
member function pointer with variadic templates

本文关键字:成员 函数 指针      更新时间:2023-10-16


  • 一个指针指向具有给定输入参数/返回类型的特定类型的委托实例,并缓存它

  • 另一个函数将采用正确类型的成员函数,以便将缓存的委托实例绑定到它。


template<typename... Args>
struct FunctionParamsPack { };

这是该函数接受的形参类型的容器。对于foo(int i, double d),即intdouble。我是按照这里的建议来的。


template<typename FuncRetType,typename... FuncParams>
struct DelegateInfoPack{
    //for look-up by components in the program
    typedef typename DelegateClass<FuncRetType, FuncParams...>          _Delegate;
    //for the delegate manager
    typedef typename FuncRetType                                        _FuncRetType;
    typedef typename FunctionParamsPack<FuncParams...>                  _FuncParams;


template<typename DelegateInfoPack>
class DelegateManager
typedef typename    DelegateInfoPack::_Delegate         _Delegate;  
typedef typename    DelegateInfoPack::_FuncRetType      _FuncRetType;
typedef typename    DelegateInfoPack::_FuncParams       _FuncParams;

void CacheDelegate(_Delegate* del,...) {}
template<typename UserClass>
void BindDelegate(..., _FuncRetType(UserClass::*fp)( _FuncParams())) {} //Doesn't work!




template<typename> class DelegateManager;
template<typename FuncRetType,typename... FuncParams>
class DelegateManager<DelegateInfoPack<FuncRetType,FuncParams...>>
    template<typename UserClass>
    void BindDelegate(_FuncRetType(UserClass::*fp)(FuncParams...))


template <typename FuncRetType,typename FuncParams>
struct FunctionPointer;
template <typename FuncRetType,typename...ARGS>
struct FunctionPointer<FuncRetType,FunctionParamsPack<ARGS...>> {
    typedef FuncRetType (Type)(ARGS...);


template<typename UserClass>
    typename FunctionPointer<_FuncRetType,_FuncParams>::Type UserClass::*fp
{ ... }


template<typename FuncRetType,typename... FuncParams>
struct DelegateInfoPack {
    typedef FuncRetType (_FuncType)(FuncParams...);


template<typename DelegateInfoPack>
struct DelegateManager
    typedef typename DelegateInfoPack::_FuncType _FuncType;
    template<typename UserClass>
    void BindDelegate(_FuncType UserClass::*fp)

作为解决任务的另一种方法- c++ 11引入了新的语言特性,可以通过使用标准元素使您的代码更加灵活

#include <iostream>
#include <functional>
#include <tuple>
#include <iostream>
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using namespace std::placeholders;
// helpers for tuple unrolling
template<int ...> struct seq {};
template<int N, int ...S> struct gens : gens<N-1, N-1, S...> {};
template<int ...S> struct gens<0, S...>{ typedef seq<S...> type; };
// simple function
double foo_fn(int x, float y, double z)
  return x + y + z;
// structure with memner function to call
struct foo_struct
    // member function to be used as a delegate
    double foo_fn(int x, float y, double z)
        return x + y + z;
    // this member function has different signature - but it can be used too
    // please note that argument order is changed too
    double foo_fn_4(int x, double z, float y, long xx)
        return x + y + z + xx;
// delegate class that holds as delegate as its params for future call
template <typename Ret, typename ...Args>
struct delayed_call
  // tuple can be used as FunctionParamsPack type
  typedef std::tuple<Args...> params_type;
  // std::function as delegate type
  typedef std::function<Ret(Args...)> function_type;
  // stored parameters
  params_type params;
  // stored delegate
  function_type func;
  // invocation
  Ret operator()()
    return callFunc(typename gens<sizeof...(Args)>::type());
  // direct invocation
  Ret operator()(Args... args)
    return func(args...);
  // internal invocation with tuple unrolling
  template<int ...S>
  double callFunc(seq<S...>)
    return func(std::get<S>(params) ...);
int main(void)
  // arguments
  std::tuple<int, float, double> t = std::make_tuple(1, 5, 10);
  // var #1 - you can use simple function as delegate
  delayed_call<double, int,float, double> saved_foo_fn{t, foo_fn};
  foo_struct fs;
  // var #2 - you can use member function as delegate
  delayed_call<double, int,float, double> saved_foo_fn_struct{t, std::bind(&foo_struct::foo_fn, fs, _1, _2, _3)};
  // var #3 - you can use member function with different signature as delegate. 
  // bind 0 to xx and change argument order
  delayed_call<double, int,float, double> saved_foo_fn_struct_4{t, std::bind(&foo_struct::foo_fn_4, fs, _1, _3, _2, 0l)};
  // var #4 - you can use lambda function as delegate
  delayed_call<double, int,float, double> saved_lambda{t, [](int x, float y, double z)
        return x + y + z;
  cout << "saved_foo_fn: " << saved_foo_fn() << endl;
  cout << "saved_foo_fn_struct: " << saved_foo_fn_struct() << endl;
  cout << "saved_foo_fn_struct_4: " << saved_foo_fn_struct_4() << endl;
  cout << "saved_lambda: " << saved_lambda() << endl;
  cout << "direct call with (1,2,3) to a member: " << saved_foo_fn_struct(1, 2, 3) << endl;

saved_foo_fn: 16
saved_foo_fn_struct: 16
saved_foo_fn_struct_4: 16
saved_lambda: 16
direct call with (1,2,3) to a member: 6


