
Confused How to Make Sure Data is "Good" in IOStream

本文关键字:数据 IOStream Good 确保 何确保      更新时间:2023-10-16


 * Requires: ins is in good state.
 * Modifies: ins, x, y.
 * Effects:  Reads point in form (x,y).
void read(istream& ins);
 * Requires: outs is in good state.
 * Modifies: outs.
 * Effects:  Writes point in form (x,y).
void write(ostream& outs);

void Point::read(istream& ins) {
char junk;
char junk2;
char junk3;
while (cin.good()) {
    cin >> junk >> x >> junk2 >> y >> junk3;
void Point::write(ostream& outs) {
while (cout.good()) {
    cout << "(" << x << "," << y << ")";

您可以在读取后使用istream的.bad()函数来确定是否存在问题。"问题可能是i/o操作上的逻辑错误" (failbit)或" i/o操作上的读写错误" (badbit)。



void Point::read(istream& ins) {
  char _junk;
  int _x, _y;
  ins >> _junk >> _x >> _junk >> _y >> _junk;
  if (ins.bad()) 
    throw "Error";
  x = _x;  // Assuming x and y are members of class Point
  y = _y;

对于Point::write函数,不要使用while循环。通常我不检查ostream对象,但是如果你真的想检查,那么在你写之前和之后检查.good()是否为真。如果你检测到一个问题,你可以随心所欲地处理这个错误;return, throw异常,并/或记录错误