
Giving the user the option to loop a for loop

本文关键字:循环 for 选项 用户      更新时间:2023-10-16


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
    // goal is to calculate the sum of the first 10 terms of Leibniz's Series....
    // calculated by 1 - 1/3 + 1/5 - 1/7 + 1/9 ..... - 1/19
    int termNumber;  // keeps track of term numbers
    int numberOfTerms = 0;
    cout << "Enter number of Terms";
    cin >> numberOfTerms;

    double sum = 0.0;
    int sign = +1;
    for (termNumber = 1; termNumber <= numberOfTerms; termNumber++)
        sum += ( sign / (2.0 * termNumber - 1));
        sign *= -1;
    cout << "nn The sum is " << ( 4 * sum) << "nn";

    } // end body of loop

如果用户愿意的话,我需要给他一个重复程序的选项,所以我想我可以把它放在一个do while循环中,但当我这样做时,它只循环"输入术语数",无论我试图格式化它。这是我目前最好的。

  #include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
// goal is to calculate the sum of the first 10 terms of Leibniz's Series....
// calculated by 1 - 1/3 + 1/5 - 1/7 + 1/9 ..... - 1/19
cout << "nGiven a positive integer specifying some number of terms, this programn approximates "
    "pi using Leibniz' Formula and the given number of terms.nn" ;
cout << "Leibniz' formula is 1 - 1/3 + 1/5 - 1/7 + 1/9 - 1/11 + ... = Pi / 4.nn";
char yes = 0;
double sum = 0.0;
do {
    int termNumber;  // keeps track of term numbers
    int numberOfTerms = 0;

    int sign = +1;
    cout << "enter number of terms.n";
    cin >> numberOfTerms;
    for (termNumber = 1; termNumber <= numberOfTerms; termNumber++)
        sum += (sign / (2.0 * termNumber - 1));
        sign *= -1;
    while (yes = 1);
cout << "nn The sum is " << (4 * sum) << "nn";
cout << "would you like to go again? " << yes;
} // end body of loop




do {
int termNumber;  // keeps track of term numbers
int numberOfTerms = 0;

int sign = +1;
cout << "enter number of terms.n";
cin >> numberOfTerms;
for (termNumber = 1; termNumber <= numberOfTerms; termNumber++)
    sum += (sign / (2.0 * termNumber - 1));
    sign *= -1;
cout << "nn The sum is " << (4 * sum) << "nn";
cout << "would you like to go again? " << yes;
cin >> yes
while (yes == 1);








do while循环的问题在于,while()语句中使用的变量必须在循环体之外定义,即使在语法上属于循环。当使用for循环时可以避免这种情况,因为它允许在for语句中定义此类变量。下面是一个例子。

inline double leibniz (int n) noexcept   // function for Leibniz sum
  double result=0;
  for(int k=1,sign=1; n; --n,++++k,sign=-sign)
    result += double(sign)/double(k);
  return result;
int main()
                                      // no loose variables defined outside loop
  for(bool again=true; again; ) {     // control variable only lives withing loop body
    int n;                            // number of terms, only needed within loop body
    std::cout<<"number of terms = ";
    std::cin >> n;
    std::cout<<"result = "<<leibniz(n)<<'n'
             <<"try again? (1/0)";
    std::cin >>again;



主要问题是我的cincout没有像之前所说的那样处于正确的位置。将最后一行修改为while (yes == 'Y' || yes == 'y');,现在一切都很完美。
