uint8)到C++标量(如unsigned char)的转换。来自python转换器的自定义注册有三个部分:

  • 一种检查PyObject是否可转换的函数。返回NULL表示PyObject不能使用注册的转换器
  • 一个构造函数,用于从PyObject构造C++类型。只有当converter(PyObject)没有返回NULL时,才会调用此函数
  • 将要构造的C++类型

从NumPy数组标量中提取值需要几个NumPy C API调用:

  • 必须在将使用NumPy C API的扩展模块的初始化过程中调用import_array()。根据扩展使用NumPy C API的方式,可能需要执行其他导入要求
  • CCD_ 11检查CCD_ 12是否是NumPy数组标量
  • PyArray_DescrFromScalar()获取数组标量的数据类型描述符对象。数据类型描述符对象包含有关如何解释底层字节的信息。例如,其type_num数据成员包含一个对应于C类型的枚举值
  • CCD_ 15可以用于从NumPy数组标量中提取C型值


#include <boost/cstdint.hpp>
#include <boost/python.hpp>
#include <numpy/arrayobject.h>
// Mockup functions.
/// @brief Mockup function that will explicitly extract a uint8_t
///        from the Boost.Python object.
boost::uint8_t test_generic_uint8(boost::python::object object)
  return boost::python::extract<boost::uint8_t>(object)();
/// @brief Mockup function that uses automatic conversions for uint8_t.
boost::uint8_t test_specific_uint8(boost::uint8_t value) { return value; }
/// @brief Mokcup function that uses automatic conversions for int32_t.
boost::int32_t test_specific_int32(boost::int32_t value) { return value; }

/// @brief Converter type that enables automatic conversions between NumPy
///        scalars and C++ types.
template <typename T, NPY_TYPES NumPyScalarType>
struct enable_numpy_scalar_converter
    // Required NumPy call in order to use the NumPy C API within another
    // extension module.
  static void* convertible(PyObject* object)
    // The object is convertible if all of the following are true:
    // - is a valid object.
    // - is a numpy array scalar.
    // - its descriptor type matches the type for this converter.
    return (
      object &&                                                    // Valid
      PyArray_CheckScalar(object) &&                               // Scalar
      PyArray_DescrFromScalar(object)->type_num == NumPyScalarType // Match
      ? object // The Python object can be converted.
      : NULL;
  static void construct(
    PyObject* object,
    boost::python::converter::rvalue_from_python_stage1_data* data)
    // Obtain a handle to the memory block that the converter has allocated
    // for the C++ type.
    namespace python = boost::python;
    typedef python::converter::rvalue_from_python_storage<T> storage_type;
    void* storage = reinterpret_cast<storage_type*>(data)->storage.bytes;
    // Extract the array scalar type directly into the storage.
    PyArray_ScalarAsCtype(object, storage);
    // Set convertible to indicate success. 
    data->convertible = storage;
  namespace python = boost::python;
  // Enable numpy scalar conversions.
  enable_numpy_scalar_converter<boost::uint8_t, NPY_UBYTE>();
  enable_numpy_scalar_converter<boost::int32_t, NPY_INT>();
  // Expose test functions.
  python::def("test_generic_uint8",  &test_generic_uint8);
  python::def("test_specific_uint8", &test_specific_uint8);
  python::def("test_specific_int32", &test_specific_int32);


>>> import numpy
>>> import example
>>> assert(42 == example.test_generic_uint8(42))
>>> assert(42 == example.test_generic_uint8(numpy.uint8(42)))
>>> assert(42 == example.test_specific_uint8(42))
>>> assert(42 == example.test_specific_uint8(numpy.uint8(42)))
>>> assert(42 == example.test_specific_int32(numpy.int32(42)))
>>> example.test_specific_int32(numpy.int8(42))
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
Boost.Python.ArgumentError: Python argument types in
did not match C++ signature:
>>> example.test_generic_uint8(numpy.int8(42))
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: No registered converter was able to produce a C++ rvalue of type
  unsigned char from this Python object of type numpy.int8


  • Python能够从numpy.uint8intPython对象中提取boost::uint8_t
  • enable_numpy_scalar_converter不支持促销。例如,test_specific_int32()接受被提升为较大标量类型(如int)的numpy.int8对象应该是安全的。如果希望进行促销:
    • convertible()需要检查兼容的NPY_TYPES
    • CCD_ 26应使用CCD_ 27将提取的数组标量值强制转换为所需的C++类型


(转换器是从VIGRA C++/Python绑定复制的。)


#include <iostream>
#include <boost/python.hpp>
// http://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/c-api.array.html#importing-the-api
#define PY_ARRAY_UNIQUE_SYMBOL printnum_cpp_module_PyArray_API
#include <numpy/arrayobject.h>
#include <numpy/arrayscalars.h>

 * Boost python converter for numpy scalars, e.g. numpy.uint32(123).
 * Enables automatic conversion from numpy.intXX, floatXX
 * in python to C++ char, short, int, float, etc.
 * When casting from float to int (or wide int to narrow int),
 * normal C++ casting rules apply.
 * Like all boost::python converters, this enables automatic conversion for function args
 * exposed via boost::python::def(), as well as values converted via boost::python::extract<>().
 * Copied from the VIGRA C++ library source code (MIT license).
 * http://ukoethe.github.io/vigra
 * https://github.com/ukoethe/vigra
template <typename ScalarType>
struct NumpyScalarConverter
        using namespace boost::python;
        converter::registry::push_back( &convertible, &construct, type_id<ScalarType>());
    // Determine if obj_ptr is a supported numpy.number
    static void* convertible(PyObject* obj_ptr)
        if (PyArray_IsScalar(obj_ptr, Float32) ||
            PyArray_IsScalar(obj_ptr, Float64) ||
            PyArray_IsScalar(obj_ptr, Int8)    ||
            PyArray_IsScalar(obj_ptr, Int16)   ||
            PyArray_IsScalar(obj_ptr, Int32)   ||
            PyArray_IsScalar(obj_ptr, Int64)   ||
            PyArray_IsScalar(obj_ptr, UInt8)   ||
            PyArray_IsScalar(obj_ptr, UInt16)  ||
            PyArray_IsScalar(obj_ptr, UInt32)  ||
            PyArray_IsScalar(obj_ptr, UInt64))
            return obj_ptr;
        return 0;
    static void construct( PyObject* obj_ptr, boost::python::converter::rvalue_from_python_stage1_data* data)
        using namespace boost::python;
        // Grab pointer to memory into which to construct the C++ scalar
        void* storage = ((converter::rvalue_from_python_storage<ScalarType>*) data)->storage.bytes;
        // in-place construct the new scalar value
        ScalarType * scalar = new (storage) ScalarType;
        if (PyArray_IsScalar(obj_ptr, Float32))
            (*scalar) = PyArrayScalar_VAL(obj_ptr, Float32);
        else if (PyArray_IsScalar(obj_ptr, Float64))
            (*scalar) = PyArrayScalar_VAL(obj_ptr, Float64);
        else if (PyArray_IsScalar(obj_ptr, Int8))
            (*scalar) = PyArrayScalar_VAL(obj_ptr, Int8);
        else if (PyArray_IsScalar(obj_ptr, Int16))
            (*scalar) = PyArrayScalar_VAL(obj_ptr, Int16);
        else if (PyArray_IsScalar(obj_ptr, Int32))
            (*scalar) = PyArrayScalar_VAL(obj_ptr, Int32);
        else if (PyArray_IsScalar(obj_ptr, Int64))
            (*scalar) = PyArrayScalar_VAL(obj_ptr, Int64);
        else if (PyArray_IsScalar(obj_ptr, UInt8))
            (*scalar) = PyArrayScalar_VAL(obj_ptr, UInt8);
        else if (PyArray_IsScalar(obj_ptr, UInt16))
            (*scalar) = PyArrayScalar_VAL(obj_ptr, UInt16);
        else if (PyArray_IsScalar(obj_ptr, UInt32))
            (*scalar) = PyArrayScalar_VAL(obj_ptr, UInt32);
        else if (PyArray_IsScalar(obj_ptr, UInt64))
            (*scalar) = PyArrayScalar_VAL(obj_ptr, UInt64);
        // Stash the memory chunk pointer for later use by boost.python
        data->convertible = storage;
 * A silly function to test scalar conversion.
 * The first arg tests automatic function argument conversion.
 * The second arg is used to demonstrate explicit conversion via boost::python::extract<>()
void print_number( uint32_t number, boost::python::object other_number )
    using namespace boost::python;
    std::cout << "The number is: " << number << std::endl;
    std::cout << "The other number is: " << extract<int16_t>(other_number) << std::endl;
 * Instantiate the python extension module 'printnum'.
 * Example Python usage:
 *     import numpy as np
 *     from printnum import print_number
 *     print_number( np.uint8(123), np.int64(-456) )
 *     ## That prints the following:
 *     # The number is: 123
 *     # The other number is: -456
    using namespace boost::python;
    // http://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/c-api.array.html#importing-the-api
    // Register conversion for all scalar types.
    NumpyScalarConverter<signed char>();
    NumpyScalarConverter<long long>();
    NumpyScalarConverter<unsigned char>();
    NumpyScalarConverter<unsigned short>();
    NumpyScalarConverter<unsigned int>();
    NumpyScalarConverter<unsigned long>();
    NumpyScalarConverter<unsigned long long>();
    // Expose our C++ function as a python function.
    def("print_number", &print_number, (arg("number"), arg("other_number")));