
malloc_trim(0) Releases Fastbins of Thread Arenas?

本文关键字:线程 竞技场 fastbin 释放 trim malloc      更新时间:2023-10-16



std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< std::map< uint, map< uint, std::bitset< N> > > > > >






// includes
#include <stdio.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>
#include <mcheck.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <map>
#include <bitset>
#include <boost/thread.hpp>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
// Number of bits per bitset.
const int sizeOfBitsets = 40;
// Executes a system command. Used to get output of "free -m".
std::string ExecuteSystemCommand(const char* cmd) {
    char buffer[128];
    std::string result = "";
    FILE* pipe = popen(cmd, "r");
    if (!pipe) throw std::runtime_error("popen() failed!");
    try {
        while (!feof(pipe)) {
            if (fgets(buffer, 128, pipe) != NULL)
                result += buffer;
    } catch (...) {
    return result;
// Prints output of "free -m" and output of malloc_stat().
void PrintMemoryStats()
        char *buf;
        size_t size;
        FILE *fp;
        std::string myCommand("free -m");
        std::string result = ExecuteSystemCommand(myCommand.c_str());
        printf("Free memory is n%sn", result.c_str());
        fp = open_memstream(&buf, &size);
        malloc_info(0, fp);
        printf("# Memory Allocation Statsn%sn#> ", buf);
        printf("Unable to print memory stats.n");
void MakeCopies(std::vector<std::vector<std::map<uint, std::map<uint, std::bitset<sizeOfBitsets> > > > >& data)
        // Create copies.
        std::vector<std::vector<std::map<uint, std::map<uint, std::bitset<sizeOfBitsets> > > > > dataCopyA(data);
        std::vector<std::vector<std::map<uint, std::map<uint, std::bitset<sizeOfBitsets> > > > > dataCopyB(data);
        std::vector<std::vector<std::map<uint, std::map<uint, std::bitset<sizeOfBitsets> > > > > dataCopyC(data);
        // Print memory info.
        printf("Memory after creating data copies:n");
        printf("Unable to make copies.");
int main(int argc, char** argv)
          // When uncommented, disables the use of fastbins.
//        mallopt(M_MXFAST, 0);
        // Print memory info.
        printf("Memory to start is:n");
        // Sizes of original data.
        int sizeOfDataA = 2048;
        int sizeOfDataB = 4;
        int sizeOfDataC = 128;
        int sizeOfDataD = 20;
        std::vector<std::vector<std::map<uint, std::map<uint, std::bitset<sizeOfBitsets> > > > > testData;
        // Populate data.
        for(int a = 0; a < sizeOfDataA; ++a)
            for(int b = 0; b < sizeOfDataB; ++b)
                for(int c = 0; c < sizeOfDataC; ++c)
                    std::map<uint, std::bitset<sizeOfBitsets> > dataMap;
          <uint, std::map<uint, std::bitset<sizeOfBitsets> > >(c, dataMap));
                    for(int d = 0; d < sizeOfDataD; ++d)
                        std::bitset<sizeOfBitsets> testBitset;
              <uint, std::bitset<sizeOfBitsets> >(d, testBitset));
        // Print memory info.
        printf("Memory to after creating original data is:n");
        // Start thread to make copies and wait to join.
            boost::shared_ptr<boost::thread> makeCopiesThread = boost::shared_ptr<boost::thread>(new boost::thread(&MakeCopies, boost::ref(testData)));
        // Print memory info.
        printf("Memory to after joining thread is:n");
        // Print memory info.
        printf("Memory to after malloc_trim(0) is:n");
        return 0;
        // Log warning.
        printf("Unable to run application.");
        // Return failure.
        return 1;
    // Return success.
    return 0;

malloc trim调用前后的有趣输出是(查找"look HERE!"):

#> Memory to after joining thread is:
Free memory is
              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:         257676        7361      246396          25        3918      249757
Swap:          1023           0        1023
Arena 0:
system bytes     = 1443450880
in use bytes     = 1443316976
Arena 1:
system bytes     =   35000320
in use bytes     =       6608
Total (incl. mmap):
system bytes     = 1478451200
in use bytes     = 1443323584
max mmap regions =          0
max mmap bytes   =          0
# Memory Allocation Stats
<malloc version="1">
<heap nr="0">
<size from="241" to="241" total="241" count="1"/>
<size from="529" to="529" total="529" count="1"/>
<total type="fast" count="0" size="0"/>
<total type="rest" count="2" size="770"/>
<system type="current" size="1443450880"/>
<system type="max" size="1443459072"/>
<aspace type="total" size="1443450880"/>
<aspace type="mprotect" size="1443450880"/>
<heap nr="1">
<size from="33" to="48" total="48" count="1"/>
<size from="49" to="64" total="4026531712" count="62914558"/> <-- LOOK HERE!
<size from="65" to="80" total="160" count="2"/>
<size from="81" to="96" total="301989888" count="3145728"/> <-- LOOK HERE!
<size from="33" to="33" total="231" count="7"/>
<size from="49" to="49" total="1274" count="26"/>
<unsorted from="0" to="49377" total="1431600" count="6144"/>
<total type="fast" count="66060289" size="4328521808"/>
<total type="rest" count="6177" size="1433105"/>
<system type="current" size="4329967616"/>
<system type="max" size="4329967616"/>
<aspace type="total" size="35000320"/>
<aspace type="mprotect" size="35000320"/>
<total type="fast" count="66060289" size="4328521808"/>
<total type="rest" count="6179" size="1433875"/>
<total type="mmap" count="0" size="0"/>
<system type="current" size="5773418496"/>
<system type="max" size="5773426688"/>
<aspace type="total" size="1478451200"/>
<aspace type="mprotect" size="1478451200"/>
#> Memory to after malloc_trim(0) is:
Free memory is
              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:         257676        3269      250488          25        3918      253850
Swap:          1023           0        1023
Arena 0:
system bytes     = 1443319808
in use bytes     = 1443316976
Arena 1:
system bytes     =   35000320
in use bytes     =       6608
Total (incl. mmap):
system bytes     = 1478320128
in use bytes     = 1443323584
max mmap regions =          0
max mmap bytes   =          0
# Memory Allocation Stats
<malloc version="1">
<heap nr="0">
<size from="209" to="209" total="209" count="1"/>
<size from="529" to="529" total="529" count="1"/>
<unsorted from="0" to="49377" total="1431600" count="6144"/>
<total type="fast" count="0" size="0"/>
<total type="rest" count="6146" size="1432338"/>
<system type="current" size="1443459072"/>
<system type="max" size="1443459072"/>
<aspace type="total" size="1443459072"/>
<aspace type="mprotect" size="1443459072"/>
<heap nr="1"> <---------------------------------------- LOOK HERE!
<sizes> <-- HERE!
<unsorted from="0" to="67108801" total="4296392384" count="6208"/>
<total type="fast" count="0" size="0"/>
<total type="rest" count="6208" size="4296392384"/>
<system type="current" size="4329967616"/>
<system type="max" size="4329967616"/>
<aspace type="total" size="35000320"/>
<aspace type="mprotect" size="35000320"/>
<total type="fast" count="0" size="0"/>
<total type="rest" count="12354" size="4297824722"/>
<total type="mmap" count="0" size="0"/>
<system type="current" size="5773426688"/>
<system type="max" size="5773426688"/>
<aspace type="total" size="1478459392"/>
<aspace type="mprotect" size="1478459392"/>


mallopt(M_MXFAST, 0);


malloc_trim(0)的文档声明它只能从主竞技场堆的顶部释放内存,那么这里发生了什么?我在CentOS 7上运行glibc版本2.17


它可以被称为"过时"或"不正确"的文档。Glibc没有malloc_trim函数的文档;Linux使用man-pages项目中的man-pages。malloc_trim的手册页是在2012年由新手册页的维护者编写的。可能他使用了一些注释从glibc malloc/malloc.c源代码

676  malloc_trim(size_t pad);
678  If possible, gives memory back to the system (via negative
679  arguments to sbrk) if there is unused memory at the `high' end of
680  the malloc pool. You can call this after freeing large blocks of
681  memory to potentially reduce the system-level memory requirements
682  of a program. However, it cannot guarantee to reduce memory. Under
683  some allocation patterns, some large free blocks of memory will be
684  locked between two used chunks, so they cannot be given back to
685  the system.
687  The `pad' argument to malloc_trim represents the amount of free
688  trailing space to leave untrimmed. If this argument is zero,
689  only the minimum amount of memory to maintain internal data
690  structures will be left (one page or less). Non-zero arguments
691  can be supplied to maintain enough trailing space to service
692  future expected allocations without having to re-obtain memory
693  from the system.
695  Malloc_trim returns 1 if it actually released any memory, else 0.
696  On systems that do not support "negative sbrks", it will always
697  return 0.

在glibc中的实际实现是__malloc_trim,它有用于在竞技场上迭代的代码: # 4552

4552 int
4553 __malloc_trim (size_t s)
4560  mstate ar_ptr = &main_arena;
4561  do
4562    {
4563      (void) mutex_lock (&ar_ptr->mutex);
4564      result |= mtrim (ar_ptr, s);
4565      (void) mutex_unlock (&ar_ptr->mutex);
4567      ar_ptr = ar_ptr->next;
4568    }
4569  while (ar_ptr != &main_arena);

每个竞技场都使用mtrim() (mTRIm())函数进行裁剪,该函数调用malloc_consolidate()将所有空闲段从fastbin(它们在自由时不会合并,因为它们是快速的)转换为正常的空闲块(与相邻块合并)

4498  /* Ensure initialization/consolidation */
4499  malloc_consolidate (av);
4111  malloc_consolidate is a specialized version of free() that tears
4112  down chunks held in fastbins. 
1581   Fastbins
1591    Chunks in fastbins keep their inuse bit set, so they cannot
1592    be consolidated with other free chunks. malloc_consolidate
1593    releases all chunks in fastbins and consolidates them with
1594    other free chunks.


这很奇怪。根据设计,在glibc malloc中,竞技场的最大数量由cpu_core_count * 8限制(适用于64位平台);cpu_core_count * 2(适用于32位平台)或通过环境变量MALLOC_ARENA_MAX/mallopt参数M_ARENA_MAX .


3319 _int_malloc (mstate av, size_t bytes)
3368  if ((unsigned long) (nb) <= (unsigned long) (get_max_fast ()))
 // fastbin allocation path
3405  if (in_smallbin_range (nb))
 // smallbin path; malloc_consolidate may be called
3437     If this is a large request, consolidate fastbins before continuing.
3438     While it might look excessive to kill all fastbins before
3439     even seeing if there is space available, this avoids
3440     fragmentation problems normally associated with fastbins.
3441     Also, in practice, programs tend to have runs of either small or
3442     large requests, but less often mixtures, so consolidation is not
3443     invoked all that often in most programs. And the programs that
3444     it is called frequently in otherwise tend to fragment.
3445   */
3447  else
3448    {
3449      idx = largebin_index (nb);
3450      if (have_fastchunks (av))
3451        malloc_consolidate (av);
3452    }

PS: malloc_trim手册页有注释

+This function only releases memory in the main arena.
+." malloc/malloc.c::mTRIm():
+." return result | (av == &main_arena ? sYSTRIm (pad, av) : 0);

是的,有main_arena的检查,但它是在malloc_trim实现mTRIm()的最后,它只是为了调用sbrk()负偏移量。自2007年(glibc 2.9及更新版本)以来,有另一种将内存返回给操作系统的方法:madvise(MADV_DONTNEED),它在所有领域都使用(并且没有由glibc补丁或手册页的作者记录)。每个竞技场都需要团结。还有一些代码用于修剪(munmapping) mmap-ed堆的顶部块(heap_trim/shrink_heap从slow path free()调用),但它不会从malloc_trim调用。